What was the name of your first Animal Crossing town?


Senior Member
Nov 9, 2016
Pear (Fruit)
White Rose
This can be a town in any Animal Crossing game.

My first town back in Wild World was called Iceland. I started playing in December at the time, and thought the Winter season really suited my town name xD
Montana, after Tony Montana - Scarface. ^_^

Then I had SharKove.
Skogen :rolleyes: just means "the forest" in Norwegian, hahaha
Cybrspce. My older brother named his GameCube town that before he gave me the game, and even when I remade the town and when Wild World came out I kept the same town name. I’ve always dreaded coming up with town names lol so it took me a while to find something I was happy with to replace that name.
"H". My sister, who was five at the time, set up the town and didn't know how to use the Wiimote very well, so she just started with H. Then a month later, I reset it to Texas (I don't know why, as I don't even live in America. Probably got it from that Spongebob episode).
when i first saw animal crossing ( the game cube version ) i laughed at it because it looked stupid ( in my opinion back then )
but now, ( well since 2013 ) i got addicted to animal crossing new leaf due to a certain youtuber who did a let's play about it.
and i was looking at his video's and though to mayself: ''huh, neat''
and i immediately though of the perfect ''theme'' and name for my town, and named it: ''Sycora''
Ugh I didn’t understand the game properly when i first got it cause I was a lot younger (WW days) and my first town was called Home cause Kapp’n asked where I wanted to go an I was just like “yea .. home” ffs lol
My town in wild world was called place (inspired by reddit/r/place) I think I got the idea from the sub reddit as the idea of being able to do anything and edit something to the way you wanted it (like a pixel on a screen) was something I thought I would enjoy. Also I ran out of other choices ;)
My first town name was, and still is, Porkham. I'm thinking of deleting my town because my villagers are douchenozzles and I have a **** town layout where Nook's and Able Sisters are on the other side of the map with no bridges in sight.
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I chose Nastaria because I wanted to be unique. XD
I know that the first town I ever played was shared w my kid sister and we called it 'Gai Land' after Maito Gai from Naruto lmao
I don't remember what my first town on my own was, but in New Leaf it was Kirkwall from Dragon Age
It was on the original Gamecube game, and it was called Macville. For the life of me I can't remember what the significance of the name was.
Mine was on GameCube & i think my first was "Texas" ?? cause i lived in TX at the time... :rolleyes:
God I had the gamecube game so long ago I can't even remember anymore... really want to dig it up and find out now ;0
but my WW one was Burberry because I wanted something fancy sounding and my mom suggested it lel
I was not that creative as a child, and I was stumped on a name. I really wanted to play so I put WER as a placeholder name so I had time to think of one. Apparently you cannot change names, so the town was just WER.