• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!

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  • Oh wow. I'm so sorry. I didn't get T-Bone's! He's the last one so it'll be really quick. I'll let you know when I've reopened! Sorry again!
    Hi! Adding you now. I've got all four of your pictures, I'll open my gates when you've added me back - town name is Faeries.
    Sorry for the delay, but would you like to come pick up your items? They were the yellow balloon, pink heart balloon, pink balloon, and red heart balloon. c:
    Just let me know when you want to come by. Anytime we're both online is good~
    Hi c:
    I'm veryyy sorry for the delay on getting you your items from my shop! ; n ; My family has been moving into a new house this entire week, and the computer isn't working so I have to use mobile. :c It's a real pain! So I'm trying to do my best to stay online most of the week, but no promises as we are still very busy with unpacking. :(
    So basically, I am very sorry for the delay and hopefully I can get you your items soon!
    **Oh, and for the price, really anything is fine. c:**
    Thank you for your patience!
    Cool, thanks. Looking forward to it.

    Funny how villagers still surprise me once in a while with their dialog.
    Thanks for visiting my dream town. Just realized it because Marshal couldn't stop talking about you, heh.

    I wonder if you have a dream address, too? Searched your profile and didn't see it, but I'm sure my eyes just need a check-up.
    Heh. I actually sorta just got it from someone else in a trade; he had a spare ^^;
    Ooh, snow globe, I want.

    Thought I saw Bonbon finally, but what I actually saw was Pompom. I hate that their names are so similar.
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