Contacts at Shampoodles @-@


Senior Member
Jul 2, 2013
I noticed that my shampoodles got in the new machine for the contacts and stuff so I went to go change my eye colour...but I still only have the make up and hair cut option >: so I tried getting another hair cut, but she didn't even mention the contacts after that. Am I suppose to be waiting longer o_o?
Make sure your gate is closed. For some reason, Harriet won't let you change your eye color if the gate is open.
I noticed that my shampoodles got in the new machine for the contacts and stuff so I went to go change my eye colour...but I still only have the make up and hair cut option >: so I tried getting another hair cut, but she didn't even mention the contacts after that. Am I suppose to be waiting longer o_o?

If you got a hair cut today, you will have to wait until tomorrow to get the contacts.
2 weeks! It was only yesterday that I got the ability to have contacts. I got the blue ones.
I already got lots of hair cuts there. I'm not sure if it's been two weeks since I was tt-ing a little bit in between....but doesn't an upgraded machine = i can get contacts now?

- - - Post Merge - - -

like..there's even the contacts cart in her shop...
I literally just got mine now.
I went in the store and she said something like "oh did you notice the new machine blahblah" and there was the option for contacts.
Make sure your gate is closed. For some reason, Harriet won't let you change your eye color if the gate is open.

This is the most likely reason for your problem OP. No idea why they did this (just as I have no idea why Cyrus can't be used with gates open) but that's just the way it is...