What national or global issue matters most to you right now?

Well, the thing is. Safe spaces are basically teaching the generation to hide away from things they can't handle. They're being shielded from the "outside" and funding is going into these programs that won't provide anything for them.
I'm not in college yet, I'm sure people abuse them but my point being it's not actually an issue. If they're ill prepared for the world their problem lol why are people acting like this is a huge deal when its literally not
Hi everyone. Please remember to respect others' opinions. Anyone unable to follow the posted rules and guidelines will receive a warning or infraction. Keep it chill. Bye.
nothing about our sex determines our personality or intelligence. It only determines our physical makeup and attributes.

This is the one part I'm going to have to take major issue with. Science has repeatedly shown that the dumbest and smartest people in humanity tend to be men, and women tend to fall in between these two poles, though there are of course exceptionally intelligent women, but they are even rarer than exceptionally intelligent men, and likewise there are exceptionally unintelligent women, but they are rarer than exceptionally unintelligent men.

Also there are broad personality differences between men and women that are in-born. Boys naturally tend to prefer rough physical play and girls tend to prefer less physical imaginative play. This is not purely the result of socialization, though socialization does likely reinforce it to some extent. There are exceptions of course, like tomboys, and guys like me who tended to like imaginative play and dislike rough physical play when they were young boys.

So to say that sex doesn't determine anything about our personality or intelligence is simply factually inaccurate and extreme.
This is the one part I'm going to have to take major issue with. Science has repeatedly shown that the dumbest and smartest people in humanity tend to be men, and women tend to fall in between these two poles, though there are of course exceptionally intelligent women, but they are even rarer than exceptionally intelligent men, and likewise there are exceptionally unintelligent women, but they are rarer than exceptionally unintelligent men.

Also there are broad personality differences between men and women that are in-born. Boys naturally tend to prefer rough physical play and girls tend to prefer less physical imaginative play. This is not purely the result of socialization, though socialization does likely reinforce it to some extent. There are exceptions of course, like tomboys, and guys like me who tended to like imaginative play and dislike rough physical play when they were young boys.

So to say that sex doesn't determine anything about our personality or intelligence is simply factually inaccurate and extreme.

- - - Post Merge - - -

honestly though who taught you this myth
My top national (Australian) issue : our treatment of refugees and asylum seekers. We are in breach of the international treaties we are party to with the current "off shore processing" facilities, which are both appallingly badly run AND extremely expensive (as privatising things tends to result in).

Equally important : our treatment of our indigenous population, their needs, and their cultures. Being aboriginal still comes with an unacceptably high infant mortality rate, poor health and socio economic outcomes, and very low life expectancy. This is due to a variety of factors including systemic disenfranchisement, continuous cuts to funding of programs and services targeted at helping this population, and the simple geographical issues that stem from having relatively few people spread all over an enormous landmass with no easy way to replicate the healthcare and education systems that our cities and regional centres enjoy. It's an incredibly complicated situation which requires the dedicated attention of knowledgable, experienced, motivated, practical individuals who are willing and able to assess the very different needs of our aboriginal nations and work with them to improve the outcomes of those populations.

Very slightly less important to me : marriage equality for gay and lesbian couples. I have friends who cannot marry due to the ridiculously outdated idea of marriage being between "one man and one woman" - a line inserted in 2004 for the explicit purpose of denying same-sex couples their right to to recognised as a legally wed couple even if married internationally.

Globally : geopolitical disputes amongst nuclear countries. Trump. Climate change (this used to be top of my list but there's no need to worry about humanity doing further damage to the environment if we're effectively wiped out..). Global inequality - so many people starving, living in abject povery, and in war zones.

Well. That was depressing.
My top national (Australian) issue : our treatment of refugees and asylum seekers. We are in breach of the international treaties we are party to with the current "off shore processing" facilities, which are both appallingly badly run AND extremely expensive (as privatising things tends to result in).

Equally important : our treatment of our indigenous population, their needs, and their cultures. Being aboriginal still comes with an unacceptably high infant mortality rate, poor health and socio economic outcomes, and very low life expectancy. This is due to a variety of factors including systemic disenfranchisement, continuous cuts to funding of programs and services targeted at helping this population, and the simple geographical issues that stem from having relatively few people spread all over an enormous landmass with no easy way to replicate the healthcare and education systems that our cities and regional centres enjoy. It's an incredibly complicated situation which requires the dedicated attention of knowledgable, experienced, motivated, practical individuals who are willing and able to assess the very different needs of our aboriginal nations and work with them to improve the outcomes of those populations.

Very slightly less important to me : marriage equality for gay and lesbian couples. I have friends who cannot marry due to the ridiculously outdated idea of marriage being between "one man and one woman" - a line inserted in 2004 for the explicit purpose of denying same-sex couples their right to to recognised as a legally wed couple even if married internationally.

Globally : geopolitical disputes amongst nuclear countries. Trump. Climate change (this used to be top of my list but there's no need to worry about humanity doing further damage to the environment if we're effectively wiped out..). Global inequality - so many people starving, living in abject povery, and in war zones.

Well. That was depressing.

That's very interesting. I thought Australia was just as tolerant as Canada and the UK on LGBT issues, but I'm mostly judging that by what Canada and the UK thinks (and yes, I believe Australia is like Canada and the UK except for the fact it has a super hot and dry desert, a diversity of marsupials, seasons inverted, and the Great Barrier Reef).
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This is the one part I'm going to have to take major issue with. Science has repeatedly shown that the dumbest and smartest people in humanity tend to be men, and women tend to fall in between these two poles, though there are of course exceptionally intelligent women, but they are even rarer than exceptionally intelligent men, and likewise there are exceptionally unintelligent women, but they are rarer than exceptionally unintelligent men.

Also there are broad personality differences between men and women that are in-born. Boys naturally tend to prefer rough physical play and girls tend to prefer less physical imaginative play. This is not purely the result of socialization, though socialization does likely reinforce it to some extent. There are exceptions of course, like tomboys, and guys like me who tended to like imaginative play and dislike rough physical play when they were young boys.

So to say that sex doesn't determine anything about our personality or intelligence is simply factually inaccurate and extreme.

Could you provide some sources for those claims, please? I don't think you are entirely and completely incorrect, but those claims do not fit with my own understanding of the science in this area. As an early childhood educator who is passionate about using evidence-based research in my practices, and one who spends a great deal of time looking into the research, I have some serious concerns about a couple of things you said there. I'm not sure if you were over-generalising, or exaggerating, or referring to research I have not come across (regardless of the quality of it), but any clarification you can provide would be most appreciated. Thank you.
If you haven't heard of people using safe spaces so they're not called out on their baloney, then you've been living under a rock.
Beliefs such as; There's only two genders
Rape-culture doesn't exist
Reverse racism isn't a thing.
Black people (or other races) cannot be racist.

Also, if people want help because of how hurt they are by whatever- they should go to therapy to deal with their problems if they're that major that they need to flee elsewhere.

I mean, there's definitely more than two genders, and weather you believe it or not it's not your business going up to people and bugging them about their identities, mind your own business. ;)
Probably education. I'm not sure if it's an issue, but it could definitely be improved. Better forms of education would probably fix other issues as well. Maybe people will start thinking for themselves and stop relying on media bias. ?\_(ツ)_/?
I wholeheartedly agree education systems need some form of reformation, or at least re-evaluation
My main issues at the moment is closing the United States-Mexico border off to those who want to cross the border illegally and stopping creation and trade of illegal drugs. (Methamphetamines and crack cocaine as examples.)

I want the border closed off due to the issues going on in my area. Many have came into my city and stopped me from getting the jobs I need for my family. They have also went killed people who have witnessed them cross the border or tried to stop them.

Drugs are also another issue I want addressed because of an ongoing drug situation in my neighborhood where there is a meth house and the traffic from it has caused robberies and a large influx of transients in my part of town. This house has sheltered a few of them and after it has been going on for 5+ years, I definitely feel it needs to stop.
This is the one part I'm going to have to take major issue with. Science has repeatedly shown that the dumbest and smartest people in humanity tend to be men, and women tend to fall in between these two poles, though there are of course exceptionally intelligent women, but they are even rarer than exceptionally intelligent men, and likewise there are exceptionally unintelligent women, but they are rarer than exceptionally unintelligent men.

Also there are broad personality differences between men and women that are in-born. Boys naturally tend to prefer rough physical play and girls tend to prefer less physical imaginative play. This is not purely the result of socialization, though socialization does likely reinforce it to some extent. There are exceptions of course, like tomboys, and guys like me who tended to like imaginative play and dislike rough physical play when they were young boys.

So to say that sex doesn't determine anything about our personality or intelligence is simply factually inaccurate and extreme.

That's a lie.

Literally a lie.

Men do not prefer to rough house, they are socialized to since birth. Men are not naturally violent and this does nothing to help you but feed into the myth that men are naturally rapists or violent.

Children are actually EQUAL and PREFER peace and love over violence when raised in nature playgrounds compared to asphalt playgrounds. Asphalt, aka typical school playgrounds, offer less room for creativity therefore the boys turn to physical superiority over the girls.

Raised in a playground where they can fully use their intelligence and creativity, surprise,
Educators also talk about
forming more egalitarian and fulfilling relationships with children in outdoor

- http://naturekindergarten.sd62.bc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/articleblanchet-cohen.pdf

Play in nature-based play areas encourages more fantasy play and more egalitarian play among children of different ages and genders.
- https://cedac.org/cif/training/lets-take-it-outside/

Congratulations, by saying men are naturally more drawn to violence, you are reinforcing the very beliefs you hate about feminists who claim all men are rapists.

There is also no brain sex.

You have NO idea whether or not women aren't as smart. You know why? Because we weren't allowed to pursue educational fields for all our lives.

Ada Lovelace, Nettie Stevens (whose work was stolen), Rosalind Franklin (whose work was also stolen) and not to name the numerous women also in spaceflight.

Woman geniuses exist just as much as men, they have always been silenced throughout history and were never given a chance at education.

Look at how dominated biotechnology fields are by women despite how unwelcoming STEM is (sexual assault and misogyny in the workforce. No, affirmative action does not change the attitude enough).

We have carved that field for ourselves because we have gotten the chance to prove ourselves.

This is an unequal playing field. It was never equal and therefore we cannot make any conclusions with how many disadvantages women have had throughout history.

Give me one source that is not outdated or based on Freud. Lmfao.

You listed 0 sources and you are not backed by science, please don't say I'm inaccurate.
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Political correctness has definitely gone too far. I also can't stand these women that call themselves "feminists" that hate men and have ruined what feminism really is: the promotion of women's rights on the grounds of equality between the sexes.
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The issue I care most about is getting humans into space and AIs. I don't think any amount of environmental care is going to save the Earth for our species - even if we do everything right the Sun will eventually die out and be our end anyway. While I think it's important to do what vwe can to keep the Earth healthy our survival ultimately hinges on us getting to other planets or turning our consciousness into AI.

Of course on the flip side do I really want to put the burden of consciousness on to robots or infect the universe with our race? I suppose since this is all we know it's hard to say whether humans will be good for the universe or bad, and just because I think consciousness is a burden doesn't mean I wouldn't want it because I don't know any other way.

In the end, I guess I think we need to try because everything else is oblivion for everything we've come to know.
Political correctness has definitely gone too far. I also can't stand these women that call themselves "feminists" that hate men and have ruined what feminism really easy: the promotion of women's rights on the grounds of equality between the sexes.

Exactly. The first and second waves of feminism actually stood for women's rights without the desire to oppress men. Today's "feminists" aren't even feminists. They call for the oppression of men when earlier ones did not. The first wave wanted the equal right to vote, as the second wave wanted to get better jobs and eliminate gender roles (as well as more rights). Not only that, but historic feminists have actually benefitted African-Americans back in those times. First wave feminists wanted to abolish slavery as second wave feminists supported the breakup of Jim Crow laws and racial integration in public spaces. Today's so-called "feminists" aren't even in support of benefitting minority groups. You don't have to help other groups to be a feminist, but feminists did help other groups before. You were right that they given feminism a bad name today. But not all third-wave feminists are false feminists. They had good points on how women are being treated today, but they aren't changing much because of a lack of central goal.
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Islam needs to stop breeding terrorists and terrorist sympathizers. communism too.

also third wave feminism, Antifa, BLM, and all other hate groups need to disband. political correctness, outrage culture, undeserved hatred of Western values/America/white people, anti-free speech movements, and social justice must be eradicated.
Saving the environment.
Emotional, sexual, physical, etc abuse.
Toxic relationships in general.
Disinformation or "alternative facts" like some groups of people like to call it is spreading like wildfire. This is a big threat to society and democracy.
Disinformation or "alternative facts" like some groups of people like to call it is spreading like wildfire. This is a big threat to society and democracy.

I don't know why Conway said "alternative facts". That was clearly a stupid move she made.

I may be a Republican, but I'm not going to defend everything the Republicans say or what they do.

Also, notice how Trump calls everything that's not in favor of him as "fake news". What an egomaniac.