• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!


Starting to dislike anime well (not 100% just 40%) maybe because how they talk and sing now I find it weird. ewe;
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never watched that but you should try madoka because . madoka magica is great. it looks like a cute magical girl anime but underneath its hiding something ok

also tsuirtrama (or however its spelled im too lazy to look it up) is a cute anime about friendship between 4 boys. havent finished it, but i will someday.

if you want something dark and weird you could try aku no hana if youre not turned off by its art style

anyway im finally gonna go watch kyokai no kanata. been meaning to watch it ever since i saw the previews for it but never got a chance.

I'll give them a try!
Sword Art Online,Souk Eater,One Peice,Bleach,Vampire Knight,Lucky Star,Tokyo Mew mew,Pokemon,Dengeki Daisy,and Fruits Basket. Yes I watch ALL of these
Right now I'm trying to finish up Bakemonogatari. I finished up Dangan Ronpa and season 1 of Shingeki no Kyojin. Also waiting on my second season of Free! Iwatobi Swim Club.. hnngh

And I finally finished Rabbit DOUBT!. uvu
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Akira is playing on Toonami this Saturday (Cartoon Network at Midnight) if anyone is interested.
i like kyoukai no kanata a lot and i recommend it

its rly bloody and gorey tho so dont read if ur triggered by tht !!!
but anyone dies. there is no plot armor. so many people die. i cry.
and the villains are reaaaally sick. read it pleasre

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YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! GATCHAMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS STUFF DESERVES LIKE 20 SEASONS??????????????????? HECK YEAH!!!! i want spring to come. just. for gatchaman. literally.

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei looks okay. read the manga for a bit, got bored tho before it went anywhere.

Tokyo ESP looks super cute.

so excigted for gatcha
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Has anyone in here seen Non Non Biyori? It sounds pretty boring but it's actually pretty good. Even the theme song is great and I hate nano.RIPE. Also, am I weird for thinking KnK is boring? I just don't find the appeal in it. I would go as far as saying that KnK is Kyoto Animation's worst work.
Samurai Flamenco has been my favorite show this season. I'm also watching Nagi no Asukara, Kill la Kill, Golden Time, and Log Horizon (behind like two episodes with that one).

Enjoying this season way more than the last.
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Watching Mushishi. The art direction is really good, each episode has an interesting story and the opening song is beautiful so it's one of my favourites!
Watching Mushishi. The art direction is really good, each episode has an interesting story and the opening song is beautiful so it's one of my favourites!

Mushishi's fantastic; it's definitely one of my favourites.
Have you heard about the upcoming hour-long special?
Let's see... Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto, Pok?mon, SoulEater, and Spirited Away (Movie).

I absolutely love Spirited Away, with Full Metal Alchemist a close second.
I've only seen Ouran HSHC, K-On!, Attack on Titan, and Fruits Basket. For movies, everything Studio Ghibli is amazing!
Mushishi's fantastic; it's definitely one of my favourites.
Have you heard about the upcoming hour-long special?

Oh wow, no I hadn't! Looks like I have something nice to look forward to in January! Haha. Thanks for the heads up :D

Pretty excited for Space Dandy too. I bet the soundtrack is gonna be great.
Just bought another pair of tickets for this Sunday's showing of Madoka Magica: Rebellion.
Hoping to get Sayaka/Kyouko's autographed board this time. :)