what's the story behind your town name?

EPCOT. Hardcore Disney fans know why. It was originally going to be a big neighborhood, but then the idea turned into a theme park. EPCOT stands for 'Environmental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow'. I'm gonna make it more EPCOT themed too eventually. Right now I'm working on my town in general. I've also had LBI (A beach I go to), Birdapig (I have a pet bird and I had a guinea pig), my local city (not going to share :p), WDWland, Narnia, and Chopvile (long story but basically I went to a local hospital called 'CHOP' and I was happy I was better so I name my New Leaf town off of it.). I have a long history in case you haven't noticed.
My town has a snowy-northern theme going for it so I wanted to pick something that suited it so I went for a play on a real place name somewhere up north that kinda matched what I wanted for the theme I wanted for my town. I ended up picking Inverness in Scotland because I've been there before and it's very nice and it's as far north as I have ever been. Vadness came from the name Inverness.
I recently deleted my old town and restarted the game to give myself a new fresh start. I had recently watched the movie Juno and randomly remembered that Juno's father affectionately calls her "Junebug" and I thought it was really cute, so I decided to give my town that name. The runner-up name was Elftown, which I now realize was kind of terrible, lol. I'm really glad I eventually choose Junebug!
I had several ideas for what I was going to name my town, but I ended up with Forestia, since it's a forest themed natural town I wanted to have the theme all the way through. I'm very happy with it, since I had the idea in my head for a while but never found the perfect map until recently.
was gonna name it Shark Town but that wouldn't fit so became Red Town instead
it's not really all that deep. i made it mogeko since i was hyperfixating on deep sea prisoner when i made it. my first town from 2014 was named plastic because i was really into gorillaz and i liked the plastic beach album
My current go-to town name is Cryptade! Before I bought acnl I spent some time contemplating the name. I really wanted something cryptid-related but still wanted it to sound like a town name without anything generic like adding "ville" to the end.
When I had wild world my town name was Wisteria, mainly because I find it to be such a lovely name and it feels like it has an air of mystery and wonder to me for some reason.
I really wanted to name my town something like Maplelane/Mapleway or something like that but it was a few characters too long. :( so I just went with the town name Rosebud since it sounded nice/cute and I wanted to put a lot of hybrid roses in it and its coming along pretty well! My first town name in 2013 was named Flowery or something like that. I hated that name so I changed it to this one.
I'm a big WoW nerd and an even bigger Night Elf nerd. There's an area of elven ruins in the game called Llothien and I just love this name so much. Ever since I deleted an old town, Everleaf, I've wanted to recreate the fairytale, night/moon/elf themed town Everleaf had. So I thought Llothien would be the perfect name for that!

Deeproot is just named because I thought it sounded cute and wanted a strictly forest themed town.

Lorhaven was supposed to be a classic themed town with pwp's that wouldn't suit the other two. I'm not sure where the name even came from, but i thought it sounded nice. I'm going to end up restarting this town though, eventually.

I wish I had more interesting stories, but maybe when I reset Lorhaven I'll pick a name with more meaning :p