What are some words that you used to mispronounce?

B e t h a n y

I hate pears
Sep 22, 2013
Pear (Fruit)
The Bell Tree Fair 2014 Patch
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
Chocolate Cake
Basically words you unintentionally said differently than how they were supposed to be.

For the longest time I thought "amiibo" was said like "ambeo". I don't even know why lmao.
Pamphlet (pan-flet), and for some reason, initializing
i'd say initializing like inertia-lizing
Iron but I still refuse to pronounce it correctly even now

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Oh it used to be unintentional not now tho
Soooooooo many words. Disheveled, circumvent, surreptitious, etc. The list goes on and on. I also mispronounce words I know quite frequently lolol.
Too many, English is my second language. I still don't know how to pronounce aesthetics lol.

And I thought it was deh-mon rather than dee-mon lol because we don't really pronounce "ae" as "ee" here as in the old daemon spelling. And things like "bullet", thought it was ball-ett rather than buh-llet lol
I thought 'subtle' was 'sub-tull.' If it's pronounced 'suttle' then why not spell it like that?! Screw the English language.
I thought 'subtle' was 'sub-tull.' If it's pronounced 'suttle' then why not spell it like that?! Screw the English language.

What.. I thought it was sub-tul or sub-tle lolol D:

Aand yeah screw those weird pronunciations.

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Oh, and yeah "literally". Always thought it was "litt-eh-rally" rather than "litchrally" or whatever. But I have a tiny mouth so I can't really pronounce it either so lol...
I used to pronounce "Adobe Flash Player" as "Abode Flash Player".
"Nearby" was "Nerby"
"Sidle" was "Slide"(That's more of a dyslexia thing but still)
And a lot of other such words.
I always have a hard time pronouncing Bilingual. . . I pronounce it bye-ling-yew-uhl sometimes. oops.

My friend also can't say original - he says Or-id-i-juhl. We make fun of him a lot, haha! :p
I've a habit of shortening "probably" down to "probly" when I speak but I think that might just be a local thing idk
i used to mispronounce Pinocchio and call him "pin-knee-key-oh" but i was like.. 5.
For the longest time I would pronounce meme as "meh-may". :U Took me a while to get used to using the correct pronunciation...
Apparently often is to be pronounced "offen" but that's something everyone does. I remember someone in High School trying to get everyone to say it correctly, it really bugged her, haha.

Otherwise I'm pretty good when it comes to pronunciation. I also say "jif"
Stephen (stefen), Climb (clinB), tomb (tonbe)... So many, but I'm not English speaker.
I thought 'subtle' was 'sub-tull.' If it's pronounced 'suttle' then why not spell it like that?! Screw the English language.
I used to do the same thing!

To this day whenever I see the name Sean I pronounce it in my head as "seen"
I had a picture book about a little girl that was trying to get her puppy ready for bed. Its name was Biscuit. I pronounced it bis-quit.
Pretty much all English words containing "oe" or "ae" or stuff because they are very not much pronounced like that here lol.
The name Penelope. As a kid I could never remember how to say it.

I mess up pronunciation constantly but I don't think there is any consistency to which words I fail at. And it's not a lack of understanding of how to pronounce them as I correct myself immediately. I just seem to get tongue-tied and the wrong sound comes out. Probably due to how quickly I speak, but that's 'normal' in the west of Scotland.
I used to pronounce words with 'th' as 'f' which is pretty common. My private school offered a very simple and easy speech therapy type thing where we played board games and the educational assistant would basically make me and one other girl repeat words that we weren't pronouncing right, but she'd show us how to do it properly. It was super fun at the time.