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what is your opinion on Disney lately?


call me Bug 🇨🇦💜🐛
Oct 30, 2011
Spring Sakura
Aurora Easter Egg
Snow Bunny
Dreamy Easter Egg
Spring Sakura
Sweet Feather
Glam Feather
Heart Glow Wand
Pink Feather
Purple Feather
I love their older movies, and even some recent ones like Encanto are amazing. but after hearing the announcement that Disney is making a live action version of Moana, as well as the cancelation of The Owl House (for the dumbest reason ever), I'm really starting to lose respect for them. I was already starting to feel that way with all the stupid soulless remakes they've been spewing out for years, but I have to draw the line at a 100% unnecessary live action remake for a movie that's not even 10 years old.

I honestly keep telling myself this is just an April Fools joke but I don't even know anymore. Disney really seems to be losing all the magic that made their older movies so great, they appear to just want money at this point without working for it at all and it's pretty pathetic.

edit: almost forgot to mention, but as I'm watching a video discussing the Moana remake, someone commented and said "I can't wait for the Encanto live action remake next year!!" and honestly that's sad but also hilarious 😅
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I can't say I've ever been a Disney kind of person, I'm not a big fan of their movies. However, lots of live adaptions lately which I can't say Disney has done really well with in the past :/

I like Pixar movies tho

Edit: I meant DreamWorks, not Pixar. I don't know why I confuse the two names lol
I feel the same way, honestly. Their older movies were so good, and some of the newer ones were as well (like Encanto which you mentioned) but it's obvious they're running out of ideas. (Source: Strange World and Lightyear) Pixar's losing its charm as well, but that is a whole nother topic. I also hate their remake trend with a passion. The only remakes I enjoyed were Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast.

And don't get me started on their treatment of Disney TVA, specifically what they did to Amphibia and The Owl House. To me it seems like they decided after 2020 they hated story-driven cartoons for no reason. Canceling The Owl House and budget-cutting Amphibia s3 was uncalled for, especially since they're both god-tier shows. I applaud the TOH crew for what they've accomplished with season 3, especially with all of the challenges the execs are making them go through. It sucks that a company that has been known for good animation and overall good content is declining like this.
Honestly, even in its earliest days, Disney as a company has always been nakedly money-hungry to the detriment of its creativity. So while I do like a number of their characters and properties, I have never really respected them as a company. The situation with The Owl House is unfortunate, but it's exactly the kind of thing I'd expect from Disney. In other words, these decisions shouldn't lower your opinion of Disney, because your opinion of the company should already be at rock bottom.

I've already expressed in another thread my disdain for live action Disney remakes, so I won't prattle on about it here. The Moana announcement didn't come as a shock to me, but I do wish they would at least finish one movie before diving headfirst to defile our society with another one.
I can’t say I’ve ever been a Disney fan. I’m not a fan of movies in general. I never even go out to the theaters except for a select few that sound interesting to me.

The Owl House is a top notch show, but that’s all the interest I’ve ever had in Disney. Funny this thread pops up since I am actually going to Disney World for the first time in September. I’m more excited for the experience since Disney isn’t my thing. It’s just another place I can say, “Hey, I’ve been there.” Still, I’m very much looking forward to it and visiting all the parks.
Seems too soon for a live-action Moana??? I haven't even seen Moana yet lmao. Are they making a live-action Frozen too? (That said, I am interested in seeing the live-action Ariel)

I've never been a big Disney person; I prefer Pixar but even that isn't as good as it used to be.
Oh my god I hate Disney and I can’t lie. This will be another certified grumpy ramble from me.

Let me say first, while I watched some of their animated canon as a kid including the Renaissance films I was always more into other things. I do NOT really hold heavy Disney nostalgia. It just doesn’t work on me. There isn’t a special “Disney magic” for me because tbh I think they’ve always had more misses than hits with quality. They have a few great films in there and I just seperate them from the stupid brand because I hate Disney yada yada.
If anything I fell for Nintendo ”magic” but my point is simply that I don’t have some deep nostalgia for Disney, I just can’t relate to that and I’ve been annoyed with them for YEARS now. Increasingly so over the last decade. People getting sick of their brands is kinda vindicating, though it is sad that Disney continue running them into the ground.

So aside from the movies themselves- even as a kid, the company struck me as kinda cold and scummy. I noticed how there was so much Disney stuff I simply couldn’t afford, stuff we would have had to rebuy, all the toys branded with the Disney logo, some of their really boring mascots like Mickey and Donald who just felt homogenous and like they had zero personality or edge, The Disney Channel, DisneyWorld existing, etc. and yes I was a kid and didn’t grasp it but I could realise it was different from other companies. Like even when you have other toy brands, this isn’t great either, but at least a ton of those like Bratz had a clear goal/identity/audience (generic as a lot of it was) instead of total grey mush. Looney Tunes have ALWAYS been cooler than Disney’s shorts and I don’t understand why this is even a debate.
I guess it’s more “how other companies present themselves”, realistically, but Disney basically helped commodify nostalgia and make that their entire brand so much more and in a way so much more widely accepted than so many companies. Every brand wants a property people are deeply nostalgic for so this isn’t a uniquely Disney thing, but as far as I’m concerned, they’re one of the worst about it. The situation is complex actually because modern habits and platforms contributed too, but I think with large-budget movies spiralling further into remakes, nostalgia etc. Disney helped HEAVILY with the push. They definitely did with franchising given their Marvel universe dealio, you guys remember how much it sucked when every single movie tried to set up a universe? Remember Dark Universe? I think most attempts aren’t that blatant anymore but that there’s still been a shift toward trying to make more and more spinoffs, reboots, prequels, etc. and that they come faster. LoTR and GoT have spinoff shows now, and Harry Potter is getting a show, and then compare that to the decades these reboots/spinoffs often took in the past. Like I’m not saying you didn’t get really fast cheap reboots but it was nothing like it is now, damn Disney are good at selling but damn do I hate where they lead the industry.

Disney BRANDING is everywhere and has increased tons even since I was a kid- every merch stand is half-filled by cheap Disney-branded schlock like Funko Pops and for a while there the Tsum-Tsums. At least back in the day it was contained to specific shelves. They take up space in the streaming market with Disney+ and some of the gall they’ve had with that platform. Earlier you had the Vault strategy. Etc. Now these are very good for business for them but these things have such a PRESENCE since so many people love or say they love Disney and it’s everywhere and with them in particular this gets so hard to ignore. As an aside with the streaming age monoculture / pop culture has steadily faded away, and some of the only remaining rungs are stuff like the Marvel movies which Disney owns, so Disney still gets bought up a lot in searching for common topics and I’m sick of it.

That they can just BUY so many entertainment properties is depressing too. What made me actively dislike them was a combination of that and that the Marvel franchising was annoying. They take the charm/wonder out of brands they buy in general by over-saturating them and making them lean more on nostalgia/repeats (this even happened to Pixar :( I know Pixar wasn’t perfect anyway but there’s a clear divide- Coco was good though, Soul and Turning Red had bits I liked). Simpsons has been in the dumps for decades but there’s something extra-depressing when you see Homer in a Mickey hat to celebrate that acquisition as if we should celebrate monopoly. Disney’s newer 3D films have been EXTREMELY hit or miss with more misses as time goes on (There’s a bigger gap between Moana and Encanto than Tangled and Wreck-It Ralph for example). Maybe this is a very biased view and there’s stuff they haven’t touched that I don’t realise but yeah even aside from acquiring other studios you have the live action remakes.

They’re also responsible for the current state of copyright law which is arguably one of the most disastrous things to have ever happened for creative pursuits, careers, etc.- certainly in the modern age. So yeah. Screw Disney.

I like a tiny selection of their films, but with their aggressive branding, purchasing power, terrible creative decisions, gross PR, and general stifling of creativity I’m honestly more driven to actively avoid their products. Really though I don’t have to do that anyway because other than the occasional animated movie none of it appeals to me anyway. Sorry for the whole rant. You have no idea how tired I have been of this company for sooo long now. Tbh I think it started around the time of Frozen which I thought was kinda crappy but nobody would shut up about it. Then Marvel discourse became more annoying / toxic and I very quickly became sick of that brand as well and the new Star Wars trilogy happened around the same time (never been into Star Wars but just saying that debate was also toxic).
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I want to see Disney burn into the ground. They are the epitome of the greedy, soulless corporate. As a kid I watched their films from their "Golden Age" and was entertained by them. However, as I got older I began realizing what Disney actually was: a company of greedy repurposers. They don't have any original ideas of their own. They take stories like Cinderella and Peter Pan and brand them in their own name as "Disney". Even the more recent films like Frozen and Lilo & Stitch are based are stories and books. There is nothing "magical" about them. They are IP farmers that put their name on everything and call it "magic". I was also a Star Wars fan in my past and what they did to that IP can never be repaired. They got rid of the Expanded Universe, a huge collection of stories from books and novels and threw them all away for a universe revolving around Tatooine (don't believe me watch Mando). The sequel triology was honestly the last straw so to speak. The way that they portrayed Luke, a symbol of hope for the galaxy and made him into a coward chugging blue alien milk was revolting to watch. They didn't even put Han, Luke and Leia in one scene together and they never will (unless with bad CGI). Don't get me started on Marvel either. There is nothing good about Disney for me and the more nails into the coffin in this company the better.
I liked Disney movies back when I was a kid but basically as soon as they went 3D, I didn't like the character designs anymore (they all look the samey to me). I just stopped watching them at this point and while I'm aware there are good new Disney movies, I just don't really care lol.
i’ve honestly never had much of an opinion on disney. the older disney movies (esp the princess ones) were a huge part of my childhood, and i still love them to this day. that being said, i agree that the remakes and live-action adaptations are getting old. i enjoyed the live-action beauty and the beast and maleficent, and i’ll watch the little mermaid when it comes out, but the others haven’t been that great imo. i still don’t get why they thought we wanted or needed a live-action the lion king lol. i didn’t know moana was getting made into live-action, but i’m not surprised. i wouldn’t put it past disney to have plans to turn all of their most popular movies into live-action at some point — i’m just waiting for the day they announce live-action frozen, tangled, toy story etc. i’m surprised they haven’t already.

i think my biggest gripe with them is the fact they keep dragging out their franchises — sure, it could be because they’re beloved and they want to make their fans happy and help them relive childhood memories or something, but it’s very likely because they’re popular and they know they can make money off of them, even if they suck. i love the frozen movies, but is a third one really necessary? and toy story 5 is just insane. i wish they would come out with something new that’s good, instead of them focusing on live-action and movie franchises that honestly should’ve ended a movie or 2 ago.
*Semi Strange World spoilers below*

Im actually really proud of how far they've come, and how far they've branched out

In Strange World, they had one of the semi main characters interested in boys. They also handled it really well with how its introduced,

No big shock, or big deal about it, no big ordeal from the other characters. literally just treated it like it was just a normal feeling and interest. Which is huge. Because in my opinion thats pretty much how all homosexual feelings should be handled in movies, because it is just a normal feeling. They handled it almost perfectly for me.

Plus they showed the two of them together at the end, which was super cute.

I do think they need to chill on the Marvel and Starwars movies though. There's always new ones coming out, and if your trying to keep up it gets kinda exausting.

Not huge on the live action movies. Moana may just get lost because its like if they made a live action Frozen or Coco, the magic, and visuals would be completely lost. Or at least hard to do. Because in my opinion, the visuals was what made Moana shine the most. So trying to recreate that would be just as hard as making live actions of their other movies that thrived on the visuals and magic. I feel like sticking to orginal stories would be better for them, and please no more cgi animal movies.

But, making a movie with a gay character who was semi main, and not just a side character, could be a huge sign that they're gonna branch out more. Strange World was also a really cool movie, and really unique. So if they keep doing movies like Strange world, where its original and branched out, some really cool stuff could happen in the future.

So I have high hopes for their future animated movies.
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I haven't watched any of the more recent Disney movies. I love traditional animation in general, so their switch to 3D has lessened my interest considerably. I'll watch them if I catch them on television, but otherwise, most of the time I don't bother.

Although I love that they're branching out on the diversity recently, it seems like the movie quality for some of them has somehow dipped, at least when I read what others say about the films. A sort of, "one step forward, two steps back", maybe? The movies still look beautiful visually, but in this day and age, loads of movie makers can make visually stunning movies in 3D, so it's not really much of a draw for me. Then, as some have already pointed out, the constant stream of media for certain franchises like Marvel, Star Wars and the princesses (but only the ones from successful movies - Princess Eilonwy? Nope, Disney's never heard of her) is just so exhausting.

The Owl House getting cancelled (sadly) doesn't surprise me. The only show I can think of that lasted for over four seasons was Sofia the First which had a princess lead and I believe incorporated other Disney princesses into the show for maximum marketing opportunities. Not to say there aren't any others that lasted that long, but to my understanding, Disney cancel a lot of story-driven shows too early.
They have been going downhill recently. Releasing too many live action remakes of their famous Disney movies. I'm mostly refferring to the classics from the 2D Animation era. Its just becoming so much of a cash grab. They are out of ideas and they are just relying on Nostalgia because they know people would want to watch because they seen it before.

Also just recently they are making Pixar Sequels and it just makes you wonder "Who asked for this?" They just announced that Frozen 3 and Toy Story 5 are already in production. I mean just why? Again it goes back to my original point that all of this is just for cash grabs. Who knows when they might make live action remakes of Pixar Movies that again no one asked for.

The Disney I know is dead and they are just milking this live action craze.
I used to enjoy Disney but not so much anymore. Feels like they've stopped making good movies recently. Honestly maybe we will have a dreamworks or illumination renaissance, but I'm sad to see one of my favorite studios go down the drain
I enjoyed a lot of the Disney films as a kid. I think my favourites were probably The Lion King and Pocahontas at the time. I also adored Winnie the Pooh, and I think several films were released by Disney. Up (Disney Pixar) is my current favourite animated film, and really the only Disney film I’d rewatch.

I think Disney has had a few good animated films recently. I thought Luca, Onward and Turning Red were all pretty good (all Disney Pixar). I reluctantly watched the Pinocchio live action film because someone else wanted to watch it, and I also watched Christopher Robin. I don’t have much of an opinion on them, and I’m not really interested in any more live-action remakes of Disney films. 😊
I don't care about Marvel or Star Wars in general.

I don't care for the remakes.

What I do like is them just smacking DeSantis around.
What I do like is them just smacking DeSantis around.
lol this has been some great content

At this point, they should just make 2 lines of movies each release. Live action and animated. 😵‍💫

Personally, I hate most live action remakes they've released but understand they want an updated version for the new generation (plus renewing their IPs).

I was a big fan of Marvel but most of their content have been pretty meh/bad recently.

Star Wars is kinda in the same boat as Marvel. Most of their new content is pretty bad.

With Pixar I feel its the same, pretty meh and weak.

Games wise...almost non existent.

I still visit the parks at least once a year, so I'm still a bit of a Disney fanboy anyways.
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I'm not a huge Disney fanatic myself, and I primarily use Dinsey/Disney+ for Star Wars. Since Disney bought Star Wars, their movies have been lacking and not very interesting, but I'll give it to them that their Star Wars shows have been fantastic. The only Star Wars movie that I really liked that Disney has made has been Rogue One.
Never was a big Disney fan, although like many I enjoyed their older moves much more than anything new. Even then I mainly grew up watching what Pixar was involved in so anything just Disney especially doesn’t peak my interest. Interested to see how they continue as a brand in the future, but they likely will never have any of my attention
I'm honestly not sure what to say about Disney lately. The live action movies have been nothing short of a cash grab and lessens creativity that could have been spent on unique movies.