Am I the only one who can't wait until high school is over but is feeling unready?


Senior Member
Feb 22, 2014
I seriously need to vent about this so here I go...

So I've been in school for like bit over a month and can I just say whoah. Barely started my junior year and next year I'll be a senior and then BOOM -DONE!
I can't wait until it's over and then I head off to college/university. Move out of my home, maybe even the state, and go some place new. I look so forward to starting something new but then I feel so unprepared to start a new life. I feel like I need more preparations with starting a life without high school :/
Junior year seems like such a rush since I'm taking more AP classes, all these school events that go toward the senior class stuff (prom, the graduation, yearbook, etc.), and other stuff like slow day a bit. The other thing is to prepare myself and become acceptable to colleges/universities *sigh* I don't know if other people feel like this but like I'm so excited for ending high school but on the other hand I'm like dreading being unprepared.

Was wondering what your thoughts about ending high school (or already ended it). Do you feel ready? Do you need more time? Or do you just not think about it?
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I'm starting last year of high school next week and then after that..I'm finished. I can't wait for it to end but I'm also unready to face the real world..It's becoming so real omg : - (
finished hs a while ago. thought I was ready, but at this point all I can say is that the canadian education system did not prepare me for the extreme workload that is uni, and to enjoy hs while it lasts lol
You just have to do what needs to be done in order to survive and be as independent as possible. Stable income and properly managing your finances is a good start for now. I landed my first job at a fast food joint that was a fifteen minute walk from my house when I was 16, and immediately saved up to purchase a used car (granted, my parents were willing to help pay for some of it - it was $5,000 total & I covered $2,000). It doesn't hurt to splurge every now and then, but start the habit about being responsible with money. This includes being mindful of the phone/plan you use, to the food you consume. I also started establishing credit during my first job.

If you're unable to get a job, treat high school like a job. Take your deadlines seriously; get the work done when it needs to be done, and if possible with time to spare in order to avoid stress. I know this is easier said than done, and I myself used to be a terrible procrastinator, but it only brought upon stress that could have easily been avoided. Manage your time properly by devoting certain amounts of time to whatever activities you need to be doing. If needed, make lists every day of what you need to accomplish that day.

I never paid any mind to prom etc. and didn't even attend my graduation tbh. I hated high school and couldn't wait to move on from it. As far as college goes, talk to your counselor to find out what you can start doing now in order to get a head start. Look into what's needed to obtain scholarships and apply for grants. I personally took a year off after high school and worked full-time in order to have more money. When I went to college I switched between being a full-time/part-time student, while also working full-time/part-time. It just depended on what classes I could take that semester and how flexible my job was.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also, if university isn't up your alley there are always trade schools. Honestly college felt like grade 13 / a continuation of high school to me and I didn't like it either. I don't have too many positive thoughts about higher education to be quite frank, but certain jobs like to see that you can devote yourself to something for x amount of time. More and more jobs are looking for those with degrees. My boyfriend's mom was actually laid off from a job she had been working at for years because she never got a degree in that field, and the job went to someone younger and less experienced. At the same time, I have friends in their 30s who are struggling to find work pertaining to their degree.
I didn't feel ready when I finished school but then I realised uni is THE BEST THING EVER.
You are not alone m8, going to be college next year so I need to be prepare what course I will take -.-
finished hs a while ago. thought I was ready, but at this point all I can say is that the canadian education system did not prepare me for the extreme workload that is uni, and to enjoy hs while it lasts lol

There is no Canadian education system.. It's provincial. So it's probably the province you're in just has a bad education system or you just aren't very good at school.
I'm in New Brunswick, one of the poorest provinces, and I know so many people that are over prepared for university. My friends have all went in fine and I'm finishing High School this year. It's probably more about your work ethic than anything.
I'm a junior too and am kind of in the same boat as you. I want high school to end but don't at the same time. I'm very nervous about applying to colleges but probably the worst part for me is knowing I'll have to move out of my mom's house eventually. It's been my home for sixteen years... that's going to be hard. :(

Enjoy yourself. You may not FEEL ready, but there's never going to be at time when you're fully prepared for life after highschool. So enjoy your time right now, and then hold your nose and dive into the world. Just remember to do what you want to be happy, don't give or take too much. Be strong and be free, because life is only going to get shorter from here on
I felt the same. Now I'm ready for Uni to end. Enjoy HS while it lasts, since in Uni/college it really is a free for all.
There is no Canadian education system.. It's provincial. So it's probably the province you're in just has a bad education system or you just aren't very good at school.
I'm in New Brunswick, one of the poorest provinces, and I know so many people that are over prepared for university. My friends have all went in fine and I'm finishing High School this year. It's probably more about your work ethic than anything.

In my province, Ontario, they do not prepare you for post-secondary education. As much as they like to think they do, they do not. Nothing is mentioned about having to be autonomous (though it's kind of a given, but thinking of my sr. hs days, I knew nothing bout uni). I went into my first year of uni and remember it was really hard to adjust but once you find your new work ethic to handle the amount of work load, it gets better from there.

Anyway, @OP, while you have the time, I would look into uni and see how you would adjust to the demands of it? I know for sure I wasn't ready for my first year at all. Actually, I took a year off after graduating to upgrade some courses and pursue what I really wanted to do (Nursing vs. Bio Meds) and it's worked out great for me. I guess my best piece of advice would be to work at your own pace, don't let other people dictate that for you, otherwise, you'll find yourself burned out. You have 4 years, so it's a long way from now. :)
I feel the same. I'm a junior and I don't really like high school that much but I kinda wish everything would slow down. This year we've already worked on college and job applications and it's a big difference from last year when none of that stuff was on my mind. I don't feel like I'll be ready to graduate when I do but I'm mostly worried because I know I wanna get out of the state I'm in, and it'll be hard for me to leave everything behind.
I enjoyed high school for the most part, and while in some sense I was ready to graduate, I still didn't feel like I wanted to go out into the real world; however, it came to pass in time that I graduate, I did, and I'm here now doing just fine for myself. It's not really that scary as long as you can manage your financial woes, everything else seems to fall in place.
Enjoy highschool while it lasts, especially because at your age, you have a lot less to worry about. All through university I missed the highschool atmosphere I thought I hated. I took for granted how really laid back and easy it was.
Left High School two years ago and I still haven't started college..
Working on building up the qualifications I need to actually study the course I want.
I'm sure you'll feel right at home once you get settled in at uni. I've had friends who loved it and friends who have come back because they hated it.
A good thing to do is to visit the college before applying to make sure you could potentially see yourself living there.
Don't worry, these things have a way of working out.
I hate being in high school. I can't wait until I can get into a university where there'll be more mature and open-minded people, plus no school uniform...!
You'll rarely feel ready for life, get used to it :D Fake it till you make it, that's how everyone becomes an adult. I personally love post-uni life, I have a job i adore and getting paid to do it beyond satisfying. I work 8 hours a day (or more or less, I make my own hours) then the other 8 are whatever I want and weekends are all about having fun and expanding my hobbies. I just love living on my own. 10/10 would recommend

Just keep in mind that college isn't for everyone and you shouldn't feel like you "have" to go. I know lots of kids who didn't really have a subject or career that they were passionate about who felt pressured to go to college. They ended up with $20,000 to $80,000 of loan debt (this kind of only applies to the US though) and then had a useless Journalism, Psychology or Communications degree that doesn't help them pay it off. If you can get scholarships or go for free, by all means do!

If you never had to study in high school, by god uni will rough. You'll have to learn a lot about studying and you'll have to learn fast. Ask questions early and ask them often. Ask them in class because everyone else is thinking the same thing. Go to office hours too, I got Dean's List after 1 semester when I went to office hours regularly. Good luck and everything will work itself out!
I'm super excited for college like you wouldn't believe. Can't wait to get out of my school of snobs and take a course I'm interested in. What sucks is that now everyone in my year seems to want to go to the same college that I want to go to, so I'm forever being stalked by the people I want to get away from. Also looking forward to getting away from the prom talk, huzzah.

I wouldn't say I'm ready just yet though, and I don't want to rush through my life too quickly. After all, I still have another precious (yet tiresome) year with my friends, who I'll start to see a whole lot less when I finish high-school.