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Anyone want 20 villagers?

I do see what you're saying. I like the idea of having 20 villagers in my island as I love so many, but practically I think it would be too much, as God know what else we will have in store in terms of updates!
I feel 10 is a little underwhelming, I think 12 is the perfect amount.
I would love 12, but only if you don't need them for anything and can get all the benefits with 10.
I think having the option of more than 10 would be cool but 20? Hmm might be a bit too many for me...
Maybe up to 15?
I think we should be offered a choice on how many could live on my island.
We could easily have 18 villagers I think because of the extra 8 player houses you could potentially create.
If the choice was there, the people who don't want more villagers would be happy and so would those who want more.
I'm personally the latter - I'd love to have more just because there are so many I love and I also love to have variety of different species.
Now, it's really not possible.
While I'd love to be able to have more than 10, I feel like 20 would be a little too much for me. I feel like I'd struggle with finding a spot to put all those homes without crowding my town up, ya know?
20 is way too much for me. I feel like the island is already pretty large as well, so a bigger map isn't a big want for me.
Unless they release 10 more personalities, no thank you. Way too much repetition, and with only 8 personalities and 10 slots you are already stuck with repeats.
It would be too hard to keep track. I guess the island is big enough to fit 20 homes but personally I think it's too much. 15 would be nice though I suppose
I'd be happy with 12 myself :)
Population Growing had 15 but you couldn't landscape other than planting trees and flowers, there was less to do, so I guess more villagers make sense there.
20 will be too much for me, my town will run out of space if they increase it. I prefer 10-12 villagers.
while there’s many villagers that i love, 20 villagers would be way, way too much for me
I could settle for 16 myself, and take 2 of each personality type. When I went through a list of villagers recently to try to decide a little who I wanted to invite to my island, I discovered that I actually have 38 dreamies. It was very very challenging for me to try to narrow it down to 10. I have abundant space on my island, so I feel like I could house that many fairly easily.
Personally, I do not want 20 villagers with the current village size. 12 maybe, or 15 max, but they'd need to make the island bigger for me to want 20.
I think any increase at all would be great. Prior to NH, I only played AC for Gamecube, with the 15 villager cap. I realize I just time-warped past several versions of the series, but having less than what you could get in the only other game I've played feels like a step backward for me. I would love 15 again. I would embrace 20 or more - cram the island full of villagers like a sardine can! But I don't expect they will make any change. And based on the comments I skimmed over in this thread, it seems like most people don't want a change anyway.
20 would be awful in my honest opinion, unless they added a **** ton more dialogue and at least 6 new personalities. I was pretty bummed that no new personalities were added in NH, but perhaps there will be an update with that some day.

It would be nice if you could have up to 12 villagers..
I could settle for 16 myself, and take 2 of each personality type. When I went through a list of villagers recently to try to decide a little who I wanted to invite to my island, I discovered that I actually have 38 dreamies. It was very very challenging for me to try to narrow it down to 10. I have abundant space on my island, so I feel like I could house that many fairly easily.

I feel if everyone went over every single villager in the game, surely there must be more than 10 dreamies that they like? I went through all 400+ including the E+ stuff in Japan. I have about the same number of dreamies as well, I wonder if our dreamies are mostly the same?

I don’t like rotating villagers out because once I bond with them, it’s hard to let them go! That is why every AC game I have a different set of dreamies because I just wouldn’t let them go.
I think a couple more, maybe 12 like some people have suggested, would be nice. But I agree with others that island space and very limited dialogue would be deterrents. More than 2 of any given personality seems like too much for me. And 1 jock is too much for me lol. So I guess no more than 14 in a perfect world.