Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp - Friend ID Sharing

Updated version with new Friend ID:

TBT Username: Lackadaisy
In-game Name: Kit
Friend ID: 7570 5786 743

I always have fruit of some sort in my market boxes - especially apples/oranges
TBT Username: Espurr
In-game name: Rel
Friend ID: 6907 2576 330
I've posted before but I hope it's ok to post for my friend!! She's really active, and usually keeps a well stocked market!!

TBT Username: n/a
In-game name: Umji
Friend ID: 4399 1463 469
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Hey tbt friends. Here is my friend code. Feel free to add me if you would like. :)

TBT Username:Tykibutterfree
In-game name:Tyki
Friend ID: 8949-9876-634
TBT Username: hillaruhsaur
In-game name: Hillary
Friend ID: 3448 9554 516
TBT Username: PrincessAurora
In-game name: Mandy
Friend ID: 5897 0462 730

Please add my sister as well, she's looking for people to help in the quarry and she always helps back!

In-game name: Robin
Friend ID: 0068 0942 231
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TBT Username: Miya902
In-game name: Suzy
Friend ID: 7480-7539-774

I need help unlocking the Quarry!
TBT Username: Michan
In-game name: Michan
Friend ID: 6723 9038 060

add me :D i'm always playing omg haha
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