This can't be happening...

It's a game, it's not your life. It's a terrible loss but you'll get through it :)

True, but as a long-time gamer, I will say that losing hours of work due to a game over is bad enough. But to lose many, many hours of a game due to a save corruption is worse. Those are hours of your life and of the game that you are never, ever getting back. In a game like NL, where there's DLC and region exclusive holiday items that can be difficult to get again, it can be incredibly frustrating. I can completely understand where the original poster is coming from.

Original poster - I know you've had lots of offers to help you. I can do so too. My life is getting less hectic and I was going to start up my DLC service again in another week or two, but I'm happy to help you sooner if you'd like. If you want any of the already released DLC for any region that is catalog re-orderable, I can give it to you for no charge.
I know how hard it can be to lose all that hard work, I know I would be devastated if that happened to me, but perhaps maybe you can start over and possibly create a better town =]
so sorry to hear that! i am really freaked out now, i have a digital copy and i heard they can be more prone to corrupted saves.

i am literally paranoid everytime i enter the save screen. seriously nintendo, offer some patches or something!
True, but as a long-time gamer, I will say that losing hours of work due to a game over is bad enough. But to lose many, many hours of a game due to a save corruption is worse. Those are hours of your life and of the game that you are never, ever getting back. In a game like NL, where there's DLC and region exclusive holiday items that can be difficult to get again, it can be incredibly frustrating. I can completely understand where the original poster is coming from.

Original poster - I know you've had lots of offers to help you. I can do so too. My life is getting less hectic and I was going to start up my DLC service again in another week or two, but I'm happy to help you sooner if you'd like. If you want any of the already released DLC for any region that is catalog re-orderable, I can give it to you for no charge.

I'm also saying this as a long time gamer. I've had hacked accounts and corrupted data left right and center. I know how devastating it is. But sometimes you have to take a step back and think 'This is only a game. It's a lot of wasted time, but it's not my life and there's nothing I can do now'
This is really starting to scare me. I feel that Nintendo are forgoing the standard software QA that they did in the past. It's that, or that they don't trust their users when it comes to cheating with gamesaves, so they thought it would be better to prevent it in the first place. That doesn't make any sense to me, and I feel that Nintendo are being negligent in this matter.

At least in the UK, if a product does not allow you to take adequate steps to protect yourself, like say...a table saw with no guard by default, then that product is not fit for purpose. I would encourage anyone to let Nintendo hear your voice on this matter. Remember what Nintendo says about their responsibility: "to put smiles on the faces of everyone we touch." We need to hold them to that.

Tsuna, if you need any help or items, please let me know, and I can arrange something for ya.
He's moving in purely by Chance~~!! ; u ;
YAY Tsuna!!! It's like your game is trying to make it up to you =') I'm so happy that you're getting him back!!
Don't worry about it!
There's far more problems in the world!
If you want Shep- When he given me his pic I'll let you know!
I'm more or less over my corrupt save now.
I understand I may have over reacted, I just spent so much time playing AC and getting my dream villagers.

At least this time around, I like my town map better, and I at least have Marshal and Fang back plus my Bam (whom i'm trading for beau~!)

@Moonbunny- It does seem like that doesn't it? xD
Either that or I'm just extremely lucky~! * u *
Don't worry you are not over-reacting! I've had quite a few corrupt save files on my games(but luckily never AC) and each one really cringes with your heart- it happened on Kingdom Heart: Chain of Memories-spent nearly all my day on it for about 6 months then it deleted as the file had corrupted. I never have played it again since I didn't want to think about thebours I had played it :L

But well done for restarting- If you need anything, let me know :)
That sucks :(
Do you need any fruit? I have all the native fruits, and some of the island ones.
Wait a sec.. Just by going to home menu? Did you mean closing the game without saving, like you press X while in home menu to close the game?

If it's not the case, i guess i'll just have to save & exit every time before checking my friend list. o_O
I should have been clearer in my initial post. I returned to the home menu and closed (not resumed) the game without saving. When I went back into the game immediately after I stopped and it, It said my save was corrupt. I hope that clears it up!
Not just from home going to the home menu, Going to the home menu and closing the game.
Oh no :( Sorry that happened to you. But I see that you have some really good villagers, especially Marshall :eek:
Oh my god. I always do that whenever a villager I don't like decides to move but then all of a sudden decides to stay.. oh nooo. Eep, I hope mine never does that.. I feel so bad for you! I couldn't imagine what I'd do if I ever lost all of my data.. I'd take it so terribly.
@missbunnehful- I did that frequently too, I wonder what I did differently that time. :/ I wish you luck! Hopefully it doesn't happen to you (Or anyone else!!).

On another note, I must be super freaking lucky. ; u ; My game decided to give me MARINA back.
This feels too good to be coincidence! First Marshal and now Marina!?

Look, They moved in beside each other! :'D

They are never leaving my town <3 ; u ;

Truth be told,I actually removed Marina from my current dream list because I felt like it would be near impossible to get her again. (I got my first Marina from ChaosKitten in her giveaway thread a long while ago. Before her popular villager raffles,when it was first come first served. I felt so lucky that day~)

And earlier today, I was shown so much kindness from User Pidjiken~ I can't thank you enough <3 You're awesome! ; u ;

I think I'll make a blog or something for this new town. :'D