What is something you don't own that many people have?

Hmm... I don't own a Nintendo Switch, I haven't travelled around the entire world and I don't have a nice car
Social media accounts on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr and so on. I'm not interested on having them though.
Currently my own place. My husband, son & I had to move back into my moms because our last place really started screwing us over, but we're saving up & should hopefully be back in our own place soon. Oh & friends, cause what are friends? :p
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Speaking about people 25 years old and older, I don't have my own place.
Still live with my parents...which is rare I feel in my age. All my friends have their own place or at least moved out from their parents place.
My car or licence. I want both, but I'm too scared of failing my theory test for my licence.
A Nintendo Switch, which I don't need to have but I want it anyway. Also, any kind of pet. I might be getting two dogs during the summer, though!
Cell phone
Driver licence

I don't need the phone but the driver licence would be useful.
a choker, makeup, an instagram, tattoos, an iphone 7, an item of embroidered clothing, adidas superstars etc. the list goes on tbh
kind of random but it just occurred to me i might be the only one at my school without a jansport backpack or even a backpack at all :confused: i have a satchel
A cell phone, we have a home phone ofc but I've never had a phone of my own. Meanwhile I see kids half my age with phones of their own and I feel embarrassed... :U