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Mafia TBT Mafia IV: Red Revolution [Game Over/Mafia Win]


meme dilettante
Mar 27, 2013
Kirby Easter Egg
Famous Mushroom
The Bell Tree Fair 2016 Patch
Silver Trophy (Second Place)
Tasty Cake
Red Cosmos


TBT Mafia IV: Red Revolution

*River is co-hosting this game. Any questions can be directed to her or myself.

Day 1 | Night 1
Day 2 | Night 2
Day 3 | Night 3
Day 4 | Night 4
Day 5 | Night 5
Day 6

Action list

Obs chat

Scum chat


Привет comrades, and welcome to a special themed edition of TBT Mafia! The year is 1917, and the Russian Tsarist autocracy has fallen. It is October, and the Bolshevik party have seized control of key government ministries. Now, Russia is locked in civil war between the Bolshevik Reds and the counter-revolutionary Whites. Should the Bolsheviks emerge victorious, it will pave the way for the founding of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the rest, as they say, is history.
* Disclaimer: Not a substitute for a proper history lesson.

Mafia is a game of the uninformed majority versus the informed minority. To elaborate, the game is divided into two teams: the Town (Bolshevik Party in this game) and the Mafia (White Russians in this game). Mafia know who each other are, and can coordinate their actions privately. Town players on the other hand don't know anything other than their own role. To compensate, there are many more Town than Mafia. The objective of the game is for Town to lynch all of Mafia before it is too late. The game is divided into repeating phases of Day and Night. Day revolves around voting for a player to be lynched. Night is reserved for Mafia to make their kills and certain players to use their special abilities.

Be warned - Mafia requires a time commitment. This generally depends on the player, but at minimum 30 minutes a day of solid effort is required. As part of the time commitment, Mafia requires a great deal of reading. Most people are actually quite poor at reading comprehension and playing Mafia is a great way to improve your reading ability, as well as your writing and ability to think and argue logically.

Signups are limited to the first 25. After that, names will be placed in a Replacement list.
  1. Superpenguin Reformed Bourgeoisie (Killed Night 1)
  2. oath2order Revolutionary (Killed Night 1)
  3. Tom - Maxim Gorky
  4. iLoveYou 1-Shot Cheka Commissar (Killed Night 2)
  5. Tina aka Vladimir Ilyich Lenin the 2-Shot Cheka Commissar (Killed Night 2)
  6. Trundle Party Elite (Killed Night 1)
  7. Gandalf Conspirator (Lynched Day 3)
  8. LaurinaMN - Saboteur
  9. Lauren NKVD Officer (Killed Night 2)
  10. Prof Gallows - Red Army Starshina
  11. ITookYourWaffles Comrade Apothecary (Lynched Day 4)
  12. Kuma Revolutionary (Killed Night 4)
  13. Justin Revolutionary (Lynched Day 2)
  14. FireNinja1 - Revolutionary
  15. Farobi NKVD Officer (Lynched Day 5)
  16. Blu Rose Revolutionary (Killed Night 5)
  17. BlueLeaf Comrade Apothecary (Killed Night 5)
  18. BellBringerGreen - Saboteur
  19. Dolby Revolutionary (Lynched Day 6)
  20. pallycake Party Elite (Modkilled Night 3)
  21. beary509 Conspirator (Killed Night 2)
  22. Hikari Revolutionary (Killed Night 4)
  23. Mary Bodyguard (Lynched Day 1)
  24. Lunatic - Revolutionary

Players remaining: 6 / 24

Bolsheviks remaining: 3 / 19
Bodyguards remaining: 0 / 1

White Russians remaining: 3 / 5
Counter-revolutionary KP = 2 (# of Whites/2 rounded up)


This game uses a semi-open setup. These are all the possible roles in the game. I will not disclose how many of each role there are. There is no guarantee that all roles will be used. A player's exact role will be revealed upon their death.
Players will be randomly assigned roles just before the game starts.

The Bolshevik Party

Bolshevik Revolutionary (Townie)
You are a Bolshevik Revolutionary, trying to bring power to the people by toppling the weak and corrupt Russian Provisional Government. Your only weapons are your voice and your vote.

NKVD Officer (Detective)
You are an experienced intelligence officer, who would rather leave the messy work to your Chekist comrades. Every night, you may investigate a player and find out their alignment.

Cheka Commissar (X-shot Vigilante)
You are a member of the feared new Soviet state security organisation, Cheka. You are tasked with executing anti-revolutionary forces. You follow Lenin's mantra that it's better for 100 innocents to die, than to let one enemy escape. With this in mind, you shoot first and ask questions later. You are armed with the unreliable Nagant revolver, only good for X number of shots. Once per night you may shoot a player with a bullet. If you are roleblocked, your shot will be refunded.

Red Army Starshina (Veteran)
A non-commissioned officer in the Red Army, you have already experienced plenty of combat and know how to handle yourself. You have two night lives.

Comrade Apothecary (Doctor)
You are a doctor in good favour with the Bolshevik party. You have adequate supplies of medicine and can save one person each night from one hit. As you are in fear of your life and are constantly moving, you daren't protect the same player two nights in a row. Both you and the person you protect will be informed if a hit was successfully prevented. If you protect a Starshina, your save is used up before their extra life.

Party Elite (Mason)
You are a high ranking member of the Bolshevik party. Due to your political connections, you know of other comrades whom you can trust. Unfortunately, your high rank leads to complacency, so you cannot be protected..

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Mayor)
You are the famous leader of the revolution, whom the Party chose on Day One. Upon election, a random Revolutionary will be chosen to serve as bodyguard. Lenin will decide the Day 1 lynch. His vote will also allow for an instant majority lynch when the person he votes for receives 50% of the votes. Lenin cannot die to killing powers while his Bodyguard lives.

You have been promoted to the role of Bodyguard to protect your leader. As long as you live, Lenin cannot be killed, except by lynch.

Reformed Bourgeoisie
A member of the class despised by the Revolution, you were captured but fortunately avoided execution. Instead, you were re-educated in a Cheka labour camp and released. However, suspicions on you remain, and the Bolsheviks would still like nothing more than to see you dead. If you are inspected, you will return White Russian. You will not be told you are a Bourgeoisie, but it will be revealed upon your death.

The White Russians

White Conspirator (Mafia Goon)
You are a member of the White Movement resisting the Bolshevik revolution. You have nothing but your voice and your vote to corrupt the Party. Together with your fellow White partners, you can kill at night.

Maxim Gorky (Godfather)
You are Alexei Maximovich Peshkov, also known as Maxim Gorky. Everyone thinks you are a loyal Socialist, but you are secretly plotting against Lenin and the Bolsheviks. You will show up as Bolshevik to all inspections, and count as two White Russians for the purposes of calculating KP. You may permanently switch your role with any other White Russian player before the end of the Day 1 election.

White Saboteur (Roleblocker)
You are a specialist in the White Movement, trained in the art of sabotage. Every night you can stop a player from performing any actions. You cannot block the same player two nights in a row.

White Killing Power (KP) is # of Whites/2 rounded up, with a minimum of 1 KP. KP is calculated at the start of the Night phase. The counter-revolutionaries must send me the names of who they want to kill before the night ends. One person can submit all of the kills. Failure to submit all kills will result in a public announcement that the Whites failed to use all their killing power. To avoid this, you must tell me if you are withholding a kill. Whites can target their own.

PM kills and actions to both myself and River. They cannot be withdrawn or changed, so be sure of your intentions before you send in.

Bolshevik win condition: Eliminate the counter-revolutionary Whites.
White Russian win condition: Equal or outnumber the Bolsheviks.


Cheating includes (but is not limited to):
1. Posting after death. You may have one polite goodbye post, but it may not contain any potentially game-changing information.
2. Ruining the game by doing something like handing out your mafia's member list to the town.
3. Logging on to someone else's account to get their role or looking over someone's shoulder to get their role.
4. Posting screenshots of your inbox.
5. Posting or sharing any PM you receive from a host.
6. Getting yourself modkilled to help your team. Your non-majority-decided death may not be used as a bargaining chip.
7. Signing up more than once using smurf accounts.
8. Offering favours/items/bells outside of the game for a ingame information.
9. Sharing accounts with other players.
10. Posting a false role PM phrased as if you received it from the host. You can still fake roleclaim, but you cannot make it look like you are posting a PM you received from the host.
Cheating is not tolerated here as it ruins the game for everyone. The mods and admins here CAN take action.

Wisdom of the Crowds
Newly introduced this game to help prevent policy lynches on village idiots and other disruptive players. When you sign up, you may PM me with the name of one player you do not want to play with. If I get enough PMs about the same person, they will be excluded from the game. This will be done with the utmost confidence. I will be watching for people attempting to abuse this.

This game uses replacements. Replacements will be made in the game until the end of Night 2. If a player is modkilled during the designated time, then they will be replaced by a player on the replacement list.

Time Cycle:
This game will follow an approximately 48 hour day and 24 hour night cycle. In case I am not able to post around deadline, any votes after the 48 hour mark will not count and the game will be put on halt until the night post is up. The deadline will always be 11pm GMT (6pm EST). Actions/votes will be accepted up to and including the posted time, but not after.

Mod Font:
This is the mod colour. It is reserved for the host. Please do not use it.

Question Font:
This is the question colour. Use it to ask the host questions about the rules in public. You can also PM me.

You must post in this thread once per full day/night cycle and vote every day while you are alive. If you fail to do so, you will be modkilled.

Spam is not tolerated, nor is any off-topic material. This also means you should condense your posts when possible. 15 one-liners in 30 minutes is unacceptable.

Editing is not allowed for any reason. Editing will result in a warning. After that, you will be modkilled. While I ask for everybody to post as concisely as possible, post again if you have to edit anything. The board software automatically merges the posts anyway.

Inappropriate posts:
Mafia games can get heated and emotional. Please keep it civil and remember that what happens in Mafia stays in Mafia. Don't let things spill over to the rest of the forum, it's just a game. If you are unhappy with a player's posts, PM me first. Only if you are dissatisfied with the outcome should you involve the TBT staff.

Play to win.
That said, you should try your best to help your team win while you are alive and in the game. However, this does not mean that you should try to win by being a jerk to the other players so they all want to quit playing.

This also means that you cannot leave the game without a good reason. These situations will be dealt with on a case by case basis. PM your host if you need to leave the game.

You have been warned.


This game uses the officially enforced banlist. If you are modkilled for any reason, you will be subject to a minimum one game ban. The ban length will depend on the reason you were modkilled. Real life problems that pop up that require you to leave the game will be punished minimally. Things like getting yourself modkilled on purpose to use your non-majority decided lynch as a bargaining chip will earn you a lengthy ban.

Voting rules:

1. This game will use Majority Lynch. For those of you familiar with IRC Mafia, it is the same system. When a player attains over 50% of the vote, they will be immediately killed and Day will end. (For example, with 14 players alive, a player requires 8 votes to be lynched). The only exception is if the Mayor is voting for that player. To use the existing example, only 7 votes (including the Mayor's) are required to lynch that player.
2. If the deadline is reached without a majority, nobody will be lynched, and all players who did not vote will be modkilled. You may choose not to lynch, but you must make this clear (##Vote: No Lynch).
3. Voting is done in a separate thread, located here. You may announce and discuss your votes in this main thread, but only votes in the Voting thread will be counted. Do not PM me your vote.
4. Please vote in the following format: ##Vote: Username. Votes not done in the correct fashion may not be counted. I will update vote counts whenever I get the chance.
5. If you want to change your vote, first type ##Unvote followed by your new vote ##Vote: Username. You can change your vote at any time and as much as you like (within reason) up until a majority is reached.
6. No conditional voting.
7. You may vote for yourself. You may not vote for anyone dead or outside the game.
8. Voting is mandatory.

Curious bystanders can PM me or River if they want the link to the observers' quicktopic.

Thanks to everyone who has support TBT Mafia so far.
Thanks to everyone who has hosted a TBT Mafia game.
Thanks to TL NMM LI for the excellent theme idea.

If you have not read all the rules, go back and do so. I will not compensate for ignorance!


Kippla (1) - Modkill in TBTMM







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The invitational phase has ended and signups are now open for the remaining slots.
A reminder of this:

Wisdom of the Crowds
Newly introduced this game to help prevent policy lynches on village idiots and other disruptive players. When you sign up, you may PM me with the name of one player you do not want to play with. If I get enough PMs about the same person, they will be excluded from the game. This will be done with the utmost confidence. I will be watching for people attempting to abuse this.

Game will start on Monday 6th at 11pm GMT (6pm EST).
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~*in*~ as a non-mafia hopefully c:

night 1 scum chat = worst thing i have ever experienced in the history of mafia.

- - - Post Merge - - -

^ in Mini Mafia

I couldn't sleep properly because of all these choices on who to kill that night. D:
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~*in*~ as a non-mafia hopefully c:
night 1 scum chat = worst thing i have ever experienced in the history of mafia.
^ in Mini Mafia

I couldn't sleep properly because of all these choices on who to kill that night. D:

I dunno what was that all about... heh good luck Farobi :p
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Do players within a Mason have their own specific role, or are they exclusive townies?
I'll join...

Now, watch as I get booted out.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Do Detective checks only show the alignment (Bolshevik Party or White Russians), or do they tell the actual role?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Grrr.... Messed up my coloring.

Do Detective checks only show the alignment (Bolshevik Party or White Russians), or do they tell the actual role?
Do Detective checks only show the alignment (Bolshevik Party or White Russians), or do they tell the actual role?

Only alignment, you get no specific role information.

It's pre-game btw, you can edit.
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I'd like to sign up, I love te new theme of this game!

- - - Post Merge - - -

For Wisdom of the Crowds, does it have to be a player who is currently signed up for the game?
For Wisdom of the Crowds, does it have to be a player who is currently signed up for the game?

I believe it can be anybody, signed up or not. Though it would make sense if they have played in previous games, or if you think they have the intent to sign up for this game.
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