What's Bothering You?

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This red wine tasting like goat piss, literally. I can usually drink a little if it's not too sour but this was blech.
Literally 3 weeks from today I will be moved into my college dorm... I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready to share a living-room-sized space with 3 girls I don't even know.

I hear from some people that college is an amazing experience, but then I hear from others that it's terrible and it's nothing to get hyped about. I don't know how to feel about it.

I'm also already anti-social and when I'm depressed it's even worse. I'm afraid to talk to anybody right now because when I don't feel like talking I can get nippy and I don't want to come across as rude to someone I don't even know.

I don't know I'm just really freaking out, which I shouldn't be cause the college I'm going to is only 21 miles away from my house. But these people at the college are telling me I need to stay away from home and not talk to my parents and I think that's bs cause who else am I gonna turn to if I'm upset? I don't know anybody at the university except my future professors.

Idk some people are making me feel like college won't be fun, and I feel like my antisocial personality is gonna make it even worse. I'm gonna be that kid who just wanders around campus all by herself and doesn't want any social interaction. I need to meet people who want me to step out of my comfort zone without literally trying to kill me.
Literally 3 weeks from today I will be moved into my college dorm... I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready to share a living-room-sized space with 3 girls I don't even know.

I hear from some people that college is an amazing experience, but then I hear from others that it's terrible and it's nothing to get hyped about. I don't know how to feel about it.

I'm also already anti-social and when I'm depressed it's even worse. I'm afraid to talk to anybody right now because when I don't feel like talking I can get nippy and I don't want to come across as rude to someone I don't even know.

I don't know I'm just really freaking out, which I shouldn't be cause the college I'm going to is only 21 miles away from my house. But these people at the college are telling me I need to stay away from home and not talk to my parents and I think that's bs cause who else am I gonna turn to if I'm upset? I don't know anybody at the university except my future professors.

Idk some people are making me feel like college won't be fun, and I feel like my antisocial personality is gonna make it even worse. I'm gonna be that kid who just wanders around campus all by herself and doesn't want any social interaction. I need to meet people who want me to step out of my comfort zone without literally trying to kill me.

wtf, why would they tell you to keep away from your parents? that doesn't even sound logical in the slightest? if whatever it is that you're doing in college is really worth the sacrifice, i say go for it. living with these people doesn't mean being buddy-buddy just keep to yourself and do what you do. try to not feel stressed over some stupid conditioning set by other people (like doing the typical college bs of getting wasted and being a bum) - you should be glad you're not like them and surely you'll meet people like you.
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This red wine tasting like goat piss, literally. I can usually drink a little if it's not too sour but this was blech.

I've never been huge on wines...however I'll drink' em anyway, because alcohol!
I've never been huge on wines...however I'll drink' em anyway, because alcohol!

They can be good with some meat dishes in moderate amounts but this was just yuck, guess it's the kind of red wine mom likes though sigh.
Yeah, I prefer ciders or beer, of if I need some stronger for medical use I'll just have a whiskey. I don't get the deal with all those "fine wines" lol
uhhh like everythingg? i ogt like 4 hours of sleep last night n im so short fused rn
The fact that my older bro has a personal hate for me for loving video games and being lazy. He verbally abuses me EVERY DAY AND I CANT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!
That I let my family's opinions affect me so much... I wish I could just ignore it sometimes...
Stayed up till 6 and my friends scared me about the creepy pasta the rake ._. I finally went to sleep gr.
Then the day before my friend wanted to play acnl on my 3DS and she made me reset my town so she could have her own name and everything.. and I got all my stuff but she was so impatient she didnt even let me cycle my villagers I wanted like Lucky, Ruby, Stitches, Frita, Pietro etc..
ok so I'm assuming he has work tmrw? but like I feel kinda bad for being relieved lol
I just hate being nervous so that's probably why :] oh well we have lots of time in the future anyways
Literally 3 weeks from today I will be moved into my college dorm... I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready to share a living-room-sized space with 3 girls I don't even know.

I hear from some people that college is an amazing experience, but then I hear from others that it's terrible and it's nothing to get hyped about. I don't know how to feel about it.

I'm also already anti-social and when I'm depressed it's even worse. I'm afraid to talk to anybody right now because when I don't feel like talking I can get nippy and I don't want to come across as rude to someone I don't even know.

I don't know I'm just really freaking out, which I shouldn't be cause the college I'm going to is only 21 miles away from my house. But these people at the college are telling me I need to stay away from home and not talk to my parents and I think that's bs cause who else am I gonna turn to if I'm upset? I don't know anybody at the university except my future professors.

Idk some people are making me feel like college won't be fun, and I feel like my antisocial personality is gonna make it even worse. I'm gonna be that kid who just wanders around campus all by herself and doesn't want any social interaction. I need to meet people who want me to step out of my comfort zone without literally trying to kill me.

Wow, sounds like trouble. I know how you feel, but I managed to go beyond my comfort zone. And yes, I am pretty shy in general, but college isn't so bad for me. I live in a small town, and my college is pretty close to home. I don't even live on campus.

I'm also used to traveling out of town and over 20 miles and back. My town doesn't have much stuff to do, and I've been more of a traveler than someone who likes staying home all day.
Wow, sounds like trouble. I know how you feel, but I managed to go beyond my comfort zone. And yes, I am pretty shy in general, but college isn't so bad for me. I live in a small town, and my college is pretty close to home. I don't even live on campus.

I'm also used to traveling out of town and over 20 miles and back. My town doesn't have much stuff to do, and I've been more of a traveler than someone who likes staying home all day.

Oh I like to travel. I actually don't like the city I live in th, I wish I lived in the city where my college is (it's actually where I was born).

See I'm not worried about my classes or anything, just the socializing part. I only spend about 15% of my day socializing, the rest is spent in the solitude of my mind. Who knows, maybe bring in college will help me be more social. Idk.
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