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Who has actually read the Bible?

Have you read the Bible?/ You're opinion on its teachings.

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I've never really read much of the bible, if any at all. When I was a lot younger I think I flipped through the pages of the bible and just skimmed most of it, and I've heard chunks of the bible orally when my parents would drag me to church, but I haven't actually read any good portions of it. From what I do know about it though, the 10 commandments do seem like good rules to follow, but a lot of the deeper 'teachings' of the bible I strongly disagree with. God might have made this world... or he might not have. All I can say is, if you have time and aren't Christian and haven't read it yet, it seems like an interesting book to read.
I recently just got in the book of Mattew in the New Testament. I mostly read the bible to give me a sense of hope I guess since I've been studying multiple religions, such as Judaism, Islamic, Hinduism, and currently just got into Buddhism. There's a few concepts that I like in all of them but I'm more interested in the afterlife since I fear death. They're all just for study till I end up finding peace within myself. I don't judge others for what they follow since that's their beliefs and their own relationship.
yes, all of it; as an atheist in a christian family and community, it was painful to do so

an overview of judaism-based religions (the three "major" ones and largest denominations) as i understand them
judaism = old testament of the bible + longass rulebook which has some rules not exactly based on the bible + savior is yet to come
- orthodox - interpretations and applications of old testament and torah laws
- non-orthodox/liberal/reform - judaism + modern times, an attempt to modernize judaism

christianity = old testament of the bible + new testament of the bible + savior has come as jesus + reincarnation will come
- catholicism - christianity + pope, rituals, and more festivals which are traced to the bible by little more than a string + jesus as a rule-setter + enforcing truth
- protestantism - christianity + jesus as high priest + extreme focus on jesus as a role model + practical truth
- eastern orthodoxy - christianity + seven ecumenical councils + jesus as a role model + personal truth (more of an inner peace)
- oriental orthodoxy - old testament/differing new testament + jesus as high priest + jesus as role model + enforcing truth + coptic, ethiopian, eritrean, syrian, malankara and armenian orthodoxies as high churches akin to pope
- anglicanism - a mix of catholicism + protestantism, i think

islam = old testament + new testament (jesus is a prophet but not savior) + qur'an (or however one spells it) + savior has come in muhammad + reincarnation will come
- sunni - muhammad is bae, all he says in concrete
- shia - sunni + muhammad's fam is bae and has significant influence and that muhammad created a hierarchy to which his cousin "ali ibn abi talib" was the heir. this thus invalidates some of the things of the qur'an
- kharijite - "we are right; you are wrong" and "we succeeded against our enemy" (transliteration: those who succeeded)
- sufism - muhammad is bae + purify your inner self via direct contact with god
- ahmadiyya - muhammad was bae and is reincarnated in mirza ghulam ahmad, protect islam itself
sorry if it's full of generalizations, but these are just my observations. sorry if i spelled a name wrong <3
I have only read parts when I was younger before I abandoned the religion entirely. Still I'd like to read it sometime just to get a better understanding of it even though I won't believe any of it to be true.
I used to go to Christian day-cares and when I was younger would go to Church with my friend's families if I had spent the weekend at their homes. So I mean I haven't really read the Bible with my own two eyes, but have sure had quite a bit of it read to me. I used to really believe and follow it's teachings, I would listen to Christian radio and pray every single night. But I got over it thankfully, it's still interesting to say the least the teachings and stories there-in. I hope to someday just read it all the way through and I will someday.
oh no you can't lose faith in allah otherwise you will be hung/whatever muslims do to people who are non believers anymore but anyway OT: No but I would like to read it and I don't understand why people hate on those who read it, and I'm saying this as someone who doesn't believe in religion however I don't fully disbelieve as I do think some parts of the bible are true but changed a little bit by people over time

yup still a tiny bit of hope in there i've had some experiences i cant explain which make me still have faith in god but like........ i dont know what to think when i see innocent people starve to death everyday and most of which havent even had the chance to learn religion so im just.......... bruh

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not gonna lie though the only time i actually read the Qur'an (like, read a whole Sura) is in school im such a bad human being gtg
I feel the need to clear something up here. Many people are saying that they find the Bible hypocritical and contradictory. I just wanted to remind you that it was written over thousands of years. In those times, cultures changed, people lived and died, empire rose and fell, and as such the rules weren't always consistent.

That being said, I have never read the entire Bible but I want to at some point. If you're not Christian and want to get your own opinion of the Bible, my suggestion to you is to read these books in this order: John, Acts, and Romans. They truly lay the foundation on which Christianity rests and most of the old testament teachings no longer apply to us today. They aren't that long and you should be able to read the three of them in a few days.

As far as the Old Testament goes, Job and Jonah are phenomenal.
nah, i've never read it and don't plan to. i'm an atheist so there wouldn't be much point to it. plus i don't really read books anymore, and the bible is pretty long...
As a humanist, I am completely atheist and I see no reason for me to read a book I believe to be nonsense. I have no problem if you follow it though, as long as it does not harm other because of your beliefs c:

However, my dad, also a humanist, read it out of curiosity and he was not impressed with the contents at all lmao.

As said previously, I don't care about your religion. I have many religious friends, this is just my opinion so don't hate me lmao
I've read parts of it for amusement and cause we had to in school but far from the whole stuff lol. I'm an atheist so yeah I see no use for other purposes, yeah.
i read one chapter in the bible but i can't tell you what the name of it was.
all i remember was the guy lost absolutely everything and it was all about him not ever saying god's name in vein or blaming him for losing his family, his home, his health, everything.

i'm not religious but i was forced into church as a kid so i've been to church a bit in my lifetime i guess.
I've read Genesis, Psalms, Proverbs and Revelation completely and portions of almost all the other books.

this was quite some time ago when I was younger so i don't remember everything