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What's Bothering You?


this. this is bothering me, whatever happened the last time l played l must been getting beaten up. My health is very low. And why am l playing this again, game feels sad because its old but not withTP? My brain is weird that's all
I found another artist who makes really beautiful and adorable Fire Emblem fan art and also some random Hubert artwork whom I have no idea who they belong to or if they belong to the same person (there were several I found on the website). It makes me happy and in aw and at the same time depressed when I look at what I can only create and the lack of quality. At the same time, maybe this is good since it can be seen as a way of testing my interest and how committed to improving I am (then again, having no money may make it impossible for now or at least trying other coloring and drawing tools or going digital. 🤔).
I've come to realize recently that most social situations are also a cause for my anxiety. I never thought I was one to be nervous in social situations yet here I am. I have quite the crippling fear of judgment or embarrassment, especially at work. Even a little bit around the flat as well. I feel uncomfortable in the work office and too anxious to ask questions. I don't like social gatherings at work as I haven't really made any friends and I feel like I can't blend in anywhere. I feel like I'm weird, don't act normal, quiet and an annoyance. I can't tell if what is in my head is true or not.

I broke down and cried last night, which is something I don't usually do. I think this medication changeover is still messing with my head as well as making me nauseous 24/7. I'm hoping once the old medication is out of my system and the new one is in that I won't be as anxious.
My email said my package was delivered even though it WASN'T! 'EXTREMELY. ****ING. PISSED NOW!! USPS BETTER have a good explanation for this!:mad:
I found another artist who makes really beautiful and adorable Fire Emblem fan art and also some random Hubert artwork whom I have no idea who they belong to or if they belong to the same person (there were several I found on the website). It makes me happy and in aw and at the same time depressed when I look at what I can only create and the lack of quality. At the same time, maybe this is good since it can be seen as a way of testing my interest and how committed to improving I am (then again, having no money may make it impossible for now or at least trying other coloring and drawing tools or going digital. 🤔).

I can give you the immediate tip for art that as long as drawing makes you happy then it doesn't matter how "good" or "bad" you are. Even just enjoying the activity is enough of a reason to keep drawing.

It also definitely isn't impossible to improve with lower quality materials. The more you draw the more you'll learn the techniques on how to use your tools! Those same skills you learn will be just as useful when you eventually do save up enough to upgrade. As a final tip when you do decide to upgrade your materials remember that you don't always have to go for the most expensive stuff. My personal favourite set of coloured pencils cost me about 25 euros and it remains my favourite to this day.​
I feel overwhelmed with ideas to model. I want to try and make it fun with my own style but I also need to prioritize what looks good on a portfolio :c

I can give you the immediate tip for art that as long as drawing makes you happy then it doesn't matter how "good" or "bad" you are. Even just enjoying the activity is enough of a reason to keep drawing.

It also definitely isn't impossible to improve with lower quality materials. The more you draw the more you'll learn the techniques on how to use your tools! Those same skills you learn will be just as useful when you eventually do save up enough to upgrade. As a final tip when you do decide to upgrade your materials remember that you don't always have to go for the most expensive stuff. My personal favourite set of coloured pencils cost me about 25 euros and it remains my favourite to this day.​

Thanks so much for the tip and taking the time to reply :).

I definitely am having a lot of fun drawing regardless of these doubts I’m having and I am going to keep drawing for now since it has been a great stress reliever and fun trying to get some of my ideas on paper.

I didn’t know that was possible. Thank you :). That is very encouraging to hear in fact.
omg im happy but this is so nerve racking ;-; I didn't think I'd even get considered for an initial interview but I get so nervous for them ahhh
This classmate I have never met in person won’t stop asking me for help with their homework. I’m taking an online college statistics course and I reached out to a person seeking help a month ago to try and be nice and helpful. After all, maybe they could help me too. Wrong. At first, I tried asking them for help but to no avail, they either haven’t done the homework yet or have no idea how to do it. Now it’s been EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I wouldn’t mind if it’s maybe 1-2 problems every now and then but no. I have been getting maybe 15 photos of questions and long strings of text messages for these past few days. I even tried helping them how to apply the knowledge but they keep asking me for answers and they‘re not even trying. Now they’re going so far as to ask with how to do their quizzes. No thank you. I’ve been trying to sound vague with my availability but they end up double-texting and I can’t help but to oblige. They sound nice and they’re a bit older than me but the only thing that didn’t sit right with me was “My boyfriend is taking me out to dinner. Enjoy your Publix xx” (Publix is a grocery store chain where I live and I told the that I just came back from the store) It just kind of sounded stuck up to me. I’ve had it. I really hate confrontation but I don’t like being used like this.
Edit: I blocked them. Hopefully I won’t get any messages from the actual website since they can still contact me there...
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worrying about the future i guess
at least college debt isn't as much of a problem because i've got a very good scholarship but it's like
very worrying thinking about the future because i have no clue what's ahead but i've gotta face it and i've made it through what the me of the past worried about so there's no reason i can't handle what's ahead of me but
god i still want to be some kid or something just
messing around fishing every day going to the park for three four hours just to walk sitting out on the stoop at night and just thinking about nothing
i hope the future is as bright as i hope
My new Joy Con shells were supposed to arrive 3 days ago. Yesterday I got a mail, saying they are sorry, but there was a mistake and that instead of delivering it to me, they forgot about it (it was in the delivery car already).. and today it's back on "Arrived at distribution site".. I really want my new Joy Con shells and I'm worried it will get into a loop D;

Also, don't make me pay for 10-day shipping, if it takes obviously longer :mad:

EDIT: Oh, it just arrived 🤣
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lol even just texting my boss to let him know I want to use my company car to travel almost gave me an anxiety attack, like I got a headache and felt like I was going to throw up. I tried to explain to my mum earlier what I've been experiencing but she didn't seem to want to listen. She always says to ring her when I'm upset, but it's no use when she doesn't understand anxiety at all. My dad has panic disorder, but even then he doesn't understand either (nor does he listen). What's even the point of trying to reach out or not bottle things up when no one wants to hear it or understand? Hence why here is my only outlet, and even then it feels that I'm talking to a brick wall.
Good job Firefox removing like the most essential tool, view image info...wtf. Y'know knowing the actual size was nice and stuff.
I just woke up to give one of my cats her medicine and to go to the bathroom and, before I woke up, I was having a nightmare or bad dream and one of my late cats was in it; now I miss her more than I already was missing her. :( I’m going back to sleep now and hope I won’t dream or the dream isn’t scary. Also my cat was bad as usual when I gave her her medicine; I have a feeling I’ll find them on the floor later 🤢😓.