Your Fav PS3 Games


Poyo Puffs
Mar 10, 2015
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
White Hyacinth
Mother's Day Carnation
Pink Hybrid Rose
Pink Hybrid Tulip
White Cosmos
I bought a PS3 off of Kijiji today to be able to play Persona 5. Do you have any favourite games or game suggestions? I'm new to the console so there's a library out there to explore and I want to know the best of the best. I'm open to anything.

Thanks in advance!!
Have fun with P5. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it. :). I love that game so much.

My favorites are: all the Metal gear solid games except for Peace Walker and Ground Zero. Snake Eater (MGS3 and Phantom Pain are my top two favorites gameplay and story wise); I would say FFX remaster since FFX is one of my favorites of all time, but I hate how the characters look (can’t change the soundtrack to the un remastered version in the ps3 version either; remastered soundtrack is not that great). I still need to beat it, but Ni No Kuni I was really cute from what I played. :). If you played the earlier Dragon Age games, story wise Inquisition was good and gameplay was not bad but could have been better along with other things in the game.

Most of my ps3 games are Metal Gear Solid games 😅. I also have Katamari forever; I love it - never finished it unfortunately. I think I messed up my joystick since now I have drift.

I did order the older persona games digitally but I never got around to playing them 😅.
Have fun with P5. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it. :). I love that game so much.

My favorites are: all the Metal gear solid games except for Peace Walker and Ground Zero. Snake Eater (MGS3 and Phantom Pain are my top two favorites gameplay and story wise); I would say FFX remaster since FFX is one of my favorites of all time, but I hate how the characters look (can’t change the soundtrack to the un remastered version in the ps3 version either; remastered soundtrack is not that great). I still need to beat it, but Ni No Kuni I was really cute from what I played. :). If you played the earlier Dragon Age games, story wise Inquisition was good and gameplay was not bad but could have been better along with other things in the game.

Most of my ps3 games are Metal Gear Solid games 😅. I also have Katamari forever; I love it - never finished it unfortunately. I think I messed up my joystick since now I have drift.

I did order the older persona games digitally but I never got around to playing them 😅.

Ah! Thank you for your lengthy response! I'll definitely let you know how it goes! I'm WAY too excited for it haha. It comes July 5 though so I've got a bit to wait first RIP haha.

I've never tried any of those games except for Katamari. I looooove Katamari. I have Katamari Damacy on PS2 and love it!

I'll look into the other games you suggested too!
Ahhhh eventually I hope I can buy a PS3 too, so I can relive the days of LBPK (Little Big Planet Karting). It’s like Mario Kart, but … better. And way more destructive.
And I never got to finish Eternal Sonata. :unsure:
Ratchet and Clank games are one of my favorite PlayStation exclusives and you can get the majority of the games on PS3. They've got the first three PS2 games as remaster, Tools of Destruction, Quest for Booty, A Crack in Time, All 4 One, Full Frontal Assult and Into the Nexus. Mostly all third person action adventure games.
I only have three games in my PS3 library. The one I think is worth mentioning though is Gran Turismo 5 (I mean, if you know me, this shouldn't surprise you at this point). It's pretty much a driving simulator where you drive cars, win races, and get even better cars as you progress. Race lengths range from a few laps to literal 24-hour races. I know 99% of the forum members don't care for racing games at all aside from Mario Kart, but I really find it to be fun and relaxing at times just driving whatever car you had and bringing it to its limits.
3D Game Dot Heroes
Infamous 1&2
Sly Cooper Collection and the 4th game
Resistance Trilogy
Tales of Graces f
Drakengard 3
The God of War games are all accessible up to 3. Doesn't matter what negative you have heard about them--it's all wrong
Katamari Forever
technically multiplat but Dead Space and the Lords of Shadow Castlevania games--just ignore the gamer whining on that too
One of them would definitely be Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale. It's a lot like Smash, but plays differently. Sadly the online is no more so if you're okay with playing against CPUs I would suggest it. It has a nice cast of characters. I also love Project Diva F 2nd which is a challenging rhythm game with Vocaloid music. The Little Big Planet series was a lot of fun to play on there. There's also the Uncharted series which is great. Last one I'll toss out there is J-Stars Victory VS+ which is a fun anime fighting game mainly focusing on Shonen Jump characters for the cast. I don't recommend for split-screen though unless you have a giant TV because they have these obnoxiously big bars that shrink the screen down pretty significantly.
Time travel sucks me in and I love Serah.
Final Fantasy 13 in a ironic way because i hated the gameplay and story but i do love the visuals and still holds up really well to this day.