have you had any dreams of this website?

Nov 2, 2016
Pink Crescent Moon
Moon Bunny
Yellow Crescent Moon
Ocean Pearl
Oarfish Head
Oarfish Body
Oarfish Body
Oarfish Tail
Silver Moon Jellyfish
Red Super Star Trophy
i've had 2 that i remember, there was possibly a 3rd one

one where everyone hated me and i was forced to leave and another where i was showing off tbt on windows xp and i also made a secondary account for some reason (second dream happened last night)

since this is the only type of social media i use at the moment i guess it's only natural that i think about it a lot
no, can't say that i have. i haven't had any message boards or other social media show up in me dreams...

maybe you should start a poll
I have actually. I can’t remember exactly what they were about but they were stressful. >.<
I had a dream I met some of my friends here IRL, but that's more of a discord dream I think
I haven’t I haven’t ever had a dream about this website, but a couple about tumblr.
yes, i've had a dream that i won a collectible or something like that. i've had more than one dream about this site and it's quite concerning
nope, i don't think i've ever had dreams of the site. that's quite interesting hearing some tho
I've had animal crossing related moments in my dreams because I often play it late night, but I'm not sure if I've had any of the forums.
i haven't but i haven't been a member for long. tbh i hope i do lmao

coming back to update, i had a dream abt tbt last night sdlkfjksdjf

i dreamt that for some reason i became an administrator and then like the site looked super different cuz i'd unlocked the Admin Powers™ and that also all of the staff had an entire forum to themselves where they could just chat. it was weird
One, which happened the night before my first ban OwO

So uhh very weird, but basically it was some thanksgiving party with other tbters and we were having a feast....that's all I remember.