Trading 🌸 Buying, Selling, Trading & Cataloging 🌸

Would you be willing to trade your forest floor (just to catalog) and Wii U for the busted umbrella, captains hat, elegant umbrella, forest umbrella, Gracie umbrella, leaf umbrella, matadors hat, modern umbrella, retro helmet and Viking helmet? Thanks!
Yes I'd be willing to do that! Let me gather items up and add you. Preference on which town?
I'm not sure if I will be available in 2.5 hours. Get in touch with me then and if I still have the items I'll be happy to trade then if I'm still online.
Still online trading, if anyone needs anything i have. Items get added fairly regularly as I clean out my storage.
hi could I get your backgammon wall for one famous mushroom?
Yes please DM me if you're around today, giddy, I would love to trade with you (if you haven't already gotten the item!).
Yes please DM me if you're around today, giddy, I would love to trade with you (if you haven't already gotten the item!).

Sure I'm ready whenever you are XD

I have more than one mushroom if you need more than one~
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I'm back if you're still available for trade. I'll collect your item and open my town in just a few minutes.

Oh and I only need one. TY :]
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Hi, I have a red aloha tee from your wishlist. Could I trade it for your Wii Balance Board? :)
Absolutely. Give me a few minutes to get everything taken care of you (adding you and finding the item) and when I'm ready to open I will leave you a message on your profile.

Items for sale:

Items for sale not listed on MoriDB:
archelon model
apato model
mammoth model
T. rex model
Tiffany's pic
Klaus's pic

Gardening supplies on hand:
cedar saplings (x2)

*if you're looking for a certain kind of bush start, ask me

My wishlist:

Also trading for: four-leaf covers (x1) and famous mushroom (x1)

Also I will trade for the opportunty to catalog any of these items:

I will not accept TBT for a trade.

Hello can i buy your hello kitty hat?
You can pick the price :3
Uhhh how about three bags of 99k bells? If that's too much just let me know? IDK values. Adding you and opening. Please feel free to come on over and help yourself to the trade if I'm afk.
Uhhh how about three bags of 99k bells? If that's too much just let me know? IDK values. Adding you and opening. Please feel free to come on over and help yourself to the trade if I'm afk.

Sounds great and the price is okay :3
On my way

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Thanks a lot :3