What's Bothering You?

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Why do people instantly recognize that I have B.B. cream on? This is the third time people ask me if I am wearing makeup. Idk if it’s because I only wear it once every three months so people who see me every week can see the difference when I do or if I’m doing something wrong ;;

They never ask me/notice when I wear eyeliner tho?? Which is every week
I have just one more problem to do on my physics homework and I have 0 motivation to do it.

Send help pls.
got denied on my healthcare renewal application, no more doctor for me i guess!!!
I don't have time during the week to do fun stuff. I get home from school, study for my SAT retake for a couple hours, eat dinner, do my homework, and have about three hours until I go to bed at 11:00 p.m, during which I browse this site/YouTube and play AC:pC. Who needs a social life anyway?
I don't have time during the week to do fun stuff. I get home from school, study for my SAT retake for a couple hours, eat dinner, do my homework, and have about three hours until I go to bed at 11:00 p.m, during which I browse this site/YouTube and play AC:pC. Who needs a social life anyway?

Same tbh

Except in college (and especially if you're doing a double-major in two totally different fields like I am) you multiply the workload by at least 15. And constantly have people telling you that you did something wrong, that you need to do this and do that, and that you should've known something when you weren't reminded or even really told about it.

Yeah my life sucks rn lol kill me
Oh god I feel those symptoms I had when my 4 months of Acute Bronchitis began again. Hopefully it's just bc of the Cold Weather. :(
Same tbh

Except in college (and especially if you're doing a double-major in two totally different fields like I am) you multiply the workload by at least 15. And constantly have people telling you that you did something wrong, that you need to do this and do that, and that you should've known something when you weren't reminded or even really told about it.

Yeah my life sucks rn lol kill me

Yeah I'm going to college next year. Thanks for that. ;-;
so many things have to be sent to the university i'm applying to transfer to & i know something's going to go wrong :( whether something gets lost or not sent on time or i don't get accepted or it's too expensive, something's going to happen

also how many villagers do i have left on HHD. Might give up my challenge soon smfh
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