Please keep all art shops and transaction threads in the Museum Shop board


Not an actual piece of furniture.
Site Owner
Nov 7, 2004
Golden Watering Can
Red Pansy
White Pansy
White Pansy
Red Hyacinth
Yellow Hyacinth
White Hyacinth
White Rose
Purple Violet
White Lily
As of the Bell Tree Direct on June 20th, all art transactions should take place in the new board, Museum Shop:

The Museum Change

The Museum board is one of our longest standing boards throughout TBT’s history, and has always been a great place to share creations with the community. Whether that’s a piece of art, a signature, a story, or something else entirely. Over the past few years however, the board has transformed into more of a marketplace than a showcase.

We think it's great that there’s a large buying and selling art community on TBT, but it’s taken over the rest of the board. If you go in there to post a recent creation of yours, your thread may easily become drowned out by the endless shop threads.

This is why we are now splitting the marketplace side of the board into it’s own sub-board inside of TBT Marketplace. The Museum will return back to its original roots, as a place to post your galleries and creations, while all trading-related threads will belong in the new TBT Marketplace sub-board.

Content which belongs in The Museum:

  • Gallery or showcase threads; you may include a link to a shop in the other board
  • Seeking feedback/criticism/"I made this thing!" threads
  • Anything else related to a creation you've made and does not involve a transaction
Content which belongs in TBT Marketplace’s Museum Shop:

  • Shops
  • Looking to buy/sell/trade threads
  • Contests and giveaways
  • Anything else that involves a transaction

If you want to both display and sell your art, you may make a thread in both boards and link them to each other.

We will be moving threads over the next few days. If you'd like to dedicate your current thread to solely a gallery or shop, and would like to have it moved, use the report button to notify us.

Let us know if you have any questions about this change. Thank you.