Are you afraid of fire alarms

No, they're more annoying than anything. I am scared of fire though since the giant Valley Fire we had here, horrible anxiety. Every time I see the local page post about some tiny wildfire I go into panic mode, even if it's towns over. :/
I mean, they are scary to hear especially when it's not a drill. I immediately think where is the fire located, is it big, will I make it out, all those kind of questions rush through my head.

I don't have a big meltdown or anything. Just more worried since I don't know the situation.
their just annoying most when theres a test. The school I go to is really bad so someone pulled the fire alarm on STAAR testing
i used to be so scared of them, i still hate them but i'm not as scared. i hate the loud noise but i'm better at dealing with it now and i'm way more chill about evacuating now too so yay. that being said i still get really anxious and shaky when fire alarms go off but that's because it is so loud lol

i've been to a lot of public places where the fire alarm went off and that wasn't very fun. when i was like 8 my sister, mom and i went to the public swimming pool in january. the fire alarm went off and i had a breakdown because of how stressfull, scary and loud the situation was. we had to stand outside lol (for like 5 minutes but it's still really not that Nice to be outside in wet swimsuits in under 0 degrees celsius weather and snow)
ive also been to shopping malls like 3 times when the fire alarm has gone off ):
I think I was desensitized to them in Middle School when almost every week a teacher would burn something in the oven of the teacher's lounge and we'd have to evacuate cause the alarm was set off.
When i was an elementary school a 4 year old boy pulled the alarm. I was in the cafeteria at the time. And it went off. I was so traumatized that i actually threw up.
one time the smoke detector went off in the middle of the night, waking from me up, I didn't even get out of bed and tried to go back to sleep instead, I was so tired that my body didn't even register it as a danger noise, it was just annoying as hell
Yes. For me it's so triggering for reasons I cannot say, but lets just say there was a series of unfortunate events that occurred in my hometown that lead to me not liking alarms of all sorts. I used to be really bad a few years ago,
like we'd have a drill and go congregate outside and I would be able to feel myself shaking because of the feeling that something bad had happened even though it's just a drill. It doesn't bother me as much now, but I still don't like them at all.
At school its a bother, but at home I freak out.

I've been woken up countless times when I was younger cause of it, so I actually cover my ear when sleeping now.
Yes! My apartment building has a really loud one and it goes on for agesss. Gives me the worst headaches.
They make me very shaky and nervous, so I guess I have a fear response yeah, it's just a lot of sensory input very suddenly.
We have monthly fire drills where I go to school, and it's almost always unexpected, so every time the fire alarm goes off, people go crazy while I quietly stand up and walk calmly outside. So, no. Fire alarms don't scare me, but the people that do get scared of them bug me.
No, they're just kind of annoying. Especially when they make you stand outside in the cold for 5-10 minutes during fire drills.
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I've never heard one go off for a real fire rather than a drill so not really