

Mar 10, 2015
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
White Hyacinth
Mother's Day Carnation
Pink Hybrid Rose
Pink Hybrid Tulip
White Cosmos
Anyone here have allergies? Are they minor or major?


For me, I have unknown allergies with this soap they have at my one work and then another with these disposable gloves they have at my other work. They both make my hands/arms go red and itchy and grow little bumps. It's pretty annoying.

Otherwise I have basic allergies to dirt and pollen where I sneeze and get runny nose and itchy eyes.

Nothing deadly or life changing, thank goodness!
I'm allergic to penicillin. I found out by taking it as a child and then looking in a mirror and realizing my entire body was covered with rashes lol. I'm also allergic to all types of pollen. Sometimes I think I'm allergic to spinach too because it makes my mouth feel dry when I eat it.
I'm allergic to dust. My nose starts running, my skin turns red and itchy, my eyes start hurting, and I sneeze a lot (as in 20 times in a row). Then I'll be sick for two or three days after the reaction since I don't take medicine for it.

Sometimes I'm allergic to cats/dogs.. But not all for some reason (thank God, cuz I love dogs especially).
i'm super allergic to pollen so spring time is killing me :---) I was in texas about a week ago and there was soooo much pollen, i was miserable the entire time.
i think i'm also allergic to silver, or something in it. i used to have my ears pierced and any time i wore earrings they made my earlobes itch and turn red and i would get little cysts in my earlobes.
i was also allergic to a cat that i used to have, which is really weird bc i've never been allergic to a cat before, just this specific one i guess
I'm allergic to some cat breeds, chalk and calamari.
I have quite a few allergies. Thankfully, nothing serious. Trees, grass, pollen, certain types of fruit, dust, animal fur. The animal one seems to have gotten better recently.

Speaking of allergies, I have to go for my monthly allergy shot today!
A few medications & wheat are my biggest allergies. I'm still adjusting to eating things without wheat, sometimes I forget and pay for it later.
I'm "allergic" to coconut. It doesn't make me puffy or anything, just makes me sick.
I have a minor allergy to pollen. It's pretty much not even bothersome except for during the summer season, and even then it's not as bad as it was when I was younger.
I have seasonal allergies. I'm allergic to bananas too but nothing deadly, they just make me throw up.

Oh yeah and I'm allergic to something in Dove products, Downy, and some fabric softeners
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I'm super allergic to dust that I'd start to sneeze (and get cold) the moment I tried to clean the rooms.
i'm allergic to bananas & i get seasonal allergies (sneezing, runny nose, itchy throat..)