Can villagers have more than one bug displayed in their homes at a time?


stump maker
May 4, 2019
Pumpkin Cupcake
I?m fairly certain that the answer to this question is yes, since bob had two fish displayed in his home at one point, but they were of varying dimension, so that may be why. One was treated as floor furniture while the other was treated as tabletop furniture. Either way, I?m askinging because I?d like to replace certain bugs in my villagers? homes with others, and I was wondering if walking around with one in my pocket would be an effective way to get them to ping me for it and replace what they have. Would this also work for fish of the same dimensions as ones they have in their home? Is it possible that they will just replace another item and have two bugs or fish displayed?
Currently in one of my villager’s houses, she has a fish and a bug on display. Don’t know if that answers your question, that’s what I’ve deen.
I think kabuki had a loach and some other fish at the same time once, so maybe?
i sell/give a lot of my bugs and fish to the villagers, so i'm pretty certain i've seen rowan with a shark and a dace in his house (both on the ground) and lucy with two bugs on her table.
hope this helps!
i sell/give a lot of my bugs and fish to the villagers, so i'm pretty certain i've seen rowan with a shark and a dace in his house (both on the ground) and lucy with two bugs on her table.
hope this helps!

Ugh thank you for letting me know. Dang, i was hoping that wasn’t the case waah
I?ve seen that they can have up to two different animals in their house (bugs or fish or one of each). l could be wrong but after two are in their house, my villager usually asks me to bring something else to replace them.
Yeah I have bluebear and she has two different fish sitting on the same dresser right next to each other. So they can def have 2 bugs/fish at a time and the don’t have to be different furniture types, since hers are both table top items
Ugh, well, i’m going to try it anyway, i guess there’s a *chance* they will replace their current fish/bug wah
W. Link is currently displaying two butterflies in his house on top of the same table, so there's that.
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Igh. I just gave biskit a seahorse so lets see if he just puts it next to his zebra turkey fish or whatever. Im having really bad luck with villagers putting furniture in absolutely ridiculous places, except ruby, so I just stopped trying in case i push my luck lol
I'm almost certain I've seen two of the same size bugs in one of my villager's house. Not 100% sure but pretty sure lol
I'm almost certain I've seen two of the same size bugs in one of my villager's house. Not 100% sure but pretty sure lol

Probably. My experiment failed and biskit now has two fish next to each other on his table lol.