Amiibo villagers and their original houses


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2014
So, I’m curious. I moved Chief in using a friends amiibo card she let me borrow since he’s a dreamie. I moved him into Harry’s plot. Got Chief all moved and settled in so I thought everything was great. However, the interior of his house doesn’t...match him lol. I’m not sure if it’s actually supposed to be like this honestly, or if it’s the same as Harry’s interior but the exterior is the same too. If I remember correctly, I saw this was a thing, where the amiibo villagers take over everything about the plot, including interior and exterior? Is this true or is Chief actually turning his house into a street pawn shop? Lol cause that’s what it looks like.
Nope, Chief’s house in this game is actually some kind of bootleg street market lmfao. No clue why, I think it’s hilarious.
Nope, moved in several amiibos into previous plots. All of them changed into their own. Several do repeat though so it's more than likely a repeat.
Oh gosh, thank you so much for easing my mind lol for some reason I was worried it wasn’t his and that would severely mess with me knowing it’s not “his” lol. That’s kinda funny and ironic, seeing as he’s dressed pretty preppy in this one
Nope, Chief’s house in this game is actually some kind of bootleg street market lmfao. No clue why, I think it’s hilarious.

This just made Chief 1000x more desirable to me!

Not that he was bad before, but that's just incredible lol