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Xbox 360 or PS3 ?


Senior Member
Sep 29, 2010
For christmas my parents are leeting me have a choice of the Xbox 360 and the PS3. First off I want NO fanboys! I just want yor opions on the consoles! I want to know what is the best for online gameplay ad just some facts :p Also just to let you know most my friends have an Xbox 360, also what are the Kinect and the PSMove like? Also when I decide what to have, please let me know some good games. NOT CoD please..... I'll get them straight away xD

Edit- NO SPAM saying I like it personaly just to get yor post count up... Also any good names? I have 2 good ones but I need more ideas. My name is Tom by the way!
If you like the PS2 control setup, PS3 all the way, because to me it seemed a lot harder to get used to the controls of the Xbox...
I also prefer the PS3 because I have a lot of friends who have PS3's, but only like 2 or 3 with a 360. Graphics wise, there is really no difference, they both look the same. Except on some games for the 360 some little things are different, but that's not a big deal. If you get a 360 though, get the new one.

I think your choice should be based on which one your friends have.

PS3 Games:
LittleBigPlanet or Pre-order LBP 2

360 Games:
I don't really know because I don't have an Xbox...

Move or Kinect:
If you prefer a Wii type of gameplay, the Move is for you. It's the same as the Wiimote and Nunchuk setup, except it's wireless. If you think it would be more fun to be constantly jumping and moving, with no controller except for the camera picking up your movement, then go with Kinect.

Hope this helps make your decision.
TommySnow said:
Edit- NO SPAM saying I like it personaly just to get yor post count up... Also any good names? I have 2 good ones but I need more ideas. My name is Tom by the way!
If your friends have a 360, get a 360. The online play is what makes these games systems and the 360 beats the PS3 hands down, plus you'll have your friends to play with.
Thanks guys :) If I got kinect i'll have to move my bed a little :L So far Xbox is winning me over ;) Also ACCF18 go away before I report you for Spamming on my thread!
I agree with Jas0n, if your friends have it, get it either one. The graphics are pretty much tied, although graphics don't matter. And they almost have the same games. PS3 has a better DVD player, though. Better internet access as well. So, get PS3. It's cheaper too.
I have played both, and own a 360. So most of my experience has been with the 360. I think they are really similar, just what you are used to and what your friends play. I like the 360's controller better, because it fits my hands better. The analogs on the ps3 controller are better though. I can't say much about online, because of my *censored.2.0*ty ISP and I haven't played PS3 online. A lot of games are on both consoles, but if there is a console only game you like, then think about that console.
PS3 cheaper o_O Are you serious? If I get a Xbox I will only get a 4MB on or something like that..... Get a external hardrive later...... And thanks you for not spamming :p
Lol, no problem. Well, I don't know about you, but over here where I live, it's a bit cheaper. Same prices for some, but over here the PS3 is about 50 bucks cheaper than the 360.
I haven't played the 360 yet. Most of my friends have the PS3. Most people have the PS3 so I would get that one. I know I'm not much help
ACCF18 said:
Lol, no problem. Well, I don't know about you, but over here where I live, it's a bit cheaper. Same prices for some, but over here the PS3 is about 50 bucks cheaper than the 360.

I haven't played the 360 yet. Most of my friends have the PS3. Most people have the PS3 so I would get that one. I know I'm not much help
LOL xD I moving to you!

And PurpleHeart dont worry xD As long as you have something to say thats not SPAM!
What kind of games do you like? The PS3 has a wide assortment of all types of games, but the 360 really only has first person shooters, which takes no skill at all, unless you have trouble button mashing.
These are the top 3 questions you need to ask yourself when deciding which console to buy.

Do I like the games it offers?
Do any of my friends own it?
Will I play online or just Solo?
Answer and you'll get your answer.

@moron above, You think FPS are EASY?! Take the CF disk outta your ass and actually play a FPS. BTW you never mash buttons in a FPS.
Sorry. I'm not a horny teenager sitting in a dark room all day with pimples all over my face in front of the TV like you X box players are.
Kale Demos said:
Sorry. I'm not a horny teenager sitting in a dark room all day with pimples all over my face in front of the TV like you X box players are.
...I didn't even say which system FPS take skill on its all PC 360 PS3 and Wii.
Kale Demos said:
What kind of games do you like? The PS3 has a wide assortment of all types of games, but the 360 really only has first person shooters, which takes no skill at all, unless you have trouble button mashing.
To be honest, the PS3 is 90% FPS games too, both have their share of other genres.
Oh, how could I forget. The Xbox doesn't have ALL FPS games. You can also buy games that take even less skill. All you have to do is stand in front of the TV and flail your arms!
@Kale Demos

I have reported you now for being a pian and being mean to another forum member .......... your Fired! xD
Kale Demos said:
Oh, how could I forget. The Xbox doesn't have ALL FPS games. You can also buy games that take even less skill. All you have to do is stand in front of the TV and flail your arms!
Whats your deal with 360 anyway? Were not even discussing it you're just acting like a fanboy douche defending...who knows! Before you go saying I'm defending Xbox, I'm not. I'm defending the fact that FPS take skill but you're so blind and immature you cannot see that.