55,00 Bells and Interests overtime?


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2013
Silver Mailbox

I am wondering if anyone has had any success with earning interests if they put 55,00 bells in there saving account and moving the clock foward to 2099?

I dont't want to pick weeds again if it doesen't work, But it does sound temping.
I have seen videos on YouTube of people of having success.
Thanks please answer asap

You'd have to play at the start of each month to receive the interest. If you're going to say the videos didn't show that, it's because they didn't record that part.
Some videos only showed going to 2003 then turning off thend going to 2099 they also said atleast you have 55,00 bells this cheat should work. From what ive heard the interest rate is 100 bells per month but times all the months to get to 2099 gives you the games max of 99999 bells.
Not sure, Don't know if multply videos would do the same things.

So if i put 1000 dollars and changed it month by month would I still get 100 bella extra each month. I though changing to 2099 would also include those months.

But I guess anythings possible with them.
It didn't work?
Think yous are right, Like I said anythings possible.
Specially on YouTube..