Omg, just discovered today they brought back the theremin!
I hope the person who owns Aika Village is still active and finds it for their remake of the town ... :3c
Really happy with how my island is turning out. The interior of my house looks pretty nice as well, I'm getting pretty close to being 'finished' with it. Just have to breed the hybrids I want (getting there) and then put them into the fenced garden areas I have decked out.
I'm really enjoying my playthrough from scratch.

I also got to get into the DLC the other day and had more fun with it than I thought I would. Characters seem lively and it's just really chill gameplay. The new items look really good in game so far.

I feel like there is plenty of fun things to do. I also got many creatures caught for November.
Thing I love in ACNH
1. When they walk around holding something, be it canned drink, a bag, a bagel, donut, AWWWW CUTE!!
2. Isabelle announcement. No, I wish it stay as once a day but yes is so cute to see her smiling at me, it makes my day really.
3. Their not-inviting-me gathering. Although I am not included but is just so cute!
4. Latest, GYROIDS!!!!!!!!

Minor stuff I still love
1. Harv and Roost music. So calming and soothing I tends to hang out longer there
2. Reactions. It says alot without using actual word. Love that seriously.
I am enjoying HHP so incredibly much. I knew I would like it because I liked HHD, but I remember burning out on HHD very quickly. I've done about 45 homes now in HHP and I'm still loving every minute. I just spent about 2 hours remodeling one of my facilities and the time just flew by. I'm so glad I have this to play! 😊
I love K.K. Hop! It’s simple, catchy and fun. The only annoying thing is that it gets stuck in my head all the time 😅
I love K.K. Hop! It’s simple, catchy and fun. The only annoying thing is that it gets stuck in my head all the time 😅
You are so right! I feel as though K.K. Hop and K.K. Dub have both been overshadowed by Chillwave and K.K. Robot Synth and that’s a darn shame!
Some people call "naruto run" when the character runs with their arms straight, pointing backwards, while inclining their bodies down. Think of how olympic sprinters finish races, to beat the line, it's close to that.

I say "some people" because this kind of "style" of run is at least 20 years older than naruto, something very common in games and anime, especially with ninjas.

Son Goku in Dragon Ball! The best anime😊
HHP has exposed me to villagers I’ve never encountered in-game before, and frankly to villagers I’d never give a chance in the past. I made a home for Boyd and I’ve come to really adore this deep-voiced, cranky reddish-colored gorilla. So much so that I’ve purchased his amiibo card! In the meantime he’s the hardworking chef at my dim sum restaurant 😊
Sometimes the villagers on my island tell me exactly what I need to hear. I kinda got kicked out over Thanksgiving, and while I have a place to stay it's hard not to feel like I'm an imposition or a burden on people no matter what I do. I was playing yesterday and Phil told me that moving to my island was the best thing that had ever happened to him, because *I'm here*. It nearly made me cry. I know it's a programmed response and everything, but it's nice to be able to escape, every once in a while, into a place where you're never unwelcome.
Im working so hard onmy island. It doesn't look like much, but I know it's been a lot for work and I know what its taken to get it this far
I was very critical of the ACNH soundtrack at launch and for the longest time after. But weirdly enough, since I returned to the game for HHP, I've really enjoyed the soundtrack. While the AC:WW soundtrack will always feel very special to me, I do now appreciate the ACNH soundtrack a lot more.
I ran into Don Resetti in the Roost!! Amazing addition to the game, this. Gives the NPCs so much more life, and I love that I got to see Don in New Horizons. The Roost is so beautiful now as well, and the detail on Brewster's coffee pouring animation is superb.