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Who are your airplane/naruto runners?

I only have Tybalt as runner. I found it very funny so I'd like to have another one at least so they can both run together, but I'm not changing my villagers because of that. I used to have at least two and it was very funny to seem them racing one another on the plaza.
I love the airplane running. It's the cutest thing

Tybalt and Octavian like to do it the most on my island

I've also had Sherb, Marina, Merry and Mint do it also. Never seen Diana, Kidd, Renee or Flurry do it
Bianca and Lucky mostly, but one day I had like four of them all running and playing together in the plaza. It was adorable ^^
On my island, it’s Apple since she’s the only villager of mine that has the play hobby. The only other villagers I caught doing this were Roald and Beau, and no one else. It’s so adorable when they do it though! :)
Marcel and Stitches are the villagers I have with the play personality, I've seen Marcel playing a lot more though. The other day, Marcel played with Opal, Tangy, and Ursala at the plaza. It was so adorable!
I feel like all of my villagers have done it at some point, but Bob and Stitches are probably the ones running around the most. I love it it's so cute
: D
Stitches really like to pretend to be an airplane. As for others, it's a rarity. I saw Carrie, Queenie, and Sterling do it one time. It looks so goofy seeing large-sized animals run like airplanes and I like it.
i’m pretty sure it’s people with the “play” hobby, they’re the ones that start it but other villagers can copy them when they’re in the plaza.

(also, it’s biskit)
Rudy and Deirdre constant zoomiez. I’m surprised they haven’t fallen into a river yet since they run with their eyes closed.
My villagers never Naruto-run on my island, so I was super shocked to see them doing it the other day, lol
Billy and Sprinkle! I love that I got one of the apparently few jocks who don't do fitness as their interest - the silly old goat asks me for a favor, I grant it, he thanks me... and then off he goes, nyooooom
Broccolo, Benedict, and Boots. (Broccolo is ADORABLE when he runs because he’s so tiny.) Back when I had Renée, she was also sprinting all over the plaza all the time.
stitches just moved in and was naruto running for ages today! he’s the only one i’ve seen in ages though