Who are your favorite non-mainstream villagers?


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2020
Just wondering, who are your favorite non-mainstream (ie. not commonly traded) villagers? Just looking for some needle in the haystacks there. I have too many normal and lazy villagers though hah.
Opal the elephant. She is such pretty color of green.
Keaton the eagle. I lIke his eyes and he is really vibrant.
Mott was one of my starters in my first new leaf town and I've loved him ever since. It's shame I've never been able to find him since then though.
I personally have a huge love for Tammi the peppy monkey, so cute but with a slight edge ;;
In my first NL town I had Pango as a starting villager and she grew on me cause she threw my mayor a birthday party that first year. I'm also partial to Beardo and Lionel because they have mustaches and it makes me laugh. Caroline was my very first island villager back in the GC days, so she is pretty nostalgic for me. I also really like Mira because she's a super bunny.
Caroline and Sally were the first that came to mind, but they're both normals. Claudia (snooty pink tiger with blue heart patterns on her head!!) is pretty great - I was holding her for my sister a few weeks ago and was unexpectedly sad to see her go. I also love Bruce (cranky deer... but most of the deer designs are nice imo) and Pecan (snooty, and another squirrel, surprise). There are tons of cute villagers not in the upper tiers.
Gruff! I know he's cranky, but he's an adorable green goat and he's usually p nice once you befriend him. <3 He's good friends with Billy and Sherb now.
this absolute QUEEN omfg... willow is such a cutie i cant believe she's slept on and in such a low tier :(

I have a soft spot for Sally, she was my absolute favourite in Wild World and she's so darn cute. She has the normal personality so she's also really sweet and that made me love her even more