Thoughts on time travel?


Senior Member
Nov 9, 2017
Silver Mailbox
I personally did it twice but i somewhat regret it. Now I have 9 villagers and get K.K. tomorrow. I'm not doing it again. But what do you guys think about it?
I did it fairly often in New Leaf when I was further along in the game.

I'm not doing it in New Horizons because I want to experience the day-by-day, though I feel like I'm one of the few people that doesn't do it and I feel so much further behind everyone else and it kind of feels bad. Everyone has fully built towns and I'm just now getting Able's built and I still only have 5 villagers.

But on the other hand, once my town is 'finished' it'll feel like the game is over so I'm trying to be patient and hold off so I don't run out of things to do. So while I feel left in the dust, I'm also glad the game won't feel 'over' quite as soon.

I have nothing against TT, I just don't want to do it until I finish my town naturally.
I believe people who buy the game should be able to play however they want. If you like to play the game day by day as intended, that's awesome. If you're bored and time travel or are trying to do something with it, more power to you.
I don’t TT and I love it to play like that since the GC version. Sooner or later I will have everything and the days in total of having everything will be more than having not all unlockables. So no need to rush
I'm not time travelling until I'm far enough along that I'm just decorating.

I want to experience the game day by day for now :)
I did it before I reset and I found that I lost excitement and got burnt out really fast. I’m trying not to TT anymore in my new game but I don’t have anything against it. I think everybody should be able to play how they want to, there are no rules in this game c:
I think it depends on how motivated someone is by instant gratification. I time traveled once to move the 3rd villager in, but that's it. It can be tough to wait in real-time, but to me it feels like I get more of that dopamine rush when the shop FINALLY OPENS!!! Or when you FINALLY PAY OFF THAT BRIDGE!!!! Of course it makes me feel bad when I see fully-developed towns... but then again, I'll have that someday, too!

But that's not some people's style and that's totally fine! :)
it all depends on how u wanna play! for me, i usually do tt in ac games but i'm gonna hold off until i finish the 'main story' of the game (unlocking terraforming) since the rest will b tting to kick out villagers and decorating!
While it's okay for people to play the game as they want, I don't plan on time traveling myself. I did it often in New Leaf, and it really hurt my experience in the end. I can play normally and still enjoy the game, in fact, probably even more than I would if time-traveling.
im so sick of this debate im srry but who cares, if u wanna tt go ahead, if u dont wanna tt then don't
Spooky Dont worry about it I’m at the same point and also haven’t tt. We will catch up and it won’t be confusing in the long run and we’ll have accurate dates on our nook miles x
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It's not the way the game is meant to play, but time travelers know that. I resetted and time traveled a lot in New Leaf and it just wasn't very fun in my opinion. I limited myself to the beginning, because I want to enjoy the game and the challenges that come with it. One of my beach rocks look stupid, but for others it would be a rare design they'd like to have. I don't stress over it, I'll get used to it and then it'd be weird to play the game without a stupid beach rock.

The biggest regret I had with New Leaf was not sticking with my original town. I could obsess over every little detail and make a technically perfect island, but to me that stops being fun once you're done with it. I rather focus on the villagers and enjoy the fact that I can change most things. But too bad you can't play a second copy anymore, because I do like creating the technical perfect island. Would love to see an Island Designer spinoff one day. :blush:
I'm not doing it in New Horizons because I want to experience the day-by-day, though I feel like I'm one of the few people that doesn't do it and I feel so much further behind everyone else and it kind of feels bad. E

I'm there with you, so worry not.
im so sick of this debate im srry but who cares, if u wanna tt go ahead, if u dont wanna tt then don't

100% this, there's no true way to enjoy the game. i love it and get a lot of enjoyment out of it in any animal crossing game. some ppl say it ruins it for them. u gotta figure it out on ur own
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I don't care if people tt.

Even though i also tt, I do it minimally so I'm only like 5 days ahead of real time. But I also feel so behind compared to people who TT but like. I learn to ignore it y'know??? If you don't like something, ignore it

The only thing I don't like is people who dupe items. If it's just for themselves, sure. But if they have the intention to trade with others, it ruins the economy for everyone else trading
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i’m not against it at all - people should be allowed to play the way they want to play. i’m super tempted to time travel myself but i’m trying to stay strong lol
Idc if people tt. Some people say that it takes the fun out of the game, but if there's nothing left to do for the day, and you want to tt to the next day to have more to do, I would say that's the opposite of taking the fun out of the game, as there's more for you to do. I definitely time traveled occasionally in new leaf *coughs* golden shovel *cough* I haven't tt in New Horizons, and I don't have any current plans for tt, but if i wanted to, I would :)
I have a few times but I really hate doing it, I accidentally messed up the dates on my Nook Miles thing by going back in time to the proper date and now it feels bad but eh, I don't feel like starting over to fix it, and I won't look at it much anyway

I did it fairly often in New Leaf when I was further along in the game.

I'm not doing it in New Horizons because I want to experience the day-by-day, though I feel like I'm one of the few people that doesn't do it and I feel so much further behind everyone else and it kind of feels bad. Everyone has fully built towns and I'm just now getting Able's built and I still only have 5 villagers.

But on the other hand, once my town is 'finished' it'll feel like the game is over so I'm trying to be patient and hold off so I don't run out of things to do. So while I feel left in the dust, I'm also glad the game won't feel 'over' quite as soon.

I have nothing against TT, I just don't want to do it until I finish my town naturally.

I actually felt like I ran out of things to do before my island was ever fully developed, I was just running around catching bugs and fish which I can also do now that my island is complete (as far as I know). I just wanted to get to the part where I could design it before I had to spend a lot of time on school again. But it feels the same either way, done or not, I'm doing the same things. The most time I spent on it was when I unlocked terraforming and wanted to change my island a bit. I didn't even do that a whole lot because I was mostly happy with what I had. This is just me though. I just wanted to share my perspective because I wasn't sure if you were hoping for a whole lot to do later on.
I don't have any issue with TT-ing, but I agree with Spooky; seeing all these towns near-completion is a little bit intimidating. I was shocked to see near-perfect towns on twitter by day 2 of the launch. I think TT'ing can also get a bit excessive, but if playing that way makes you happiest, don't let anyone stop you. I prefer to play it naturally, but I'll also jump ahead or jump back a few days if I want to move in a villager.

A lot of people don't have the time to play animal crossing normally. The play-as-the-day-goes-by model doesn't work for a lot of people who have jobs or are in school. For people to get so mad over time traveling seems ridiculous to me.