What was the first model of DS you got?

DS Lite Black, in 2007 I think. Think the first game I bought with it was Pok?mon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team too.
I also got a white DS Lite (probably) back in 2007. I actually still have mine, and my brother's black one, but mine has had a messed-up touch screen for many years now so I don't play on mine anymore.
Mine was the original silver brick. I remember that I didn’t have any games for it in the first few days, so I just kept staring at it in awe instead. (Yes, yes, I was a stupid little kid.)
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And yeah I don't have it anymore, broke sometime in 2011 so had to throw it away
DS Phat with Mario Kart DS & Tony Hawks American Sk8land........... :-}
DS lite right after it was released 0 v0
it's dead now lmao
A 2DS. One of the flat ones (I actually kinda like it lol.) The entire lifespan of the original DS was at a time when I wasn't making much money, and what money I did get, I spent on other things.
A red DS Lite in 2007 or 2008. I got it for Christmas with Phantom Hourglass, one of the games that would define my childhood.
When I was 13 years old I remember my father taking me to game stop to let me pick something out. I picked a blue brick DS when they had just come out! I still can't believe he let me buy it.
Black DS Lite in 2007. Still my favourite DS design-wise, such a sleek little thing.
Black DS Lite back in 2006. Still works, but hinge is cracked and you’d have to press harder on the buttons to get them to work. Whereas my GBA SP has better condition buttons and no cracked hinge despite going through more abuse(as a kid, I believed that pressing the A button really hard when catching Pokemon improved catch rates). They don’t make em like they used to is what I can say.