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What is the scariest K.K Song?

I don't really think any of the other songs are quite as scary as the two you mentioned. Hypno K.K, well it's kind of overrated and it's more mysterious than scary, so *shrugs*

On the other hand, K.K Dirge is definitely...creepy.
I've seen a few people with horror-themed towns use Pondering in their homes. I wouldn't consider it to be creepy, but it is different from the other songs in its own way.
I don't know why, but I've always found "I Love You" to be a creeper. Maybe it's because my friend was chasing me, and I hid in a home that played this song. The sound combined with the suspense really gave me goosebumps. On top of that, any music box version is creepy to me..
Yeah, Hypno is pretty unsettling.

I have Etude on a music box and it's actually really creepy, especially in a bright, empty, quiet room.
K.K. Sonata sounds a bit creepy, but beautiful. Steep Hill sounds extremely sad on a music box, like a death of someone dear to you. Could be creepy if there was a town based on someone who died and lived a very sad life. Happens even today to many. Hypno sounds wondrous played in a music box. The song backwards sounds less creepy. Have a listen to Comrade K.K. on a music box xD :blush: There's also a Samurai themed song that is creepy. Though I didn't get the chance to get the name of it, as it was far from my reach due to furniture blocking it's path as I was visiting in a random dream address. K.K. Dirge as already said above, is seldom creepy, though if it were to play as the house was abandoned...
Thanks for your opinions guys! I'd love to read more, and also the ones based of classical terms such as etude and sonata are really nice, and sonata reminds me a bit of Chopin. I'm getting to classical...

And people think that Hypno K.K. is scarier?


I gotta agree with this. :p

Though regarding the space thing because of Marshal - I'm not sure I understand what's scary about it...? Unless you find Marshal himself scary, or his interior. I must be missing something.
K.K. Dirge for sure as well as K.K. Synth. I think it's funny that the live version of Synth is pretty poppy while the bootleg version is super creepy sounding.