• LIVE A gaming session for Among Us as part of TBT Neighborly Games is happening right now! Join us in our Discord server's multiplayer channel.
  • We're Celebrating Diversity on TBT! Join our new mini-event this month by making a 3D craft that represents what diversity and inclusivity mean to you. For your hard work, you'll receive a newly released villager collectible and the chance to win the latest addition to our plush series! See the Celebrating Diversity 2024 thread to get started.
  • Animal Crossing Hide & Seek sessions from The Bell Tree World Championship are coming back -- check out the new TBT Neighbourly Hide and Seek thread here for details! Look out for an Among Us session here too.

Aria Nook Art Storage

Aria Nook Violet

Senior Member
Apr 19, 2014
Holiday Candy Cane 2023
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20 Envelopes
I got into Animal crossing again and doing art related to the game so I decided why not post here. I do digital art, 3D and video editing so you will find variety in the way I express myself not just animal crossing. ❤️
I have stuff happening in my life so I will be coming in and out from time to time and I am sorry if I take time to reply. If I take times it means I have not seen it and are busy with stuff in the 3D life. :giggle:

You can find me on:
Tundraviolet (art/casual)


Alamor or Aladuo (gaming focused)
Back to the first post!
I will start by posting these boys! Yeah! Iggy is back! If New horizons doesn't give me Iggy I give Iggy to myself! Why these three? They're my favorite!
I've been learning how to use Blender but still got ways to go so while I'm learning that, MMD is a great program to quickly see how the model works as the community shares alot of premade animations. These models are 50% made by Nintendo 50% made by me I modeled the Iggy moustache and hair, Marlo and Jay eyebrows. Plus edited the textures and created new textures for Iggy since he is not in the new horizons game.
I have a bunch of lore on my island so it would be great if I could animate it on Blender but I still have much to learn. For now have this picture.
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(Funny little thumbnail I did for the first video at Fushia shelter. Check the video here)

Haven't posted in a while but that's because I was preparing a few things behind the scenes. Finally after months of planning things, real life stuff and freelance stuff I have something to show you. I started a new youtube channel Alamor (previously known as Fushia Shelter) plus a tik tok and instagram to go with it. It's a channel focused on video games, character analysis and art. Videos will come out as I finish them. Sometimes it can take me longer to post but hopefully I will get time to post one each weak even if it's just a short or a bigger video. If you notice I haven't posted in a while and it means real life happened. If that happens I will eventually come back but by the way youtube works it will take longer since I need to edit a bunch of video for that comeback so I get recommended by Youtube again. (update: that is what I'm doing as of July 2022).
I'm thinking of also opening digital art commissions related to animal crossing sometimes later.
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I have posted this in a very long while but I decided to update here. While I am aware MMD has fallen down in popularity and no one no longer cares I still like to go back to it from time to time just to see a bunch of different characters having fun dancing. I converted Jay and Marlo's models to MMD so I could see them dance and be cute XD.
I posted a video on my side youtube channel however I will share the tiktok short version with you today. If you want to check out the full version please do here.
Why I decided to start sketching in pen?
Today I will share some sketches I have. These sketches are all done using a pen and no erasing since I have a problem with perfection and anxiety when drawing. Kinda reminds me of the main purpose of inktober even though I never joined in that. Doing this outside of a challenge and not daily actually helped me a lot more.
I always loved drawing using a pen way back when I was at learning at school. I drew characters when I got too bored of listening to the teacher. However I always kept it to myself and felt less pressure to make it perfect since no one would judge it.
While I still feel the inside pressure is not as bad anymore or I wouldn't be sharing this and I'm actually kinda of proud of them. My lines aren't as shaky and the proportions for someone who is rusty (I haven't drawn in 5 years I think) aren't bad.
Funny enough the last time I drew with this much frequency was when I played New Leaf. I don't know what is about Animal crossing that makes me motivated to be creative. Besides my original story the only franchises I feel convince me draw are Animal Crossing, Spyro and Undertale but Animal Crossing is the clear winner.
I have no issues drawing the animal crossing character in their nintendo design as I have previously trained on that so this time around I wanted to challenge myself a little. I am aware of my flaws at drawing are a lack of practice and I really want to someday become good enough to draw human characters. Since I was young I have always drawn animal characters, mainly dragons because of my love for Spyro. During my high school days I was real good in realistic art (because of art school) but I stopped drawing after I finished and then lost all that experience that hopefully I can slowly build back again. My goal is not to be perfect I just want to be good enough to draw my original character and be proud of it. So to reach towards that goal I though I should join two things together "Animals" and "human proportions" and if I start to master it I think I'm good to make the transition to human drawings.
My goal with these sketches is to create anthropomorphic versions of the animal crossing characters and after a bit of training maybe I could do more than just sketch. Hopefully one day I will maybe do little animations or stunning digital art.

The sketches and headcanons
I separated the sketches I have into groups by themes. The theme of today is "Jay and villagers that like him too much". I'm a person that when it plays the games likes to interact with the villagers and watch them interact with the world. From that I create headcanons and from that I create lore and a story. I plan to share with people, in my Drimusa journal threat, clear images and videos of the origins of my headcanons for each different characters but in here you will get the sketches that work on those ideas.


When I began to sketch I started by drawing Jay and then I moved on to Marlo. I won't be showing you those very first drafts as they don't look good or are drawn in a way you couldn't understand what was going on because they are very experimental and schematic. However it didn't take me long to attempt to draw Marlo and Jay together because I love their relationship in my game. If you notice in the sketch on the left I was still referencing their original designs and I do keep coming back to it as I try to find a balance between that and the style I am discovering through the sketches. If you notice I draw Jay a lot better than Marlo and I think that's thanks to my New Leaf days when all I did was draw Jay XD My goal with Jay is to mix his original design with a fit jock human body but keep his portions resembling a swallow bird (that's Jay species). With Marlo I want to mix his design with a more chubby human body while still resembling a hamster. I am still debating if Marlo should be shorter or have his height be the same as in game because hamster proportions for a taller body is making it hard to achieve. Because of the proportions struggles I am having with Marlo and the fact that I was not at all familiar with real life hamsters I did some research and it got to the point that google thought I wanted to adopt a hamster for some reason and started to recommend me hamster products.:LOL:


I kept sketching but I started to get tired of just drawing Jay and Marlo and thought it was time to add another animal to the mix to see what I could do. I thought about the characters that had headcanons with Jay and I remembered Raymond. During his stay on my island in two different years (in 2021 and 2022) he did some small but still impacting things worthy of headcanon. One of those things was his interest in Jay and I thought at the time I would ship Raymond and Jay (kinda do not gonna lie:sneaky:) but Jay never looked back at Raymond with that interest so because of Jay it was not meant to be. A few months later Jay and Marlo are a thing ❤️ and I had just acquired Raymond amiibo... I felt the island was getting a little dull so I called on Raymond back to my island Drimusa to start some drama. I wondered if Raymond was going to mess with Jay and Marlo relationship :devilish:. Let's just say he didn't just mess with those two but with everyone else including my character. It was real bad guys so I made him leave hehe 😄 it was fun anyway.
So that is the reason for this sketch. Both Raymond and Marlo love Jay but Jay pretends to be all "happy" and himbo about it when in fact he enjoys the attention.
By these sketches maybe you get the picture of my headcanon Jay personality a little bit. Yeah guys Jay seems to like to hang out with cat office CEO, mafia hamster bosses and rich powerful woman...he's a mess but then again everyone in Drimusa is a mess.


Don't even get me started on Raddle trying to get along with Jay after trying to step down for his "villain" role after Raymond took it away from him. To this day Raddle is still trying to get to know Jay and I am still wondering if he is starting to like Jay. Marlo was already jealous of Raymond and he will get jealous of Raddle if he keeps being near Jay. This is funny to me because Jay in New Leaf was a nobody and only my character and Bonbon showed some interest but now in new horizons he turned into some kind of chad for both female and male villagers. With those themes in mind and the fact that I started my series on my Alamor channel I decided to sketch about that.
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Unfinished digital drawings I did a few months back. It's Marlo and Jay again I know :LOL: but at least they are fueling my creative side you know.

I'm not a "fan" of watermarks as it might make me seem like a snob since this art ain't that good but with the NFT craze some people do steal anything they can to make a profit and yes that can include stealing poor art sometimes. Have you seen those monkeys? Most of us draw better in comparison and that is the standart for NFTs. So if you are pondering like me to make art as a career I would be careful with the art that you post online and even in this forum because you never know. My perspective is: better careful now and give the impression I'm a snob than sorry later as someone steals my bad art and ends up making money out of it somehow. I just wanted to let you all know my thought process behind me watermarking these and I hope you don't get the wrong impression.

So let me talk a bit about the idea behind these simple drawings. The one on the left originated from the fact that is canon that birds can fly in Animal crossing but somehow they choose not to. How do I know that? Well it's game mechanic in the video game Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival on the minigame of the desert island escape. If you pick Jay for example he will have the ability to fly and you will see the animation. It's a shame they don't implement that in the games and so I have to resort to art to express that. I imagine Jay loves to playfully fly in the air because swallow birds do love to play as they fly in the air. In that picture I imagine the little story that Jay wanted to show Marlo what is was like to fly in the air but then Marlo quickly regrets it as Jay starts to throw him in the air and play around :oops: unaware of how stressful it can be for Marlo who doesn't have the habit to fly because you know...he doesn't have wings. Marlo is a tough hamster and Jay would never lets him fall down to his doom so he is fine guys.

The drawing on the right is more spooky. I drew it because I like spooky themes and sometimes both Marlo and Jay can be little demons to others including me. Also Jay breaks the 4th wall multiple times during my animal crossing gameplays and has become one of his traits. He has been teaching Marlo his 4th wall breaking ways which is a very bad idea and I wonder if Jay even knows what he is doing...Who am I fooling? I know Jay is aware of what he is doing but does it anyway just to mess with me :LOL:
They are a very cute pairing but if you mess with them they are most scary duo on my island...also you would think Marlo is scary because he is a mafia boss and sure if you make him mad he is but I would be more careful around Jay as he is more than he seems.
Why not take a break from Jay and show you some sketches of other characters I made.


Kiki is my normal dreamie villager mainly because I had one male black cat in the past and currently I have female black cat. Like Jay will always be my favorite jock that I can't never replace Kiki as a dreamie but for different reasons when compared to Jay. I will leave my Jay reasons for another time but for Kiki has to do with the fact that I owned black cats in real life. My parents never wanted to adopt animals but child me insisted that "I want a black cat!" :LOL:. With an animal comes a lot of responsability so they didn't give in to child me asking for a pet but I kept begging for a few years until a family of stray black cats made home in our garden. I guess I got my wish :LOL:. I still remember going over to my mom and jokingly say "See! The world clearly wants me to have a black cat! We just got one for free!". A mother cat gave birth in our garden and they didn't trust humans (wise decision). The youngest cat eventually warmed up to my mother and he made that garden his home. Currently I own a female black cat called "phoebe" but it sound like Kiki so I created the connection to Kiki (I wanted to name her Kiki but my family at the time never took my name into consideration). I loved the previous cat I had but I feel he was more connected to my mother than me however with the current cat (I will call her kiki) she is more connected to me. The first person of the family Kiki interacted was with me and I'm the one she spends most time with. Unlike the first cat that was born stray Kiki was abandoned. We searched for the owner as she could be lost but never did. She clearly went through some trauma as she is very scared of men and loud noises so I knew from the start no one was searching for her but in a way it was for the best. She got a wonderful family now. So this to say that since I have a deep connection with my irl cat this comes through to Kiki as well. Even when eventually we part ways this bound I have with Kiki is very strong and will forever have a good impact with me. I had to draw her! ❤️


Now moving on to Zell and Muffy, the most healthy and wholesome couple I have on the island. Now this is couple goals! ♥️ Unlike Jay and Marlo that still have a lot to learn about how a proper healthy couple works XD Anyway! I started by drawing Muffy but after drawing her I knew I had to attempt to draw Zell which I was a bit scared to do because he's a gazelle and it is a bit harder to draw than sheep or birds in my opinion. I think Zell porportions don't look bad at all but the head does. I fixed it in the drawing to the left.


Besides Marlo I had Graham in my town and since I was drawing Marlo why not attempt to draw Graham? Like Muffy and Marlo he needs to be chubbier at least that is what I want to try and achieve. Now I don't know if that is possible as I want to keep good body proportions but I am not experienced in drawing chubby characters so in time I will see. Graham during his stay on Drimusa island liked Jay and Laria Nook. Both Laria and Jay didn't show interest in him but still they were friends.
A few months back I bought a wacom cintiq a drawing table that allows you to draw on the screen instead of the usual drawing table that you have to draw on but have to look up at your computer screen and I have to say the difference in my art quality is like night and day. Of course the tablets are expensive and I could only afford one as I saved money for it and intend to get serious with my art. I have been debating for years if I should get one of these but personaly for me it was very worth it.
Unlike the usual tablet it gives me back and neck pain XD but I just need to be careful not to overwork myself. Anyway! I have something to share. Tada! Hell yeah it's Jay again :LOL: I just love the bond Marlo and Jay share and no one is going to do fanart of them guys so I have to do it myself. I hope you all like it even though none of you understand why but in time I will be sure to update threats like the "drimusa journal" and I will explain so you all can get some context.


Yeah I'm not perfect but for a novice with cintiq drawing tablets I'm proud of what I was able to create. One day I might open IRC commissions but right now I am filled with work getting a million projects ready so I can't. One thing at a time.

I have been working on creating a Laria Nook Vtuber model as training for the bigger Vtuber model I have in mind. Since I have never used a program like Live2D a simpler model being Laria Nook is a good place to start. I already had a definitive design for Laria Nook but I improved on it and this was the result. I did a few mistake here that were fixed in my final drawing.

The real Vtuber model will look a bit more humanoid because if I eventually use the model to collab with other people I personally like that it fits better with them but I will never trade away my style of art for that. The end result should be a mix of both. Currently I'm drawing all pieces of the puzzle that will become Laria Nook and when I have finished I will show the progress.

I'm also thinking of doing a Marlo vtuber model just for my own personal fun but XD not for now
Hi everyone long time no see. Hope you are all doing well I missed the forum. I really wish I could be more active but when you take various directions in life the reality is you can't spend as much time as you wanted in all of them and that is how my life is going at the moment. Hope that even so I can count on the kindness of the forums and hopefully in a near future I can thank this warm community in return.

Anyway I have some sketches to share but this time is Undertale related.

I have been practicing my drawing by doing sketches and this is one of them. My goal with the sketches is to do as much art as possible and then just move on as I prefer to spend more time on bigger projects. However these sketches are connected in a way to those projects.

So from right to left we have: Papyrus, spamton and Arial (which is an OC).
The sketch displays the relationship between the three in a very simple way. Arial really admires Papyrus, Papyrus acts cool to keep Arial's hopes bright and then we have Spamton which he is a mess but his connection with Arial through the purple soul allows them to communicate and understand each other.

Since Undertale I had a fan story in my mind which I felt at the time lacked certain aspects to make it happen but with Deltarune's release an old flame was relit and Spamton is the answer. I won't go into detail here but I will probably write those ideas in a journal post on deviantart or something and share the link later. However I will give a very basic and short explanation here.

The events of this story happen after Undertale as Papyrus and Sans have their reasons to return to the underground that now has become a glitchy mess. Arial an old friend of Papyrus that he thought was dead seems to be alive once again all thanks to the purple human soul but she is not alone. Spamton seems to also be chained to the purple heart magic which allows him to become real in the Undertale timeline (that is why I gave him a purple heart bowtie). With the underground glitching with the Deltarune timeline Sans or papyrus can no longer easily navigate away from that place as it not familiar anymore and of course a darker force stands in their way.
One of the reasons I started to get busy was because I joined my first ever campaing of DnD a few months ago. I knew I was going to like but not as much as I thought I would. I am still learning about DnD as I was only part of two campaings but I have been having lots of fun. The first character I used for DnD was inspired by Jay :LOL: I saw the race aarakocra which is a bird species and had to pick it to create a character inspired by Jay. It has been a very casual fun campaign that I feel it is coming to its end. I did a few drawings of that character that I have to share with you all. These are all quick drawings as for now my aim is to draw as many drawing as I can to practice since I have been focusing on other things as well like 3D modeling.


In this first campaign I used Jay in he had to follow a chicken that was running away and he had to go through all sorts of obstacles so when he finally got the chicken it was a celebration. Then as the adventure went on he grew attached to it so that is why there is a chicken in one of the drawings.
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I love the look of you Laria Nook character (adoptive daughter to the greed raccoon, lol excellent). I've always been interested in trying the 3D rigging to make a vtuber, but it's beyond my art skills right now.
Your DnD character is awesome! I can definitely see the Jay influence, but somehow you make everything even more stylish. So cool!
I love the look of you Laria Nook character (adoptive daughter to the greed raccoon, lol excellent). I've always been interested in trying the 3D rigging to make a vtuber, but it's beyond my art skills right now.
Your DnD character is awesome! I can definitely see the Jay influence, but somehow you make everything even more stylish. So cool!
Hi! Sorry for such a late reply. Thank you for the comments! For the Dnd I was in my first session and immediatelly when I see the bird race my brain is like "do Jay" :LOL:. It shows how much I love animal crossing (mainly jay:rolleyes:). I am happy you liked the design I gave him.

As for the vtuber model this one I am going to start simple and do 2D but I am saying simple but it isn't simple. I never used live2D for rigging so I have been holding on the project to give space for other things but I will come back to it when I can. I know how to do simple 3D modeling so I do want to give the 3D vtuber modeling a shot but that's far away in the future. I am still learning the basics of blender and the model I am finishing I am trying to convert to vrchat plus try to pose it on blender. After completing that goal I am thinking of branching out to vtuber rigging or other softwares. My logic is once I learn to convert it to vrchat and the obscure MMD program I should have my work cut short to convert it for vtubing. I will see how that goes and I do have to post about that model here when I have the chance I will.

I checked your art as I notice you also have a art threat and you're really talented. Love the pixels and the animations as well (like the bob slime animation or the marshal halloween one). Also you have the first post really organized. I should learn from your example. Keep up the amazing artwork❤️
Hi everyone! It has been a while. These last months for me have been chaotic to say the least as I discovered a few things about myself that finally make me understand why I struggled so much when compared to other people. Now many would advise me not to share my diagnosis but people judge me harshly already so I don't really see how keeping things for myself is going to make it better or worse . Also I think it is important there is awareness especially if you were already suspecting you had these things as well and if you don't you learn a few new words (y)
So let's start with the straight foward one. I have endometriosis and this is a condition that causes painful periods, infertility, hard to get a diagnose and if you let it spread too much while is not deadly it can cause troubles to other organs of your body. I went to gynecologist time and time again and they never said I had anything wrong, not reallly hearing and understanding that the pain I felt was serious. Finally I met someone who recommended me a specialist on endometriosis and got the diagnosis. If you suspect you might have the same don't bother with your average gynecologist, get informed about a especialist on that diagnosis and spend your money (if you can afford it of course) on that. Even after the diagnosis since there is no cure it will be a lifetime thing and depending on where you live it can get expensive so beware.
Second thing I have a sparkle of autism and ADD, I say a sparkle because is very light to the point that it doesn't affect me for most of my daily life. What really affects me is my ADD and the autism actually lessers the ADD symptons, so in my opinion if the autims doesn't unable you it is actually a very good difference to have that adds to the variery of this world ❤️. There has been explosion in information about ADHD and some about autism which has resulted in many seeking answers and diagnoses, I am glad to see the general public is getting more aware about these things. Beware that there is a lot of misinformation about autism circling around, a hate even, so beware of what you read and be sure you check different sources. The world fears the different, fears the neurodivergent brain and doesn't adapt to it that is why many like me suffer. I end this little initial note asking everyone to be understanding of each others and be empathetic as much as you can but of course with limits, if it starts to get toxic leave and this applies to all people neurodivergent or not because everyone can be toxic. It's a life advice for everyone.
Now I written enough and won't extend myself but I think awareness is important and if you have the same as me and feel excluded know that you're not alone in the same struggles. We are fighting for the same issues with a big distance between us but I hope we both can finally reach that stable happiness we deserve ❤️
I can't end this without leaving you with some original art. I will leave with a character that I designed to use as a vtuber model many months ago but never went through with it. It was Ala (the woman) and Mor (the hamster) and they have british and portuguese inspirations. For now this design is shelved but maybe someday I will find some use for it.
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