Anyone 20 and older still playing? :)


Mother of Dragons
Aug 9, 2015
100% (17) +
I'm 22 and all of the "old" people i used to play with haven't been online for over a year (just getting back into it myself) so i'd really like to find a bunch of new "old" people to play/visit their town/trade/go to the island with.

If you're interested, definitely add my friend code and message me to let me know to add you back and best friend you in the game when we visit. :)
Hey, I'm 23 and I've just started getting back into the game because my friend got it for Christmas. If you'd be willing to add me, that would be coolio. I'm legitimately surprised that this game still has such a following.
Hey, I'm 23 and I've just started getting back into the game because my friend got it for Christmas. If you'd be willing to add me, that would be coolio. I'm legitimately surprised that this game still has such a following.

Well with the update, I'm not surprised :) It was actually a very smart move on Nintendo's part to revive this game and make more money off something that is many years old.
Hey, I'm 23 and I've just started getting back into the game because my friend got it for Christmas. If you'd be willing to add me, that would be coolio. I'm legitimately surprised that this game still has such a following.

Ive been playing animal crossing since the gamecube one :) so i always come back. Id love to add you. I will right now.

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Well with the update, I'm not surprised :) It was actually a very smart move on Nintendo's part to revive this game and make more money off something that is many years old.

Absolutely true. I came back just because i was bored but i came back to find all of these cool new updates so im excited :)

If youd like add me too :) ill add you
Hi :) I'll add you. Sorta some boat as you, Didn't play much last year then I came back it was nice surprise to see the update and also I joined this site. Anyways it would be cool to hang out with more people.
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Hey, I am old and play almost every day, for years now.
You can add me too!:^_^:
24 years old, very much an active acnl player. PM me if you add me so I can add you too :)
i'm 22 in may and i'm an active player c: feel free to add me and i'll add you back ~
I'm 23 and have been playing for years on and off. I am currently an active user though and love this version more than any other!
20 years old here and an active player. Fell free to add me anytime. :)
I'm 27 and I still play regularly. I'll add you tomorrow morning!
I'm 21. I just got back after the update. :D
I think the MEOW system will make me busy.
I'm 32 and still playing, had to restart though :'( so i'm posting threads to try collect stuff again. I'm happy to add people if you'd like, just VM me if you wish to add me so I know whom to add back.
I'm 27 and I play regularly! I'll probably go ahead and add most of you ;)
I am 21^_^
I have been playing Animal Crossing since the GameCube version, and always been in love with it!
22 in a month, I've been in the forums for a while and everybody seems really mature, I don't get the feeling that there are a lot of younger people for some reason.