Animal Crossing Socks XD

Ahh I love silly socks! I have Super Mushroom, 1-Up Mushroom and Hello Kitty socks haha. Wouldn't mind adding Animal Crossing socks to my little collection :D

I need to find Pikachu socks somewhere.. qq
Aww such a good idea but they could have looked better really. Would love to see tight high white socks with ancl edition 3dsxl pattern on them *.*
Those would never leave my feet if I got them. But I won't get them because they are too long. I only like short socks.

They are really cute though.
I bought some and would wear them but I can't wear both them and my googly eye big bang theory socks at the same time :3
Did you notice they're the same colour socks the player wears in GC?

I'd imagine my GC character wearing those..too bad he cannot slip his shoes off to see the full socks..
lol I thought this was about the socks IG. I was thinking, wow here's a topic you never see discussed....
I'd like if they made the 3DS acnl pattern socks ( the one with the houses, apples, and leaves)