Buying Clothing to Catalog (Just 14 items left: New Year's Hats and New Year's Silk Hats!)

  1. Bells
  2. NMT
  3. TBT Bells


~*Seashore Princess*~
Retired Staff
Oct 10, 2012
Pink Sea
July Birthstone (Ruby)
Golden Easter Egg
Togepi Easter Egg
Cherry (Fruit)
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
Red Candy
Weird Doll
100% (74) +
So, I'm really close to finishing up my catalog entirely (barring any new content from the update). I am down to 17 Clothing items and would love to try and get as close to being done as possible.

I am only interested in cataloging! I do not want to keep anything. Regardless, I am willing to offer Bells, NMT, or even TBT as a thank you for your time. I also have every current recipe prior to the upcoming update and am happy to craft anything for you for just the materials or I can even see if I have the materials onhand. I can also offer any orderable item in the catalog NOT on my list (All furniture I have-- obviously I'm still missing clothing), but as I do not time travel, you would have to wait to get it.

I linked the list above, but just incase the link has any issues, here is the full URL to see the list of items I still need to catalog:

You can either lay out clothing for me to catalog OR if any of the items I need are currently in your Able Sisters, let me visit and shop!

Generally, the way I catalog clothing is as follows, if I'm cataloging from already bought items:
-I pick up one or more items.
-I try the item on. (Makes it easier and quicker to see the color versus me checking my catalog inbetween)
-I remove the item and then drop it, either where I picked it up or slightly near the area (possibly higher or lower depending) to help keep track of what I still need to catalog.

While I try to go as fast as possible, checking everything off does take a bit so I do ask for your patience. Thanks in advance to anyone who considers <3
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Hi, my Ables is selling the navy blue trench coat today if you still need it. I’ll go ahead and buy it and drop it near the airport for you to pick up. If you don’t need it, no problem as I dont have it yet so will just Hold on to it.

I am not looking for anything in return.
Hi, my Ables is selling the navy blue trench coat today if you still need it. I’ll go ahead and buy it and drop it near the airport for you to pick up. If you don’t need it, no problem as I dont have it yet so will just Hold on to it.

I am not looking for anything in return.

I still need it!! That would be absolutely awesome T~T Thank you so much!! Feel free to send me a Dodo code. I just need to boot up my Switch ♡
Hi! I can get you the sports tank to catalog, and I also have the yellow and green New Year's hats you can catalog too all for 2 tbt each.
Just the New Year's hats (both Silk and Regular) left! Thank you so much to everyone who's helped T~T <3