Ask Snake Mom

What is your dream job?

Dream job would be something artistic. I used to really want to get into SFX Make-Up because I love classic horror movies and stuff, but school is too expensive for it, and all art related things, and with all other art things you really have to know someone in the industry to get anywhere, so it's kind of out of the question for me.
Do you draw on other programmes other than MS Paint? If not, do you think you'll ever move to another more sophisticated programme?
Are you ever scared that your white danger noodle will bite you or harm someone?
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Do you draw on other programmes other than MS Paint? If not, do you think you'll ever move to another more sophisticated programme?

On my old computer I had Photoshop and Paint Tool SAI but I really only used them a few times, to color things, like last years fair I colored in Laudine's amazing coloring page on PS. I do have a tablet at home but I just need to use it, now that I have my laptop I might get SAI and PS again so I can learn the wonders of tablet-ing. But as of now, all my art I post here is done at work, where I only have access to MSPaint, where I do fab things like this:

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Are you ever scared that your white danger noodle will bite you or harm someone?


He's the least dangery-danger noodle ever, he doesn't even hiss or huff anymore. He is super calm even in the hands of strangers, the only time I think he has a chance of doing me a chomp is when I'm feeding him, cause he occasionally misses the rat but that's the only time I ever thing he'll tag me, and it hasn't happened yet. If it did it would hardly hurt as they have tiny little needle teeth.