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What is your reason of being?

I am all ways curious to hear peoples arguments against a god, just as you are interested in discussions of a spiritual nature.
Not to derail the thread or anything but the "arguments against a god" actually mostly consist of a lack of good arguments for a god

:/ I felt that way for a very long time....I don't have a relationship with my parents at all...and I grew up with resentment towards them for bringing me into this world. Sometimes I think if people had choice to be born...would they? I think too much :/ thanks for answering.
I love my parents and I'm very close to them, I had a happy childhood and I think they did a good job raising me (despite that I was unplanned). I was just trying to say that's all the reason there is for me being here. And you can never think too much
I just want to help people - I also want to die saving another persons life. That's my goal in life to improve everyone else's
I believe life in general exsits out of conicidnce, a reaction which caused a reaction which caused another reaction which eventually led to life forms.

I don't really have a reason. I don't want to be famous, I don't want to do a really good deed, I just want to enjoy it. In a perfect world, I could do whatever I want with no responsibility. It's selfish, but at the end of the day we all fade into nothingness, no one is going to remember if I do a lot of great things, so why should I dedicate my one and only life to giving myself to everyone else?

I'm sorry if that sounded depressing or offened anyone, it's just my opinions. ^^'
Not to derail the thread or anything but the "arguments against a god" actually mostly consist of a lack of good arguments for a god

That's fair, but I still whole heartedly believe and jovially debate that there are far more arguments for a God than there are for a lack of one.
Reading other people's thoughts on this have made me realize that I don't have a reason to live. No feelings for people, objects, or the future.

I've also come to realize that my existence troubles more than it uplifts. Notable examples of those it displeases would be my parents. Poor mother and father just wanted a family, and this demon child makes itself known. Is death what I need? With these circumstances, I should want to die, but I don't feel it.

Now that I have reflected upon this, I have come to the conclusion that my reason for existing, the reason I was brought into this world, and why I continue to be: to punish humans for their past sins.

This is undeniable. I have definitely done this before. From the day I was born, to the enlightenment of my own existence. If my memory serves, everything shall be renewed in time, and, every single repeat, I believe the chain gradually crosses into something different. The world's trials will culminate, and everything shall be clear.

tl;dr reason of being is TO BE ANNOUNCED so sit tight
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I have to get back to replying to everyone. I've been really busy these last few days...
I've read everyone's posts and I think it's interesting to see everyone's different responses.

I'm not sure if I really want to open up as to why I asked these questions but for My whole life, I've been questioning everything and wondering if life is really worth living. I had no desire to live this long...and almost didn't make it past the age of 18. I can't really explain it but I've never really felt connected to this body. and this felt trapped in it. I've always been kind to people generally although I grew up with a hatred of humanity because of the way humans treat each other and over thousands of years to this present and yet this species still cannot co-exists. I don't particularly have a purpose. I don't feel any connection to this world. ...and I've really just pretended this whole time because if you say these thing to people they will be VERY QUICK TO judge you without knowing your story of your reasoning. for some people this world is a beautiful place for others it's just empty. This is also where I think about the power of the mind. Do you believe that you control they way that you think or does the way that you think control you? hahah A lot of confusing questions in my head that I'd like to hear people answers on. but I should get back to replying to everyone.
I have to get back to replying to everyone. I've been really busy these last few days...
I've read everyone's posts and I think it's interesting to see everyone's different responses.

I'm not sure if I really want to open up as to why I asked these questions but for My whole life, I've been questioning everything and wondering if life is really worth living. I had no desire to live this long...and almost didn't make it past the age of 18. I can't really explain it but I've never really felt connected to this body. and this felt trapped in it. I've always been kind to people generally although I grew up with a hatred of humanity because of the way humans treat each other and over thousands of years to this present and yet this species still cannot co-exists. I don't particularly have a purpose. I don't feel any connection to this world. ...and I've really just pretended this whole time because if you say these thing to people they will be VERY QUICK TO judge you without knowing your story of your reasoning. for some people this world is a beautiful place for others it's just empty. This is also where I think about the power of the mind. Do you believe that you control they way that you think or does the way that you think control you? hahah A lot of confusing questions in my head that I'd like to hear people answers on. but I should get back to replying to everyone.

I have a rather foul distaste for Humanity as a whole. I see nature above us, to be honest. Nature, animals, insects... they all coexist with each other and live happily. We tend to screw everything up. Lately though, I've been appreciating us more. Like, if Earth was to be in a huge war with other worlds, I would be DAMN proud to be a human and I wouldn't say otherwise.

I understand your feelings, however. I believe I was born in the wrong time. I strive for adventure and I can't find it here. I feel like I should have been born farther into the future, so I feel... disconnected with this time period. It confuses me. The system we live in bothers me to no end. Even our technology is highly awkward. Why aren't we more advanced? I don't know...

Just food for the brain.
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I have a rather foul distaste for Humanity as a whole. I see nature above us, to be honest. Nature, animals, insects... they all coexist with each other and live happily. We tend to screw everything up. Lately though, I've been appreciating us more. Like, if Earth was to be in a huge war with other worlds, I would be DAMN proud to be a human and I wouldn't say otherwise.

I understand your feelings, however. I believe I was born in the wrong time. I strive for adventure and I can't find it here. I feel like I should have been born farther into the future, so I feel... disconnected with this time period. It confuses me. The system we live in bothers me to no end. Even our technology is highly awkward. Why aren't we more advanced? I don't know...

Just food for the brain.

Your previous reply is one of the ones I really enjoyed reading. Putting all the negativity of this world aside, I have an affinity for nature,space and the stars. I only feel connected to the stars....I tell that to people...they don't really understand what I'm saying or they think I'm crazy...well it's okay because I am crazy. Many times...when I am overwhelmed with just everything...I just go to the beach. doesn't matter what kind of weather it is. I just like to sit there and listen to the wave and look at the vastness of the ocean something about it reminds me of space. The stars are very important to me....when everything in my life was falling apart, the stars were the only constant. I know it's weird and I really can not explain it but they're like my special friends that I like to join. It's like you can look up at the sky, the brightest stars are the ones that are visible to the eyes but like any little part you're looking at like trillions of stars. I should stop now or I'll end up writing an essay. >_<
Your previous reply is one of the ones I really enjoyed reading. Putting all the negativity of this world aside, I have an affinity for nature,space and the stars. I only feel connected to the stars....I tell that to people...they don't really understand what I'm saying or they think I'm crazy...well it's okay because I am crazy. Many times...when I am overwhelmed with just everything...I just go to the beach. doesn't matter what kind of weather it is. I just like to sit there and listen to the wave and look at the vastness of the ocean something about it reminds me of space. The stars are very important to me....when everything in my life was falling apart, the stars were the only constant. I know it's weird and I really can not explain it but they're like my special friends that I like to join. It's like you can look up at the sky, the brightest stars are the ones that are visible to the eyes but like any little part you're looking at like trillions of stars. I should stop now or I'll end up writing an essay. >_<

No no, I totally understand. Thank you very much for liking that long ass essay I wrote!

They say that there's a thin line between madness and genius. Sometimes the line is so blurry, people are both.

There's no explanation why I am so attached to the stars. The Unknown, the all-powerful forces that pushes and steers the universes across space. It's just so fascinating. I don't see stars as stars, though. I see them as life forms. Planets, life, essence of living. We are a star to the stars we look at. Although I can see why the beach might make one sentimental. The sea is just as mysterious to us. Think of the unknown living beneath our feet.
Some days I marvel at everything, some days I hate everything, and most days I just coexist alongside it all. If I had a choice, I don't think I would've picked to live. I will leave absolutely nothing significant behind, and I'll make no impact great enough for anyone to care about. That's life to me. It's not worth it.
Some days I marvel at everything, some days I hate everything, and most days I just coexist alongside it all. If I had a choice, I don't think I would've picked to live. I will leave absolutely nothing significant behind, and I'll make no impact great enough for anyone to care about. That's life to me. It's not worth it.

Same here. :( I feel like if I was shown what my life was going to be like and all the troubles and dilemmas I'd face beforehand, then I'd choose not to live. Whilst this world is extraordinary and magnificent, I'm so insignificant. I'm not going to add to the greatness of this world. I'm just going to live a normal/sad life and do some kinda cool things and then die. I don't know. Some people deserve to live for sure, but for me, living isn't worth it.

Although whilst I'm alive, I might as well try and make the most of it. I'm really not going to leave much of an impact, because I'm just one person in a world of seven billion and counting. There's so many other people out there better than me and I'm just... So... Ordinary. I suppose I'll try living a content life whilst I have to live, but not many people have really made me want to stay alive. I would love to be able to visit certain places and to be able to experience certain things and to be able to fulfill some of my dreams, because at least then I could die happily and peacefully.
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Same here. :( I feel like if I was shown what my life was going to be like and all the troubles and dilemmas I'd face beforehand, then I'd choose not to live. Whilst this world is extraordinary and magnificent, I'm so insignificant. I'm not going to add to the greatness of this world. I'm just going to live a normal/sad life and do some kinda cool things and then die. I don't know. Some people deserve to live for sure, but for me, living isn't worth it.

Although whilst I'm alive, I might as well try and make the most of it. I'm really not going to leave much of an impact, because I'm just one person in a world of seven billion and counting. There's so many other people out there better than me and I'm just... So... Ordinary. I suppose I'll try living a content life whilst I have to live, but not many people have really made me want to stay alive. I would love to be able to visit certain places and to be able to experience certain things and to be able to fulfill some of my dreams, because at least then I could die happily and peacefully.

I'm glad you at least have hopes for the future and want to have a sense of fulfillment and peace. For some, it takes so long to get to those feelings, and sometimes it never comes. Hope can be such an important thing to hold onto.

I don't think it'll ever come for me though. I don't think it's worth the effort of living another twenty, thirty years. Sometimes I just wish it'd end in my sleep, or someone might hit the car I'm in, and then it'd be over.
My reason of existence is that I will change the World! No, seriously, in some way I will. Remember my name!