
Mr. Cat

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Mar 30, 2016
New Horizons Token
Pastel Disco Ball Easter Egg
Moon Ball
Voodoo Doll
Blue Hybrid Rose
Aurora Easter Egg
May Birthstone (Emerald)
This will be a thread about charities and non-profit organizations. Have you or do you support any organizations? How have you done so?

I personally think too many charities are corrupted to benefit the rich. Which charities do you think are good and which ones do you think are bad? Discuss.
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I agree wholeheartedly. I support my local charities, like the Dumb Friends League and the local gay community alliance which I can't think of the name off the top of my head (although I expect my annual donation request letter soon from them) and local cancer and heart screening charities. Once my hair is long enough I'll find a salon that takes donations (not for locks of love!). I also donate to Planned Parenthood although I'm reading more and more that they might not be great. But I use and appreciate their services so I'll continue to donate until I do more research.
i give cereals and pasta to the local food bank whenever i have spare money
not much else
Mostly animal charities for me. I think they deserve it the most.

Whenever I pass by a homeless person on the streets, though, I always give them something if I have money on me. I'm actually planning to save up some money especially for that situation, so I can maybe buy something for them.
ooh, a topic i'm interested in!
i support oxfam and when i can, i work in my local shop. i think it's great and i love working there.
i think it's a great organisation and i haven't heard any truly bad press. i love that they do a bit of everything too.
i live near a lot of charity shops and always go!

i do agree with you however. (forgot to mention this in my initial post)

i try to donate as often as i can. although this isn't strictly charity related i've also donated clothes and fabric to h&m's recycle program and though i don't like supporting fast fashion it's a step in the right direction and if ff is here to stay i would rather people support a sustainable ff brand.

sorry i've gone off on a bit of a tangent haha! i'm quite passionate about charity.
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I like an animal ones or any cancer ones. I just wish that you could know for sure that the money going to them actual reach the people/animals they are trying to help.

I refuse to support the salvation army because of their anti-gay views.
I support my local charities, like the Dumb Friends League

DFL is excellent but they're one of the better funded animal shelters, please consider donating to smaller no-kill shelters. They operate off a shoestring budget in comparison.

I usually donate to Erowid which is the most extensive and objective online library for drug information. Tells it how it is, doesn't candy coat or glorify anything. It saved me from a lot of trouble when I was younger. Information is key for harm reduction!

Also for those who do most of their shopping on Amazon; they run a program called AmazonSmile that donates a very small percentage of each sale to a charity of your choice and they support TONS. Costs nothing to use although you need to use the Smile page, there's a plugin that automatically redirects you to it when you use amazon's main domain which you can find here.

I refuse to support the salvation army because of their anti-gay views.

Go out of your way to Goodwill if you have the option they're less fundamentalist than the Salvation Army.
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DFL is excellent but they're one of the better funded animal shelters, please consider donating to smaller no-kill shelters. They operate off a shoestring budget in comparison.

I usually donate to Erowid which is the most extensive and objective online library for drug information. Tells it how it is, doesn't candy coat or glorify anything. It saved me from a lot of trouble when I was younger. Information is key for harm reduction!

Also for those who do most of their shopping on Amazon; they run a program called AmazonSmile that donates a very small percentage of each sale to a charity of your choice and they support TONS. Costs nothing to use although you need to use the Smile page, there's a plugin that automatically redirects you to it when you use amazon's main domain which you can find here.

Go out of your way to Goodwill if you have the option they're less fundamentalist than the Salvation Army.

They closed the Goodwill in my city. They opened a place with the same concept but called it "Stuff" instead. Don't know if it's the same company or not.

My family and I always donated to Goodwill. We even picked up a chest to store blankets at our cottage. It's nice.
I barely have enough money for myself, but I'd love to donate when I'm financially stable.
I started donating to charies a few years ago. Then I started getting tons of mail from all kinds of charities. Most of them have gifts mailed with them so they can guilt me into donating. Now, I only donate to my local food bank, and toys for tots.
Not money-wise much because people cheat _a lot_ with those accounts around here, but I do try and donate clothes, cd's, games etc. to this charity/second hand shop that sell them further at cheap prices to people with not much money (and they also run a number of other things for homeless people and such).

And I try to buy stuff there such as books and home decoration things if I need and if I can find cool stuff there.
Yeah, I'm worried about people using charities for gain. Usually, I'll donate things to charities, rather than money and give money directly to homeless people, if I have money to spare.
I give clothes, food to local homeless shelters, salvation army or food pantries. I don't like donating money unless it's for those old men at the front of stores accepting money donations for vets. I donate anything to vets or military :)
Yeah, I'm worried about people using charities for gain. Usually, I'll donate things to charities, rather than money and give money directly to homeless people, if I have money to spare.

Yeah, a lot of time those who wants money are either corrupt and takes money for their own or just give the minimum amount needed to keep it going as a charity.

So yeah I'd def. give my things directly to a shop that actually put them up for sale or give away etc.

Well pretty much most homeless here are "beggars" that are run by even more corrupt leaders from Romania and the likes, yeah not putting money in their bags.
I started donating to charies a few years ago. Then I started getting tons of mail from all kinds of charities. Most of them have gifts mailed with them so they can guilt me into donating. Now, I only donate to my local food bank, and toys for tots.

I honestly wouldn't trust any charity that sends back gifts in the mail.

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I'm glad many of you like to donate locally and give to homeless.

Does anybody want to add some charities to absolutely avoid?
Does anybody want to add some charities to absolutely avoid?

Kind of obvious maybe, but avoid those clothes charities that comes to your door to collect clothes and stuff/sets up their bins randomly. Mostly they have only a random yahoo e-mail address and/or some weird phone number that is foreign and is just a voicemail. Always check up on what business they are and if they have legit addresses, account numbers, proper telephone number and email etc.

I don't know how common they are where you guys live but here they are like pests, or at least used to be. Only see those random Easter Europe bins around nowadays though, not much of those collecting things.

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I started donating to charies a few years ago. Then I started getting tons of mail from all kinds of charities. Most of them have gifts mailed with them so they can guilt me into donating. Now, I only donate to my local food bank, and toys for tots.

Yeah those beggar mails you get are really annoying, especially if you never donated to them in the first place. And all those imposter organizations going around ugh.
Yeah, I'm worried about people using charities for gain. Usually, I'll donate things to charities, rather than money and give money directly to homeless people, if I have money to spare.

You're so totally right. I don't think I have ever donated money to a charity, only stuff. I donated a dime to buy a poppy in November. (I guess that counts). But yeah, otherwise I give clothes or items I don't want anymore.

I NEVER donated money to homeless people on the street, especially if they beg. A lot either fake it or spend it poorly so there's no point in wasting my money.
You're so totally right. I don't think I have ever donated money to a charity, only stuff. I donated a dime to buy a poppy in November. (I guess that counts). But yeah, otherwise I give clothes or items I don't want anymore.

I NEVER donated money to homeless people on the street, especially if they beg. A lot either fake it or spend it poorly so there's no point in wasting my money.

Yep that too. Plus most real homeless here, I dunno seem to get proper help anyways so most outside are just fake beggars apart from the occasional youth people sometimes.

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I mean, yeah there are probably real homeless people there too but I don't know, they don't really beg that often, they are more the looking for recycling bottles and cans and stuff and don't go shove things in your face. But yeah I'd rather buy them some food or drink rather than give them money, because yeah they'd spend it bad.