Your AC crush?

It's got to be Genji <3 but also secretly Pietro...I just want to bury my face in his big soft wooly rainbow body...ahem.. anyway.
Marshal because he is sexy and yummy with that hair omnom(;
Well the only 'crush' I had was Walker in WW because he never wanted to leave my town. And all the rumors going on about being able to get married to a villager :rolleyes: Hmm... now it'd probably be Dr. Shrunk, he's so akward and funny! If it had to be a villager, O'Hare! I like how he reminds me of myself and looks like me (imma girl tho) with his 'I don't care face' goin' on. I have Marshal and Kyle in my town, but Marshal's more like a little brother and Kyle's my bro so yeah...

Erik's pretty akward too... lol <3 the weird ones
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I always had a girl crush on Whitney since WW~ Her and Mitzi literally both just moved into my town. Bonni be pimpin. If I had to pick a boy it would be Fang because he's so derptastical and cute and called Gracie old lol, or Erik because he reminds me of Chopper :3
Genji, I love everything about him n.n

But I probably wouldn't date him, I'd just hug him constantly.
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Definitely Lopez. The moment I met him, I got giddy - it was strange. I never had that kind of connection to one of my villager's before. AND I MADE SURE HE DIDN'T MOVE WHEN HE ASKED. Lol. I greatly enjoy his presence and letters.
If I absolutely had to pick one it'd be Vic without question. I like 'em big and manly. :p