Pokémon thoughts on team skull?


if it was you I'd never want to leave...
Aug 8, 2015
Pink Summer Shell
Hey all,
Just wondering what your thoughts are of Team Skull for Sun/Moon?
As I reached Po Town in my copy of Moon, I approached the Shady House and tried to gain access to the room of Team Skull boss Guzma. It took me ages to complete, but i finally did.
So what are you guys thoughts? Is it too hard? Too easy? Not enough dialogue?
Personally, i dont think they're too involved as a villain team if that makes sense.
Team Skull was a pretty interesting change up from past villain teams; less organized, no specific "evil goal" in mind, only 2 bosses, and defeating them isn't central to the main plot. I think it's even mentioned somewhere that they're just a bunch of kids who failed the island challenge lol I wanted to befriend them more than I really wanted to beat them.

I thought the puzzle in the shady house was pretty clever too, but compared to other team's HQs it was.. wow haha just walk in and go upstairs and there's the boss. ?\_(ツ)_/? I like them though. Guzma's theme is sweet.
I feel like they could've been written a lot better, and given, I don't know. More? I guess... O kind of love their concept of a bunch of kids with nothing better to do or who feel like outcasts almost, and as far as music and stuff goes they're awesome. They also have more personality it feels like than some other teams, with a lot of the grunts doing memorable things and having witty dialogue instead of just being well, grunts. I also love Plumeria and her concept, of being like the big sister protecting everyone. I wish they'd integrated Gladion better into Team Skull, because it feels like they'd be more involved then, and it'd open up a lot of opportunities for development within the team and it's characters. Oh well, I guess I can be satisfied with how they are now.
I Just love them becuase they're edgy pushovers who you cannot take seriously because *edgy t skull music plays
I LOVE team skull omfg. they aren't the real villains! they're just a bunch of misfit kids being edgy and dumb and I love it nsbfnanfbnsndbwj they're so good

I love that Guzma and the girl (the pink hair one? whatshername) are like the big brother/big sister of the bunch and they've got all these little 'siblings' that they've taken under their dorky wings and they're all around causing minor inconvenience. like they're never even really bad trouble.

comic relief villains are the BEST kind of team, like team rocket in the anime!! Jesse/James/Meowth (+Wobbofet and Mimimku!!) are GOOD, they're kind to their pok?mon and are good friends to each other... they just..... wanna Mess Stuff Up. I love it. I LOVE it.

I would 100% join team skull I love those dweebs
I like to delay reading their dialogue just to hear their theme music and watch them make silly poses. I didn't get far enough in the story to see their hideout yet though.
Pretty lame and their dialogue etc. were pretty annoying. I mean it's like they ran out of idea and making stereotype punks or stuff.

Rocket and Plasma were nice though and those Planet guys.
Considering they were just rejects and losers, I can kinda relate to them. Their themes are soooo good. It's also very interesting that they weren't (spoilers) the main villains despite the game having you believe they were until Lusamine's grand reveal.
Definitely not my favourite, though. I still prefer Team Plasma and Team Rocket, the mafia of the Pokemon world.
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Well they were badly made losers.. Boring stereotype layout and they could have done better with their outfits and weird characteristics. Lusamine/Lillie's story was alright though but yeah they could have skipped the gang members imo.
Well they were badly made losers.. Boring stereotype layout and they could have done better with their outfits and weird characteristics. Lusamine/Lillie's story was alright though but yeah they could have skipped the gang members imo.

If they skip the gang members (I assume you are referring to Team Skull here?) then where is the twist reveal that they aren't the main villain and Lusamine is? Then you go through the game without the standard villain interaction represented by Team Skull and just reach Lusamine and that's that. Or there is no twist and Lusamine spends the game going after you and no twist. Neither of those options sound as good to me. If you want to change them that's fine but eliminating them affects the story too much.