What's Bothering You?

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spiders can go die kthx.

also dear head stop hurting like randomly i didn't even do a thing to it wmh
Work. I am so over this place. There is no respect. I was promised a job working from home if I was accepted to a different university in a different state. Well, I was accepted... Was I offered the job? NO. Now I am scrambling to find something worth while in a new place and I am so disheartened and feeling unneeded. I am going to miss the people who had no part of that decision.
Hope I can raise that Chemistry grade up soon. We got homework that's worth quite a few points, so hope I get a good score on it.
Honestly i dont want to associate myself with you anymore, you always make me feel bad bc i dont fight back & you get extra mad when someone's an inconvenience but when you're the inconvenience, you shrug it off and play cool ajdkslal the only reason im not saying anything is bc i feel lile you'll make me regret it by doing smth bad
my allergies are so bad...... it literally feels like i have a cold.
we ran out on thursday so i didnt take any yesterday, and i was fine p much the whole day, but today i woke up feeling miserable, and still am. my dad ran out and got me more medicine and i took some just now and im just hoping it'll kick in soon, cuz i can hardly focus on anything or sit still when i feel like this
how can someone spend over 2 hours at one store. I'm actually dying waiting for my boyfriend and his mom to get here, but his mom likes to take actually 5 years in a store. I've been waiting since like 10am for them to get here, but she keeps wanting to go to different stores before coming here. also can my allergies not give me a headache everyday.
Well... next week is finals week and shortly after I'll receive my degree. Not really happy about it at all. No work experience or volunteer work to put on my resume. Even if I did land a job, what if I end up not liking the profession I chose? The real world is scary. I don't feel ready for it at all. I should have pursued my passion even if it meant having to go to a university out of state, which is the main reason I didn't. Wanted to be close to family. I've been having anxiety every day for the last couple of weeks. Why do I have to be afraid of everything... My anxiety has ruined life from doing so many things and video games being my one escape left me with little other hobbies. I feel like I've reached "Game Over" phase of my life with no continue option. I just don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore.
a gas tank exploded inside a house yesterday which made the ceiling to fall and that killed a man. rip.

also , the explotion was so loud that i could heard it from my house.
Feeling a little tired right now.

a gas tank exploded inside a house yesterday which made the ceiling to fall and that killed a man. rip.

also , the explotion was so loud that i could heard it from my house.

Man, that's scary. R.I.P the man. Glad you're alright, though.
my boyfriend is gonna get burnt to a crisp at this concert bc he didn't bring sunscreen like i told him to.
rip cutie 1993-2018. i will remember thee well.
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I took a hamburger to my room and misplaced it. Found it later near my bed and now it's no good. Made my room smell funky too :(
My grandma is so messy. Also, my family has a different standard of cleanliness than mine.

They just have unconventional beliefs. It's disgusting.
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