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would you rather talk like yoda or breathe like vader :D

Talk like Yoda! Being a breather like Vader would just be annoying in real life. Imagine going to the movies on a date and you are breathing like him. You'd get kicked out of the theatre :( Lol
To be honest, I'm pretty sure it would be less obnoxious to talk like Yoda than to breathe like Vader. :p Imagine being in class and all you hear is the kid beside you breathing heavily, very loudly. That would get annoying real fast, in any situation. At least if you talk like Yoda, you aren't talking 24/7. Unless you plan to hold your breath, you'll be breathing that way 24/7. Lol!
I already have breathing problems and I can tell you talking like yoda would be 1000000000000000% better
I'd rather talk like Yoda. When people breathe really loud around me I find it really annoying and its always been a pet peeve of mine so I'd rather talk abnormally than do that.
Talk like yoda. Being a heavy breather would drive myself crazy because I already find it annoying with other people. XP
talk like yoda. breathing like vader would eventually get annoying to hear for the rest of your life. plus how can you play hide and go seek or be quiet in a movie theater.

*heavy breathing*
"can you not."
story: when i was little i had to undergo a lot of teeth extractions and surgeries orally. i was also a very sensitive girl, i would react to anything that hurt me. during teeth extractions though, i'd be very nervous, i remember looking at all those pointy gadgets and thinking to myself, i'm gonna die bro. but then they gave me this weird mask that went over my nose, i was then told to breathe through it, as it was laughing gas* and it smelled like raspberries. they would then numb the part of my gum and extract the tooth. however, when i'm unable to move, i start thinking about things, or focus on things i wouldn't have. so then, i did a terrible thing: i started focusing on my breathing. breathing is natural, we don't have to think about it. but when we become aware, you either try to control it or you get weirded out. with the mask on, when i inhaled or exhaled, it was greatly magnified sound-wise. i could hear every inhale and exhale, and i thought to myself "well i sound like darth vader don't i" unfortunately i was focused completely on the sound and started laughing, which made them postpone the surgery till i stopped.

the story really wasn't much, but i would rather breathe like darth vader; at least i'll laugh at myself rather than be frustrated that no one understands what i'm saying.
Talk like Yoda. I assume we don't have to do the Yoda voice too, just the backwards sentences, since you didn't specify. If I had to breathe like Vader, everyone around me would be severely annoyed and freaked out. I do not wish this curse on them.
As a kid I used to breathe like Vader because of allergies and most kids in my class with the only exception of my closest friends wouldn't even want to get near me because I always sounded constipated and gross.

Now that I'm learning languages I talk like Yoda whever I try to speak french or english. It's kind of awkward but people are a lot more forgiving to foreigners who try to speak in another language.

So as someone who's tried both things irl. I say talking like Yoda is definitely the lesser evil.