Buying 5k TBT Bells Paying 2.7 million for every 100

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I've put up the stuff at my re-tail so please let me know when I can open my gate for you! c:
Okay! But don't make fun, my town is sorta under construction from random move-ins. ^^; Lol
I am going to go do some chores around the house, I will be checking up on this post to see when it is my turn for you to come to my town! I'm so excited, I never owned that many bells before! XD
I am done with doing some chores for the moment. c: Just taking break to try and get some pwps from the wet suit method. Lemme know when you're done with Demizeh!~
I need to head out for a few hours. But I'll be back.
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I am sorry but I found someone who is willing to do 3.5 mil for every 100tbt. :c
I am truly sorry that I didn't stick with you.
I wish you luck getting the tbt you need though so you and your daughter can get DKCR! c:
Once again, I am sorry. :c
No problem! I've got all day (wooooo being underemployed!). I've added your FC so just let me know whenever you are ready and I will make sure there is space near my tree. Also thank you :)
I am terribly sorry, SakuraPrimrose, but I would love to still trade with you.
I will up my offer of original 800 tbt to 1000 tbt for the total of 27mil?
I think I was about to get scammed by the other person I was going to trade with. :c
No problem! I've got all day (wooooo being underemployed!). I've added your FC so just let me know whenever you are ready and I will make sure there is space near my tree. Also thank you :)

Just heading back to my town right now and I will add you and grab the bells.
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