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Xbox Series X or PS5 - Which will you go for? Discussion.

Which will you get - Xbox Series X or PS5?

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Your Typical Trickster
Sep 1, 2013
Blue Junimo Easter Egg
Splat Easter Egg
Shooting Star
Tetris Grid
Kirby Easter Egg
Rainbow Feather
Chocolate Cake
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
Disclaimer: This isn't a thread to initiate the console wars. I feel like we're at a point in time where we can move past that since we're all gamers just trying to have fun. With that being said, which one are you most interested in? I know most people on the forum will probably vote PS5, but I was curious regardless. I'm personally going for the Xbox Series X since I've been using Xbox for years. All my games are on Xbox and they'll be backwards compatible so there's little incentive for me to switch to Playstation despite the exclusives. I also am just not a fan of the Playstation controller layout. I'm really used to the analog sticks for Xbox. The exclusives look really cool on the PS5 though. I'd like to get one eventually like I did with the PS4. Feel free to share your opinions and updates as more information for these consoles comes out! You can also share games you're exciting coming out that will be exclusive to these.
Xbox since majority of the games I have are on there (everything that's not Sony or Nintendo exclusive). Also, most of my friends play on Xbox.
id probably be more willing to go with ps5 because i liked more of the games they showed during the reveal. theres just not many games that would convince me to buy an xbox... not a fan of halo or shooters which is what i feel is the majority of xbox's prescense. ps5 seemed to show a lot of indie support though which i liked, and i dont have a PC to play some of them on so.... it would have to be ps5 for me.
if i had to name titles though, STRAY looked really promising, the new horizon zero dawn game, new spiderman.... it just feels like the ps5 will have more variety as far first party stuff goes so far. or maybe its just that the first party games on xbox havent hooked me?

the deal breaker for me though will be pricing. the whole entire reason i dont have a pc is because theyre so expensive, so if ps5 is too expensive, then i just wont be buying it 🤷‍♀️ i think my threshold would be like around 450 dollars... but no more than like 475. i would not spend 500 dollars for a console because games are expensive too!!
I’m not excited for either but I’d probably finally ditch Sony and move to Xbox if I was going to get one
Too early for me to decide on purchasing either - especially when both will probably have major updates. I haven't seen too many Xbox Series X exclusives unless I'm missing something? Beyond Halo, of course. Most games have been cross platform and I'm a big PC gamer anyway.

Some of the PS5 titles look great (Demon's Souls, Horizon, Ratchet & Clank), but nothing that would make the console a day one buy for me.
I say neither cause I'm honestly not interested in either console. I'm perfectly content with my PS2 and Xbox 360. Plus I almost always play on Nintendo consoles anyways. :)
I honestly don't know what kind of exclusives the Xbox is going to get, but I've been planning to get a PS5. I don't have a PS4 and I want to play the FF7 remake. I figured I might as well just wait until the PS5 comes out because I figure definitely part 2 of the remake and maybe part 3 as well will also be on the PS5. I'd be saving money by waiting for the 5 instead of getting the 4 now and needing a 5 down the line.
Too early for me to decide on purchasing either - especially when both will probably have major updates. I haven't seen too many Xbox Series X exclusives unless I'm missing something? Beyond Halo, of course. Most games have been cross platform and I'm a big PC gamer anyway.

Some of the PS5 titles look great (Demon's Souls, Horizon, Ratchet & Clank), but nothing that would make the console a day one buy for me.

I honestly don't know what kind of exclusives the Xbox is going to get, but I've been planning to get a PS5. I don't have a PS4 and I want to play the FF7 remake. I figured I might as well just wait until the PS5 comes out because I figure definitely part 2 of the remake and maybe part 3 as well will also be on the PS5. I'd be saving money by waiting for the 5 instead of getting the 4 now and needing a 5 down the line.

Yeah, Xbox has always been lacking in the exclusives department. Especially now with stuff moving to PC. That's okay for me personally though since I end up spending most of my time playing the shared big titles. Halo is kind of a special exclusive because even though it's just one game, it tends to provide years of enjoyment with the custom maps and modes which is worth it to me. I think one of the best things Xbox has going for it is the solid backward compatibility and Xbox Game Pass. Honestly, if it wasn't for the backwards compatibility with Xbox 360 and Xbox One games, I would have probably considered switching by now. I am hoping the new Fable game will be good because Fable 2 was one of my favorite things on the Xbox 360. I definitely am considering a PS5 further down the road once they release a good amount of exclusives. I just have so many on my PS4 I haven't touched yet and have yet to even get.
PS5 for me, mainly bc most of the games I’ve wanted to play have been in the PS system. The exclusives on the PS4 have been amazing and I’m hoping it’ll continue into the next gen!

also maybe unpopular opinion but I kinda like that router look of the PS5 haha
I’m a nintendo purist but it’s nothing on the other systems: I just grew up on Nintendo. I think I’d go Xbox if I had to pick one.
Playstation 5. While I appreciate the moves Microsoft is doing with Game Pass and XCloud, I’ve never been terribly interested in their first party offerings. Spider-man: Miles Morales and Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart already has me won over as I loved Spider-Man on PS4 and Ratchet and Clank was the series that made me fall in love with Playstation. Plus given Sony’s track record, I can expect more first party offerings that I would most likely enjoy.
Voted for other, since you don't have a none option. I like my Switch and that's good enough for me. Don't need a second console. However if I had to choose one, I would go with the XBOX. Have had their older consoles in the past and it always seems like the way to go.
PS5 of course! Better games on there and l'm very excited for it!
Sony is part of my family xD
PS5 for sure only thing is tho I don't like white coloured tech everything I own is black. I am not gonna get the PS5 straight away cause Sony is only showing a white model. Looks like I will have to wait till a black one comes out :( unless someone has heard that a black will come soon or same day of the release?
Xbox Series X, Play Anywhere is appealing to me so I can play on both PC and Console though preferring to be on console it's not always possible, the exclusive for Playstation doesn't generally appeal to me whereas I find at least a few 'exclusives' of interest on Xbox. Sony and I have a deep rooted hatred for each other dating back to the PS3 so there's that as well.
PS5 for sure only thing is tho I don't like white coloured tech everything I own is black. I am not gonna get the PS5 straight away cause Sony is only showing a white model. Looks like I will have to wait till a black one comes out :( unless someone has heard that a black will come soon or same day of the release?
Actually many people would spray paint their consoles. All you gotta do is take cover off and spay paint it separate from the console. If Sony would never release a black one, then still get the console because a one tiny thing shouldn't bother you from getting the PS5.
Xbox since I play it way more than Playstation consoles! (and because I have Xbox Live but not Playstation Plus)
No idea (likely PS5), but it probably won't be for a while. I just bought a PS4 last year around Black Friday and then I just got a Switch right before AC NH came out.

I'm way more likely to buy one or both depending on how the backwards compatibility works out. I haven't seen them discuss much of that though.
To early to really say. I'll end up with both eventually, but I'm leaning towards Xbox as the first choice.

- Xbox -
+ Backwards compatibility I imagine is going to be superior here. I dont have many Xbox games, but I do go back to the few I have and the Xbox One has been great for that allowing me to get rid of my OG and 360.

Sony's BC has been terrible thus far and from what I hear of the PS5, it's not going to get much better with it (rumour?) only supporting PS4 games.

+ Games pass. It's just great, that's all there is to it. I've saved money not buying games I wanted because they're on Games pass, I've enjoyed games i would have never played without it.

+ PC support. Having Games pass work on PC is a little bonus, but having those games mostly backwards compatible between PC and Xbox is the winner.

Given me and my partner like to play Ark on a private server using two Xboxs and my laptop to host, it would be far more expensive to do the same on Playstation given we would have to buy 3 Playstations, 3 copies of the game + DLC and 3 online subs (as opposed to "we both have game pass", online is free for PC, I just bought a discounted digital copy for the PC server

- But Xbox exclusives are pretty lame and theres not many of them. That's just a fact.

- Playstation -
~ Theres not much for me to say either way. I usually like Sony exclusives, but TBH I've not liked many of the PS4's. I'm kind of over the 'third person over the shoulder narrative focused Sony action game's formula all their exclusives follow. I cant imagine the PS5 lineup being much different.

Given Bloodborne and Digimon World Next Order are the only two exclusive titles I loved from the PS4, I cant say I'm frothing at the mouth for a PS5.

Anything else (well, everything I've already said) is speculation really. I cant make a final decision without all the facts, but history also tends to repeat itself to some degree, and I feel the Xbox having a better second half of its life (imo) is at least going to start the Series X off well.