Recent content by Mirror

  1. Mirror

    Villager you Missed in your Campsite

    Flurry. Other than that, all the campers I've seen are villagers that I don't like all that much.
  2. Mirror

    Redd is making a killing tonight!

    Ugh, I know, I've bought tons of tickets and I haven't gotten a single Lovely Phone or Boxed Figurine, both of which are wishlist items. C'mon...
  3. Mirror

    Public works projects you're waiting to be requested?

    I really want the Police Station, (Got the perfect spot for it!), the Bell, the Metal Bench, Drinking Fountain, Flower Arch, Flower Bed, Hot spring, Statue Fountain, Wisteria Trellis, Zen Garden and the Lighthouse. I'm on the fence about the illuminated things, like the Clock (have), and the...
  4. Mirror


    I got a tan once, and I hated it because tans don't look good with my character's blonde hair... Anyways, now I learned my lesson and I always have an umbrella on me or my hat if I need to carry a tool. The tan lasted about 4 or 5 days, and I constantly wore a hat so it wouldn't get worse.
  5. Mirror

    Times You Had To Reset

    I reset when I accidentally misplace a public project, definitely. And then I'm planning to reset tonight when I get my Fireworks ticket. If it's not for the Boxed Figurine or Lovely Phone (2 wish list items), then I'm going to turn my DS off and try again. Also, resetting for Pictures when you...
  6. Mirror

    Fountain Fireworks?

    I'm going to be saving them, so far I have 4.
  7. Mirror

    Contacts at Shampoodles @-@

    2 weeks! It was only yesterday that I got the ability to have contacts. I got the blue ones.
  8. Mirror

    Most overrated villager?

    I like most of the wolves, but I kind of dislike Lobo because I feel his eyes are too close together. Sorry. And then there's Tangy, and I think she's actually kind of ugly... I also agree with Bob, whose not ugly but a bit too generic for the amount of popularity he has.
  9. Mirror

    Villagers informing you on who has been doing what in your Dream Town? :P

    Yeah, my villagers talk about dream town visitors pretty often, and just yesterday they where talking about one whose town I just visited! What I hear most often is "Pro-Listener" or "Flower Fan".
  10. Mirror

    Sick Villagers D:

    Huh, I gave Curlos some medicine when he got sick and he got better the next day. Although in Wild World, it felt like villagers would be sick for about a week before they got better, if you constantly gave them medicine. It's nice they shortened it.
  11. Mirror

    I HAVE A FOREST! :D (nearly 300-400 trees)

    That sounds really cool! I'm sure your town will get tons of visits.
  12. Mirror

    In your opinion, worst town project?

    Besides the obvious signs and the boot project (No thanks, Graham), definitely the Streetlamp, Modern Clock Tower, Modern Bridge, Fire Pit, Stadium Light, Video Screen, and the Drilling Rig are things that will never be seen in my town.
  13. Mirror

    Are you a letter saver?

    I only save Goodbye letters from villagers, as a final memento for them. So far I've gotten none, so I've saved 0 letters.
  14. Mirror

    Discontinued things you wish New Leaf had?

    Non-wearing grass from Wild World and Animal Crossing...