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Are you happy with...? PART 6: Your secret beach

Where is your private beach approximately located and would you change it?

  • Far left (1) - I like where it is

    Votes: 14 8.0%
  • Far left (1) - I'd like to move it

    Votes: 6 3.4%
  • Center left (2) - I like where it is

    Votes: 30 17.0%
  • Center left (2) - I'd like to move it

    Votes: 3 1.7%
  • Exact center (3) - I like where it is

    Votes: 54 30.7%
  • Exact center (3) - I'd like to move it

    Votes: 17 9.7%
  • Center right (4) - I like where it is

    Votes: 26 14.8%
  • Center right (4) - I'd like to move it

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • Far right (5) - I like where it is

    Votes: 19 10.8%
  • Far right (5) - I'd like to move it

    Votes: 3 1.7%

  • Total voters
Mine is at the far right of my island. Only way to access is by a ladder as my terraforming skills are rubbish 😂 was great when swimming was introduced as that made it easier 😊
mine is in the center but i wouldn’t change it! it’s location has never mattered to me + i don’t really interact with it unless redd is there and so, i’m content with where it is aha
mines number 4 which isn't too bad, in terms of my priorities for my island secret beach location is definitely lower down on my list lol. for terraforming's sake it might be easier for me if it was further over to the right, because even though I only ever really go there when Redd visits it's kind of a long winded way to get there, but if it was further over I could've made a nicer walkway for it probably lol. but it's okay
I initially did not like my secret beach position (exact middle), but I've grown to be satisfied with it. It really helped when I decided to terraform the area.

I at first thought the spot was gonna be impossible to deal with even if I adjusted the cliffs near it, but I'm proud to say I just went for it and it turned out really nice. I'm still funding a ramp there, but once that is done I can start to decorate the area according to the plans I have.​
Mine is exactly centered, and I love it.

I didn't specifically choose my map for it, it might actually surprise me if I did notice the secret beach at island map picking. I know the thing that really stood out to me on this map was the rivers and the way cliffs were structured that made me realize I could easily make a vast part of the island accessible with a few ramps and bridges.

My secret beach is behind a cliff, so I did some terraforming to get enough room for a ramp. I like having everything accessible without having to use vaulting poles or ladders :). The ramp lines up with the left side of my secret beach, because to get it in the middle I would also have had to destroy a bit of third level cliff and I didn't want to do that. But it leaves room for me to decorate the right side a bit, I put up a barrel, a bucket, and a 'wanted' sign :).
Mine is at the center right, and I'm happy with it! I guess I never paid too much attention to the area it was in, or other areas it could've been. But it's worked out fine so far, and I've got a little ramp and some decorations set up on the beach :)
Mine is in the center at the back of my island. The reason I’d change it is because I can’t build an incline there. I would like it to stay where it is, but I hate the rocks that make it impossible to build an incline there :/
my secret beach is over to the right, and it’s literally right behind where I made melba her own little hill. it’s really inconveniently placed because I really wanted to put an incline down to the secret beach but I have no room! it bothers me but I do not have the time nor energy to restart right now haha
My secret beach ended up being in the exact center. I dont like reseting so this is just what I got, and I am happy with it anyways!
Since I got the game later, I put a lot of consideration into where I wanted the secret beach to be. I wanted it to be either far left or right, NOT centered because I wanted the back levels of my island to be raised yet I didn't want to have to use an incline to access the beach.

I'll throw in an old picture of my map here, my map has changed a lot but the beach access is the same. I just terraformed a little flat walking path to walk to the beach. It works well for me.
My secret beach is in the exact center, which works out since that's where I want it to be. Of course, I haven't really touched it, and it's sort of more hidden on my island anyway due to my house being in front of it so oops, haha.
My secret beach is located in square number 2 according to the OP image. Only real issue I have with it at the current moment is the fact that I had built my house on a tier 2 cliff blocking off the secret beach before I even knew what a secret beach even was or the fact that Redd was gonna show up back there. I have yet to move my house so access to the secret beach is a little wonky right now, it’s definitely still accessible but not how I would like it to look or be. I’m pretty sure once I figure out where to relocate my house the location won’t bother me at all, but I did so much terraforming for my house location that it’s gonna take so much work to relocate. Which is why I have been procrastinating to the max. Oh well I’ll have it figured out one day, no rush!
Mine is in the exact center, and I'm very happy with that. It ended up working well for ramp placement once the Redd update came out. If it had been in any other place, I think it would've been way harder to try and fit a ramp down to it.
Mine is far right and I love it! It definitely wasn't something I was looking for because there was no info about what its purpose was at the time. Eventually I made a path through the cliffs to the secret beach so you don't have to use an incline to get there. It's one of my favourite areas because it's Salmon Run themed and looks great when Redd's boat docks! I found that "centred" permanent areas are hard for me to work with because it kind of cuts the layout in half, so I'm very happy with what I got.
mine is in the 5th square, and I didn't really mind the placement! Mine is so hidden, it's at the back of my school area so it's behind panels and bookshelves. In hindsight I would've wanted a more visible secret beach, but it also gave me a really fun way of decorating the school area and the walkway leading towards it. I haven't decorated the secret beach yet, but I was hoping to put a well and some flowers and seats to make it look like a secret area behind the school premises where the villagers can chill after class.
Mine is exactly center and if I could move it I would move it far left or right. I had to cut through my 3rd tier to place a ramp leading to it. I find it a waste of a ramp, but I rather have all the important parts of the island accessible without a ladder, so sacrifices had to be made.
I hate mine lol, it's exact center but it's blocked by the cliffs I put there before realizing we'd need to be able to access it, so I'd have to totally redesign that area of my island to make it more accessible
that's 6/6 i've answered no to but i've spent way too much time to restart my island now 😭
mine is in the exact center and i wish it was to either the far left or far right... the back of my island is all cliffs so i had to awkwardly dig out a space to put in an incline, i hate it because the cliff obscures your vision and just looks super out of place, the right and left sides however would look so much more natural and able to decorate the area