Bongcheon-dong Ghost/Oksu Station Ghost


Good grief.
Mar 16, 2014
Green Candy
Red Candy
Tasty Cake
Winter Mittens
Ancient Candle
Pumpkin Cupcake
Voodoo Doll
If you haven't read them before, click here.
So, what did you think of these? I honestly don't get scared by much, and for some odd reason I find them entertaining, but if I show them to anyone at school IRL they usually get very freaked out. If you've read them before, tell me about your experience!
I love webtoons! I'll definitely check these out tonight, before I go to sleep for maximum effect because it takes a lot to scare me as well. Thanks for linking them. <3
My friend and I used to be obsessed with webtoons on naver. I would always read them in class. I used to travel through oksu station a lot so that comic was a little creepy at the time.
i haven't actually read any of them but iv'e heard alot about them
Okay, I read them and the first one I would say was a little more "creepy" just for the fact that they would slowly zoom in on the, what you would call in a horror movie, "jump scares" frame by frame. I wouldn't jump or anything when it initially popped up but I would kind of tense a little when it got closer and closer just for the fact that, when reading horror comics, I tend to linger on the bits that are the goriest because of the details and I knew that, the closer it got, the more details would be revealed lmao but that's just me.

The second one I didn't really find scary or creepy at all but overall it piqued my interest more with the whole messaging format that the narration kind of morphed into. I could probably describe this one as more "eerie," simply because, being in NYC and taking the subway daily, I see things like how that woman was acting all the time and to imagine my everyday experiences taking a turn like that would be so frightening. So it's more like I felt a tad creeped, not at the comic itself, but the concept of experiencing something like that since it is so similar to what I see everyday (minus the paranormal, demonic bits).

Overall, I liked them! Thanks a lot for the suggestions! <3
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OOOH. I'VE SEEN THESE. At least i remember the first one pretty well. I liked them, but I wasn't crazy about them. I love webtoons though. I have this webtoons app and follow a ton of comics.
i've already read this a few years back when i was the most into creepypasta and just creepy stuff online in general, but i remember thinking it was really cool hahaa